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Words are the key to language. And if yo...

    Words are the key to language. And if you want to improve your ability to speak, listen and write in English, you have to learn lots of words. Here are some ideas to help you.

1. Recording words

Important words

Some words are more important than other words. For example, the high frequency word(高频词) “rain” is very common and can be found in a number of important expressions. For example, rainbow, raincoat, rainforest, rainy, pour with rain.. Where possible, pay special attention to the high frequency words and all their associated(有关联的)forms.


When you want to record a new word or expression, remember to write it out in an example sentence. This will give you useful information about the way the word or term is used, and the other words often associated with it. For example, aRain-It's been pouring with rain. bRaincoat— I put on my raincoat.

2. Learning words

Some words are easy to learn. For example, the English word “sofa” is similar in Chinesesha fa. Other words are more difficult, but these ideas might help you.

Word sounds

Use the power of the similar sounds between words. For example, imagine you wanted to learn the word “whale”. Simply think of a word that sounds like "whale" in English or in your own language. Then, make a sentence with this word. For example, “The whale has a long tail.”

Funny sentences

Use the power of humour! Simply make a funny sentence with the word. This will help you remember the word more easily. For example, "William the whale was using his tail to sail the boat.”


If you're really having problems learning your word, draw a picture of your funny sentence. This will really help you remember it. And the funnier the picture is, the better!


Finally, repeat the sentence many times to get it engraved(铭记)in your heart. Repetition is a fantastic way of memorizing things.

Try these methods and find your own ways to learn words and expressions.

  to learn words


You need to learn lots of words if you want to improve your English because they are the     to language.


To     words

•Pay attention to the     frequency words and their associated forms.

•Write a new word out in an     sentence.

To learn words

•Use the power of the similar     between words.

•Try to make a     sentence with the word.

    pictures to help you remember the wotds.

•Repeat the sentence many times     you rember it.


Find you     ways to learn words and expressions.















1.Ways/How 2.key 3.record 4.high 5.example 6.sounds 7.funny 8.Draw 9.until 10.own 【解析】 词汇是语言的关键,如果你想提高英语的听、说、写的能力,你就必须学习大量的单词。怎样能更好的学习并记忆单词呢?这篇短文给我们提了一些很好的建议。 1. 根据短文“And if you want to improve your ability to speak, listen and write in English, you have to learn lots of words. Here are some ideas to help you.”可知,这篇短文是告诉我们一些学习单词的方法。way方式,方法,这里应用复数形式,后面跟动词不定式作定语;how怎样,后面跟动词不定式,也符合文意。故答案为Ways/How。 2. 根据短文开头“Words are the key to language”可知,词汇是语言的关键,因此想要学好英语,就必须学习大量的单词。key名词,关键。故答案为key。 3. 根据文章结构可知,短文从“Recording words”和“Learning words”两个方面提建议,结合图表的结构,这里是第一个方面“记录单词”。空前To是动词不定式的符号,该空应填动词原形。故答案为record。 4. 根据短文““Where possible, pay special attention to the high frequency words and all their associated(有关联的)forms.”可知,作者建议我们要特别关注高频词汇。high高的,是一个形容词。故答案为high。 5. 根据短文“When you want to record a new word or expression, remember to write it out in an example sentence.”可知,当你想记录一个新单词或表达时,记得用一个例句把它写出来。故答案为example。 6. 根据短文“Use the power of the similar sounds between words.”可知,这个建议是利用单词之间相似的发音。故答案为sounds。 7. 根据短文“Simply make a funny sentence with the word.”可知,作者建议我们简单地用这个单词造一个有趣的句子。funny有趣的,滑稽的。故答案为funny。 8. 根据短文中“If you're really having problems learning your word, draw a picture of your funny sentence. This will really help you remember it.”可知,这个建议是把你有趣的句子画下来,这样可以帮助你记住它。故答案为Draw。 9. 根据文中“Finally, repeat the sentence many times to get it engraved(铭记)in your heart.”可知,这个建议是要不断地重复,最后达到记住它的目的。根据题干中句子的结构,这里应考查until,意为“直到……时候”,引导时间状语从句。故答案为until。 10. 根据短文最后“Try these methods and find your own ways to learn words and expressions.”,你可以尝试作者在文章中介绍的这些方法,找到你自己的方法来学习单词。own某人自己的。故答案为own。

    The next time Wayde saw Manningtree, he said, "Could you let me have a little of that medicine? Just enough to see if it works. I’m sorry to trouble you.”

"I have only a very small amount left. It will take me some time to find out how to make more.

"I will pay you anything you ask,.” Wayde said.

“ Don't give me anything now, but promise to pay me $10,000 when you become Prime Minister(首相).”

Wayde laughed. “That’s impossible, "he said. "I shall never become Prime Minister.”

"Who knows " Manningtree said." Give me a week, and I'll see what I can do.”

A week passed. Then, Manningtree came to visit Wayde again. He brought with him a small bottle.

"I cannot find out how to make more of this medicine, "he said, " but you can have what's left I don' t need it anymore.

"That’s very generous of you." Wayde said. " How can I ever thank you?”

"Just take one small drop of the medicine once a month." Manningtree said.

Wayde took the bottle from his friend. Once a month. he took one small drop.

The effect(效果)was immediate. Suddenly, he was not nervous anymore. He was not shy anymore, either. He was confident of his abilities.

He started a business and within a year became a millionaire. He met and married one of the country's most intelligent and beautiful women and had two lovely children with her. He ran for parliament(议会)and succeeded. Within two years, he was a minister. Two years later, he became Prime Minister.

One day, he went to see Manningtree.

“You have come to give me S10,000,” Manningtree said with a laugh. "Forget it. I don't want it.”

“You can certainly have it if you want it." Wayde said. “But that is not the reason I have come to see you.”

“Oh? And what is the reason?" Manningtree asked.

“ I have almost finished the medicine you gave me, " Wayde said. “Have you found out how to make it?”

Again Manningtree laughed. "Oh, yes,” he said. “ I have known how to make it for a long time I knew how to make it when I was at school.”

"What do you mean?” Wayde asked.

“ My dear friend and Prime Minister, " Manningtree said, "the medicine I gave you was just a bottle of distilled water.”

“ But the colour.”

“Oh, I added some coloring.”

“Then, the medicine did me no good, " Wayde said.

“ It didn’t need to. There was nothing wrong with you. All you needed was to have confidence in yourself.”

1.The story is organized         .

A.in time order B.in space order

C.from specific to general D.from general to specific

2.What happened to Wayde after taking the medicine?

A.He got rich in a week as expected.

B.He suddenly got nervous and shy.

C.He succeeded in becoming Prime Minister.

D.He became the most intelligent man in the country.

3.Why did Wayde come to see Manningtree years later

A.To say thanks to the doctor. B.To ask for more of the medicine

C.To pay for the medicine D.To give the rest of the medicine back

4.What do we know about the medicine?

A.It cost Wayde $10,000. B.It was useful but expensive.

C.It didn’t work well on Wayde. D.It was made up of water and coloring.

5.What can we learn from the story?

A.Confidence is the secret of success. B.A friend in need is a friend indeed

C.Helping others is helping ourselves D.Too much medicine is bad for health



All about Electric Cars

Electric vehicles(电动车辆) have been around for more than a hundred years. But they have really been liked by a large number of people over the last ten years. More than three million all-electric cars trucks and vans are now on the road worldwide.

Helping the Environment

Most cars run on gasoline(汽油). Burning gasoline and other fossil fuels(矿物燃料) produces greenhouse gases. Electric vehicles don’t burn gasoline. Instead, strong batteries run their electric engines. So, electric vehicles don’t directly produce greenhouse gases.

Poop Power!

Electric vehicles are better for the environment. But they are not perfect. Their batteries often use electricity() that was made by burning fossil fuels. But an electric vehicle uses less energy than a vehicle that runs on gasoline. Plus, some of the electricity comes from “greener” sources, such as solar and wind power. And some may soon come from a new source cow poop(牛粪)! An electric car company has worked together with a large dairy farm. They plan to make electricity using a greenhouse gas from cow poop.

Always Improving

One of the problems for electric vehicles is their limited range. This is how far they can travel before their batteries need another charge(充电). But now their range is improving. Some new electric vehicles can travel almost three times as far as older ones did. Another problem is finding a place to recharge the batteries. But the number of charging stations is going up as well. China now has thousands more charging stations than it did ten years ago. In Sweden, engineers have even designed a road that will charge electric vehicles as they drive along.

1.Which of the following truly describes electric vehicles according to Paragraph 1?

A.Useless. B.Popular. C.Cheap. D.Perfect.

2.What does the picture above show?

A.Parts of an electric car. B.Ways of driving a car.

C.Wheels on an electric car. D.Batteries in an electric car.

3.How does the electric car company plan to make electricity according to Paragraph 3

A.By burning gasoline.  B.By burning fossil fuels.

C.By using a gas coming from cow poop.  D.By using solar and wind power.

4.What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A.Reasons for buying new electric cars.

B.Importance of electric cars in our life.

C.Ways to produce more electric vehicles.

D.Problems and improvements of electric vehicles.



    You draw, you paint, or you do sculptures. It doesn’t matter—everyone is an artist!


We look at the Mona Lisa or a Picasso painting, and we say, "That’s art." But what about the amazing graffiti(涂鸦) on your street? What about photographs posted online by our friends? What about your school art display? You worked hard, and it's great. So, is that art? To me, art is anything that’s creative. Of course, I like going to famous museums. But I also like drawing pictures of my friends. I'm not very good, but I'm creative. I'm very interested in it, and my friends like it. Most of all, I like it!

Jane, age 15



I like visiting art museums, too. Why? Because I like looking at good art. Art is not the drawings of four-year-old children. It isn't painting your body crazy colors and standing in the street. And it certainly isn’t graffiti. Some people say, "If it's creative and cool, it’s art.” I don t agree. Art is the result of hard work and study. My aunt is an artist. She went to art school for six years. She doesn't make much money, but sometimes her sculptures are on display. Her art is great. Art is very hard, and not many people can do it well.

Kayla, age 16


1.What do Jane and Kayla argue(争辩)about

A.Whether everyone is an artist. B.Whether children should learn art.

C.Whether artists make much money. D.Whether people like visiting museums.

2.The underlined word "it” in THE CASE FOR refers to       .

A.going to famous museums posting B.posting photographs online

C.drawing pictures of friends D.making friends by drawing

3.How can we become artists according to Kayla

A.Go to art museums from time to time. B.Stay in an art school for six years.

C.Devote ourselves to art study and practice. D.Try to get our sculptures displayed.




This sport is like football on bikes. There are two teams. Each team has usually got two players. Players in each team try to hit the ball into the goal. They can use their bikes or their heads to do this. The winning team is the team with the most goals at the end of the game.


This is an ancient sport from India. The players use two things: one long stick, called a danda and a short egg- shaped bat, called a gilli. There are two teams. One player puts the gilli on the ground inside a small circle and hits it into the air with the danda. Then the player hits the gilli gain and runs to touch a spot outside the circle to get a point.


The sport is also called underwater hockey(曲棍球). There are two teams. Each team has got six players. Players swim underwater to play this game. They use small sticks and a puck. The puck is a little like a ball. Players try to push the puck along the bottom of a swimming pool into the other team's goal. The winning team is the learn with the most goals at the end of the match.

1.Which is the correct order of the pictures according to the passage?

A.abc B.cba C.acb D.cab

2.Which part of a magazine may this passage be taken from?

A.Animal World B.Teenage Problems.

C.Science and Technology. D.Sports and Games.

3.What do these sports have in common?

A.They all have a short history. B.A long stick is needed for each sport.

C.Every sport team has six players. D.There’re two teams in every sport game.



An Old Dog’s New Trick

There was an old dog in the middle of the street who seemed lost. You could tell he had loving owners_______he looked well-fed and he had no street sense. The basset hound was standing in a busy street, and everyone was_______. A man was able to get the dog out of the_________with a ham sandwich that he had prepared for his lunch. The dog had no collar(项圈). I said I_________take him to the police station. When I did, the police told me they did not deal with _______. They said I would have to take him to the pound(猫狗收容所)twenty miles away. I told them I was_______and I was really busy. I asked whether they could_________the dog until I got off work. I would take him home if _______claimed(认领)him by then. They_________.

When I got home at six, I called the police station. I was very__________to learn that the owners had picked up their dog. The police said they wanted my name and address to send me a(n)  ________note. I gave my information, but I__________expected to hear from them.

________, I was making dinner and heard a knock on the door. It was the flower man holding a large, beautiful arrangement. The card read, "I may be old, fat, and hard of hearing, but you were a__________lady to save my life. My small owners are happy that I wasn’t killed. With much love. Barney the Basset Hound. I got flowers from a__________! They were a perfect decoration for my table.

1.A.if B.unless C.though D.because

2.A.refused B.stopped C.attacked D.protected

3.A.road B.house C.station D.restaurant

4.A.shall B.can C.will D.would

5.A.plants B.flowers C.animals D.birds

6.A.playing B.working C.running D.jogging

7.A.hide B.clean C.brush D.keep

8.A.nobody B.anybody C.somebody D.everybody

9.A.added B.agreed C.warned D.complained

10.A.angry B.worried C.glad D.curious

11.A.thank-you B.application C.invitation D.recommendation

12.A.sometimes B.always C.never D.often

13.A.Moreover B.Later C.Usually D.Suddenly

14.A.lazy B.wealthy C.common D.wonderful

15.A.dog B.friend C.master D.policeman



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