满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Have you ever been sad because you faile...

    Have you ever been sad because you failed in something? If so, please remember, for often, achieving what you expect is not the most_____thing.

One day, after watching a science program, a little boy_____to dig a hole behind his house. As he was working, a couple of boys stopped by to watch. "What are you doing?" asked one of them. "I want to dig a hole all the way through the_____!" the boy answered excitedly. The older boys laughed and told him that it was impossible to do it. Then they left.

The little boy kept on digging and digging. Suddenly, a few small colorful stones caught his eyes. He_____them and put them into a glass jar (罐子) patiently. The jar was full soon. Then the boy went to the older boys with the jar and said_____, "Maybe I can't finish digging all the way through the earth, but look at what I have found in the process (过程) of digging!"

The boy's goal was too difficult, but it caused him to_____, in other words, to cause us to keep working!

Not every goal will be achieved. When you can't achieve your goal, maybe you can say, "Yes, but there are so many wonderful things that have come into my life_____I tried to do something!" It is the unexpected joy on the journey that really has a_____. Just like the little boy, it is in the digging that life is lived.

1.A.traditional B.important C.difficult

2.A.refused B.needed C.decided

3.A.house B.hill C.earth

4.A.collected B.threw C.dropped

5.A.angrily B.proudly C.politely

6.A.give up B.come out C.go on

7.A.because B.before C.whether

8.A.problem B.meaning C.choice


1.B 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.B 【解析】 文章大意:一个小男孩挖坑想要把地球挖穿,虽然这是个很难的目标,但他在挖掘的过程中发现了一些彩色的小石头,作者通过这个故事告诉我们:真正有意义的是旅途中意外的快乐。就像这个小男孩一样,生活正是在挖掘的过程中才充满生机。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.…… angrily生气地;proudly骄傲地;politely礼貌地。根据下文“but look at what I have found in the process of digging”可知男孩在挖掘的过程中收集到小彩石是让他觉得骄傲的,用proudly符合题意。故选B。   6. 7.……之前;whether是否。空前讲“有那么多美妙的事情进入了我们的生活”,空后讲“我们努力去做”,前果后因,用because引导原因状语从句。故选A。 8.

    (Miss Li, an English teacher, is talking to her students about homework on Ding Talk.)

Miss Li: Liu Yang, Wang Li.

Liu Yang:___________

Miss Li: Have you handed in your homework?

Liu Yang: Yes, I did it this morning.

Miss Li: Wang Li___________

Wang Li: This afternoon. Is there anything wrong with my homework?

Miss Li: Liu Yang you gave me your math homework. Wang Li___________

Liu Yang: Sorry, my mistake. I'll hand in my homework soon.

Wang Li: Sorry, too.___________

Miss Li: Whether I remind you or not, you're supposed to take your own work seriously.

Liu Yang: I see.

Miss Li: Liu Yang, Wang Li___________

Wang Li: Thanks a lot. Miss Li. We will.






A.So will I

B.Are you sure?

C.I'm afraid not.

D.How about you?

E.What's the matter. Miss Li?

F.I believe you can do a good job.

G.I had your yesterday's homework again.



—In May, President Xi Jinping spoke highly of the great changes of the Fenhe River in Taiyuan. I wonder ________.

—Everyone should play a part in making it cleaner and clearer.

A.which places he visited B.how we can protect the river C.why such changes have taken place



I am a little nervous every time I take exams.

Don't worry. Just try your best. ________, grades are not everything.

A.After all B.As a result C.In the same way



Friends often help us, especially during the hard time. So we should ________ them for their support.

A.be sorry for B.be thankful to C.be interested in



This year marks Earth Day's 50th birthday. It was created to remind people to ________ the earth the home to all the living things.

A.talk about B.care about C.hear about



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