满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Mum, the pears in the box have gone bad...

—Mum, the pears in the box have gone bad.

—Let's buy some ____________ ones.

A.fresh B.sweet C.expensive D.small


A 【解析】 句意:——妈妈,盒子里的梨子已经坏了。——让我们买一些新鲜的吧。 考查形容词。fresh新鲜的;sweet甜的;expensive昂贵的;small小的。根据“have gone bad”可知此处表达需要买一些新鲜的,用形容词fresh。故选A。  

—My friend Mrs. white wants to see the Beijing Opera tonight.

—You can take _____________ to Lao She Teahouse.

A.me B.him C.her D.us



—What subject do you like best, Cindy?

— ______________, of course. I'm really interested in singing songs.

A.English B.History C.Science D.Music



— Excuse me, sir. Is there ________ restaurant near here?

— Yes, there is. Look, it’s next to the school over there.

A.a B.an C.the D./






Dear Peter,

I'm glad that life lessons will be given this term. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________





    I've been fishing in the sea since I was 17. I have my 1. (自己的) fishing boat and men now. At sea, our day starts before the sun 2. (上升). We put our nets into the water behind the boat. After a few hours we pull them in. We have a special 3. (工具) for this because nets full of fish are heavy! How do we keep the fish? First we throw 4. (往回) the ones we don't want. Then we clean the fish and put them into boxes of 5. (). When the containers are full we go to sell them at the market. It can't be always safe. 6. (曾经) I was on a boat when a storm came suddenly. The boat sank 7. (……期间) the storm and we were at the edge of death. Luckily, another boat 8. (拯救) us before we went under. We listen to the weather report, and in rough sea we wear life 9. (夹克衫). Safety is important. It's harder and 10. (更危险的) work than you think, but I love the ocean.



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