满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

我尝试了老师的建议,我的听说能力提高了。 ___________________...




I tried my teacher’s suggestions and my listening and speaking improved. 【解析】 try one's suggestions尝试某人的建议,listening and speaking听说能力;根据句意可知是过去时态;故填:I tried my teacher’s suggestions and my listening and speaking improved.

















Amazing Chocolate

Do you like chocolate? Most people love its sweet, creamy flavor(味道). But where did chocolate come from?

About 2,600 years ago, people first made use of chocolate. These people lived in Central and South America. They used the cocoa beans to make a special drink. However, this drink was not sweet. It was very bitter. As time passed, they started putting other things to their cocoa drink. They thought this could make it taste a little better. Later, when Europeans arrived in South America, they started to import this popular drink to their home countries. Milk, cream, and sugar were added, and finally chocolate, as we know it, was born. The first chocolate house opened in London in 1675, and chocolate milk was developed in Jamaica in 1689.

Chocolate is now one of the most popular flavors in the world. Nowadays, we enjoy the chocolate flavor in chocolate bars, ice cream, cakes, pies, and many other foods. Scientists tell us that dark chocolate is good for our health. They say small but regular amounts of dark chocolate can lower the possibility of a heart attack(心脏病). This is perhaps another reason for the popularity of chocolate.

According to the scientists, if we eat large amounts of any high calorie food, including chocolate, we’ll become very fat. However, with its delicious flavor, chocolate will keep popular. The secret of enjoying chocolate is to try not to eat too much of it.

1.When did people first make use of chocolate?


2.Why did people put other things to their cocoa drink?


3.Where did the first chocolate house open?


4.Why is chocolate popular in the world?


5.What’s the secret of enjoying chocolate?




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