满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The study group discussed the problem ag...

The study group discussed the problem again and again, and they f_________ worked it out.


finally 【解析】 句意:研究小组一遍又一遍地讨论这个问题,他们最终想到了这个问题的解决办法。 动词worked it out用副词修饰,根据首字母提示可知此处用finally表示“最终”。故答案为finally。  

Before you t__________ away anything, always think whether it can be reused or not.



U_____________you work hard, you will not succeed.



For visitors to Guangzhou, there are p__________of places to experience its culture.



It’s a general rule to keep q________ in libraries and concerts.




Storytelling has caught the human imagination for thousands of years. People everywhere have told stories to amuse, to teach, to remember, and just to pass the time. People started telling stories long before writing was invented.1.But people all over the world still tell one another stories out loud. A person who can tell a good story nearly always finds listeners.

Before people developed writing, storytelling was the most important way to pass along information. Anything a culture wanted to protectits beliefs, its history, and its traditions—had to be told out loud. Each generation would tell the culture’s stories to the next.2.Knowledge passed on in this method is called the spoken tradition. Even cultures that know how to write still pass along some information in this way.

3.In other cultures only special storytellers were trusted to do this important job.A culture’s best storytellers had good memories. They could also make the stories very interesting, so people would listen and remember them. Sometimes people would sing the stories or tell them in the form of poems.4.

However, stories told aloud change over time as different people tell them. A storyteller might change a story in order to make it better. Or a teller may simply not remember all the details of a story. Unlike written stories, the spoken tradition is not created by any one person. 5.Sometimes the stories are collected and written down long after they have been created.

A.In this way the stories were passed along.

B.In some cultures everyone would pass along the stories.

C.Songs and poems can both make stories easier to remember.

D.Instead, a whole culture helps shape the changing stories throughout history.

E.Today stories are also written down in books and acted out in movies, TV shows, and plays.



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