满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

How do you feel about your looks? Is it ...

    How do you feel about your looks? Is it important to have a beautiful face? Are there other things that can make a person special? The way you look is special. Do you know what I mean by that? We all look a little different. Some of us are tall. Some of us are fat. The point is, all of us have our own look-our own face.

Sometimes, we might feel bad about looking different. We might feel like we look ugly or strange. But our differences are what make us special.

I recently watched a speech by a man named Robert Hoge. He was born with a strange-looking face. His mother always worried that he would face many difficulties in life. But what Hoge did changed his mother's mind little by little. Strangers would stare at him or even make fun of him. But he didn't care at all. He decided to accept his face and feel confident (自信的) in himself. He has made a decision to live an amazing life.

It's hard when you feel like you don't look "normal" or "perfect". But the truth is, no one is perfect. The important thing to remember is that you are special, no matter what you look like.


1.According to the writer, all of us look a little different. _____

2.The writer recently watched a speech by Robert Hoge's mother. _____

3.Hoge's mother used to worry that he would face many difficulties in life. _____

4.When strangers made fun of him, Hoge lost his confidence. _____

5.The writer tries to tell us that we are special no matter what we look like. _____


1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T 【解析】 文章讲述作者看了罗伯特·霍格的演讲,霍格因为长着一张奇怪的脸,霍格受到陌生人的取笑但是他根本不在意,面对现实,自信地过着精彩的生活,由此启发读者不管你长什么样子,你都是特别的。 1. 题意:根据作者的观点,我们所有人都看起来不同。 根据第一段“We all look a little different”我们所有人都看起来不一样,句子表述正确。故答案为T。 2. 题意:作者最近看了罗伯特霍格母亲的演讲。 根据第三段“I recently watched a speech by a man named Robert Hoge”可知看了霍格的演讲,句子表述错误。故答案为F。 3. 题意:霍格的母亲过去担心他在生活中面临的很多困难。 根据第三段“His mother always worried that he would face many difficulties in life”霍格的母亲总是担心他在生活中面临的很多困难,句子表述正确。故答案为T。 4. 题意:当陌生人取笑他,霍格失去了自己的勇气。 根据第三段“Strangers would stare at him or even make fun of him. But he didn't care at all”陌生人取笑他,但是他一点儿都不在意。句子表述错误。故答案为F。 5. 题意:作者设法告诉我们不管我们看起来是什么样子我们都是特别的。 根据最后一段“The important thing to remember is that you are special, no matter what you look like”要记住的最重要的一点是不管你长什么样,你都是特别的,句子表述正确。故答案为T。

Kate: Hi, Judy! I'm going swimming. Would you like to go with me?

Judy: 1. look at my finger!

Kate: Oh! 2.

Judy: I broke the plate and cut my finger when I was doing the dishes.

Kate: That's terrible! 3.

Judy: No it's not a big deal. In fact, it's good for us to learn how to do chores.

Kate: 4. doing chores can help us learn how to look after ourselves.

Judy: You're right.

Kate: 5.

Judy: I just try to do what I can, such as cleaning the room and taking out the rubbish.

Kate: That's good enough. Take care!

Judy: Thank you. Let's go swimming another time.

Kate: OK.

A.What do you usually help to do around the house?

B.What's the matter?

C.Sorry, I can't.

D.Is it serious?

E.Where did you go?

F.I think so.



Excuse me. Could you please tell me_____________?

OK. Go down the street and you will find it on the left.

A.how I can get to the zoo B.how can I get to the zoo C.when I can get to the zoo



Lisa plans_____________ a new picture next week.

A.draw B.to draw C.drawing



This is the CD_____________ I bought last year.

A.who B.that C.whom



Tom_____________ when I called him yesterday.

A.read B.is reading C.was reading



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