满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

In a big shopping center, a little girl ...

    In a big shopping center, a little girl is sitting on a bench alone. She does not move. It seems that she is lost.

After some time, a man walks up to her. He is a father himself, so he feels worried about this little girl. "Hello, "he says. "Are you OK? Are your parents here with you?"

The little girl does not even look up at him! He gently sits down next to her and touches her shoulder(肩膀). Now she raises her head, and he can see that she is crying. He feels terrible!

He gives her a very warm smile and holds out his hand. She looks afraid, but she takes his hand.

He takes her to the shopping center information desk and makes an announcement(广播).

"Attention: a young girl is waiting for her parents at the information desk. If you are looking for your daughter, please come soon! Thank you. "

Minutes later, a woman comes running toward the desk. As soon as she sees the little girl, she shouts and runs up to her. She holds the girl into her arms tightly(紧紧地).

Then she turns to the man and says, "Thank you so much, sir. I was looking for her everywhere. I could not announce it here because she is deaf(聋的)"

Now the man understands why the little girl did not look at him until he touched her shoulder. He feels happy that he helped her.

1.According to the passage, we know the man _____________.

A.is the girl's father B.has a son

C.doesn't know the girl D.knows the girl's parents

2.What does the girl do when the man walks up to her?

A.She raises her head. B.She looks happy.

C.She finds her parents. D.She does nothing.

3.The man takes the girl to the information desk to ________________.

A.take her back to his home B.ask a policeman to look after her

C.help her find her parents D.make her happy

4.Why didn't the woman make an announcement?

A.Because she didn't know she could. B.Because her daughter can't hear.

C.Because she can't listen or speak well. D.Because she was so worried that she forgot this.


1.C 2.D 3.C 4.B 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了一个男人帮助一个在购物中心和父母走散的小女孩儿寻找父母的故事。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段He is a father himself, so he feels worried about this little girl. "Hello, "he says. "Are you OK? Are your parents here with you?"他自己也是个父亲,所以他很担心这个小女孩。“你好,”他说,“你还好吗?你父母和你在一起吗?”从他的问题可以推测出,这个男人不认识那个女孩。故选C。 2.细节理解题。根据第三段The little girl does not even look up at him! 那个小女孩连抬头看他都不看!可知,当那个男人走向她时,小女孩什么也没做。故选D。 3.细节理解题。根据第五、六段“He takes her to the shopping center information desk and makes an announcement(广播). ‘Attention: a young girl is waiting for her parents at the information desk’”可知,这个男人把小女孩带到购物中心的咨询台是为了帮助她寻找父母。故选C。 4.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“I could not announce it here because she is deaf”可知,这个女人不能在购物中心发布寻找女儿的广播的原因是,她的女儿是聋的。故选B。



Want to learn tennis during weekends?

Join in our youth tennis camp!

Youth Tennis Camp by coach(教练)Steve Moore

Students from 12 to 17can learn tennis. Training Time:

August 31, Saturday

9 a.m. -4 p. m.

September 1, Sunday

10 a. m. -2:30 p. m

September 7, Saturday

4 p. m. -8:30 p. m.

September 8, Sunday

8:30 am. -3 p. m.

Register(注册) online at Stevetenniscamp. com or on Twitter(推特).

Address: Melly High School, 528 Waverley Street, New York



1.Students can learn ____________ at the camp.

A.how to play football B.how to play the guitar

C.how to play table tennis D.how to play tennis

2.Who can join in the camp?

A.Lily, 3 years old. B.Jenny, 10 years old.

C.Aaron. 13 years old. D.Joseph, 20 years old.

3.Michael doesn't have time in the morning. He can join in the camp on____________.

A.August 31 B.September 1 C.September 7 D.September 8

4.What else can we learn from the poster?

A.The camp lasts for the whole month of September. B.Steve Moore teaches students how to play tennis.

C.The camp doesn't have an official website. D.Students can only register by email.



    Do you want to stay away from obesity (肥胖)and live a healthy life? Then the things you do every day are very important.

Healthy eating habits

It's easy to fall into the same choice(选择)when it comes to food. But eating the same food not good for your health. It's time to have a plan for your meal. You can go to the supermarket or shop online. Fill your shopping trolley(购物车)with different vegetables every day and cook them.

Get moving

You don't need to do exercise for an hour in the gym every day or do the same exe and over again. Short-time exercising is a better way. And it will only take a little time.

Take some exercise while you are brushing your teeth.

Drive less and walk more.

When you have 15 minutes, you can go out of your house and run as fast as you can. See how far you can go.

Having enough sleep is also important for your health. Can you get a god sleep every night?

1.The writer thinks eating the same food every day is _____________.

A.healthy B.not easy C.popular D.not healthy

2.How many ways does the writer show about short-time exercising?

A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.

3.What's the best title for this passage?

A.What Healthy Food Is B.How to Break Bad Habits

C.How to Get a Good Sleep D.Ways to Keep Healthy



    I did volunteer(志愿者) work in a Kenya orphanage(孤儿院)last year. It was an unforgettable experience.

When I first went to Kenya _______ my classmates, I saw many poor children. I was _______ that we might have to live like them. I was right. We had to sleep in a very _______ room—18 girls stayed together. As there was not enough _______, we had to save it day and night. We only had five minutes to have a bath each time.

_______ the living environment was bad, we did many things to help children there, such as teaching and cleaning. The most difficult thing for me was taking care of babies who were less than year old. That was the first time I held a baby. It was not _______ at all. The babies kept _________ no matter what I did. When I fed them, they still didn't calm down(平静下来). After a while, I was so _______ from the pain(疼痛)in my back and shoulders. I realized how much my parents did for me when I was young.

When we were _______, a 5-year-old girl gave her teddy bear to us. It was her Christmas gift.

Seeing her smiling face and the clean orphanage, we felt ________ of ourselves.

1.A.with B.for C.to D.on

2.A.bored B.excited C.worried D.happy

3.A.good B.comfortable C.small D.bright

4.A.food B.water C.room D.air

5.A.But B.Because C.Though D.So

6.A.easy B.hard C.funny D.quiet

7.A.laughing B.eating C.crying D.sleeping

8.A.afraid B.tired C.relaxed D.angry

9.A.leaving B.staying C.starting D.turning

10.A.important B.sad C.afraid D.proud



—Could you tell me________?

—Two years ago.

A.when did you come to China B.how did you come to China

C.when you came to China D.how you came to China



All of the streets ________ people yesterday.

A.were filled with B.are filled with C.are full of D.full of



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