满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Long long ago, there lived a teacher in ...

    Long long ago, there lived a teacher in a small village. He often_________his students in special ways. One day he sent four of his students to go to a small farm to see apple trees in _________seasons. The first student went in winter, the second in spring, the third in summer, and the last in autumn.

After the four students_________back, the teacher called them together. They pictured (描述)their_________to the teacher. The first student said that there were no leaves on the trees. It made him feel very_________. The second student_________, “What are you talking about? My eyes were full of light green. It made me feel hopeful.” The third one couldn’t wait to say excitedly, “How pretty the trees were! I felt so relaxed. The sweet smell of the_________spread here and there attracting(吸引)many bees and butterflies.” Hearing these words, the last one shook his head. He said he got a strong feeling of satisfaction when he saw a lot of apples on the beautiful trees.

The teacher smiled and told his students_________of them were wrong, but each just_________one season. He continued, “The trees are not the same in different seasons. You can’t judge(判断)a tree by seeing only one season.”

Everything has different sides in our life. Don't try to make a conclusion(结论)__________before you see the whole of it.

1.A.told B.taught C.asked D.warned

2.A.natural B.strange C.different D.beautiful

3.A.stood B.arrived C.found D.came

4.A.feelings B.interviews C.trips D.surveys

5.A.tired B.amazed C.disappointed D.excited

6.A.explained B.nodded C.thought D.disagreed

7.A.flowers B.trees C.apples D.leaves

8.A.all B.both C.none D.some

9.A.knew B.saw C.told D.learned

10.A.in a hurry B.in person C.in public D.in a way


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.A 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了从前有位老师以一种特殊的方式去教授学生,她曾经派他的四个学生分别去农场观察不同季节的苹果树,结果得到的答案各不相同。该故事告诉我们看事情要全面。 1. 句意:他经常用特殊的方法教学生。 told告诉;taught教;asked问;warned警告。根据上下文“there lived a teacher in a small village. He often ____ his students in special ways”可知,老师用特殊的方法教学生。故选B。 2. 句意:一天,他派四个学生去一个小农场观察不同季节的苹果树。 natural自然的;strange奇怪的;different不同的;beautiful美丽的。根据下文“The first student went in winter, the second in spring, the third in summer, and the last in autumn”可知,老师让他们观察不同季节的苹果树。故选C。 3. 句意:四个学生回来后,老师把他们叫到一起。 stood站立;arrived到达;found找到;came回来。根据“After the four students ____ back, the teacher called them together”可知,学生们从农场回来后,老师把他们叫到一起,故此处应为came back。故选D。 4. 句意:他们向老师描述了自己的感受。 feelings感受;interviews采访;trips旅行; surveys调查。根据下文“It made me feel hopeful…I felt so relaxed”可知,学生们向老师描述自己观察苹果树的感受。故选A。 5. 句意:这使他感到非常失望。 tired劳累的;amazed惊讶的;disappointed失望的;excited兴奋的。根据上文“The first student said that there were no leaves on the trees”可知,第一个学生看到的苹果树上没有叶子,这使他非常失望。故选C。 6. 句意:第二个学生不同意。 explained解释;nodded点头;thought认为;disagreed不同意。根据下文“My eyes were full of light green”可知,第二个人看到树上都是叶子,因此不同意第一个人说树上没有叶子。故选D。 7. 句意:花香四溢,吸引了许多蜜蜂和蝴蝶。 flowers花;trees树;apples苹果;leaves树叶。根据“The sweet smell of the ____ spread here and there attracting(吸引)many bees and butterflies”可知,花香四溢,吸引了蜜蜂和蝴蝶。故选A。 8. 句意:老师微笑着告诉他的学生们都没有错,但每个人都只看到了一个季节。 all全部,三者或以上;both两者都;none一个也没有;some一些。根据“The teacher smiled and told his students ____ of them were wrong, but each just ______ one season”可知,老师说因为学生只是看到了一个季节,并没有看到全部的季节,所以感受是不同的,故没有一个学生的感受是错误的。故选C。 9. 句意:老师微笑着告诉他的学生们没有错,但每个人都只看到了一个季节。 knew知道;saw看见;told告诉;learned学习。根据下文“…by seeing only one season”可知,每个学生都只看到了一个季节,应用动词saw。故选B。 10. 句意:在你还没看清事情的全部情况之前,不要急于下结论。 in a hurry急忙地;in person亲自;in public当众;in a way在某种程度上。根据“Don't try to make a conclusion(结论)_____ before you see the whole of it”可知,每件事都有不同面,在看清事物的全部之前,不要急着下结论。故选A。

She runs around the Ci Lake every morning, ________?

A.does she B.doesn't she C.did she D.didn't she



—I heard a young fireman lost his life in the big fire.

—What a pity! ________I don't know who he is, I know who he is for. He is our hero forever.

A.But B.So C.Although D.Because



There are about eight hundred students in the school. ________of them are boys.

A.Three fifth B.Third fifth C.Third five D.Three fifths



—I hate sweeping the floor.

—Why not buy a sweeping robot? It ________ widely nowadays.

A.use B.is used C.was used D.used



—I'm planning a trip to the National Mining Park(国家矿山公园) tomorrow, but still can't decide ________.

—How about driving?

A.how I'm going B.where I'm going C.when I'm going D.who I'm going with



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