满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

An old man lived in a village. He was on...

    An old man lived in a village. He was one of the___________people in the world. The whole village disliked him. He was always unhappy. When people tried to cheer him up, he would rudely turn them away.

People ___________from him because of his bad mood(心情). It was unusual and impolite to feel happy around him. He made the rest of the___________feel unhappy as well.

But one day-the day he turned eighty years old, in fact a(n)___________thing happened. The man’s mood suddenly changed. He was no longer rude and angry. ___________he seemed calm and kind. The villagers said among themselves, "The old man is___________". The whole village went to see him. They couldn’t believe that his___________could change so suddenly. One of the villagers asked the old man, "What happened to you?”

“Nothing special has happened, in fact." the man said. "For___________years I’ve been looking for happiness, and it was no use. And then I decided to live without___________and just enjoy life. That's why I'm happy now."

It's important to realize that your mood can____________the moods of those around you. Everyone has had days sometimes. If someone tries to cheer you up, don’t be rude to them. Just try to accept their help.

1.A.happiest  B.rudest  C.richest D.wisest

2.A.put away B.gave away C.stayed away D.took away

3.A.village B.town C.city D.country

4.A.terrible B.common C.funny D.unbelievable

5.A.Instead B.Finally C.Besides D.Anyway

6.A.shouting B.smiling C.sleeping D.jumping

7.A.plan B.design  C.mood D.interest

8.A.fifty B.sixty C.seventy D.eighty

9.A.happiness B.money C.shame D.love

10.A.protect B.separate C.spread D.influence


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.D 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了一位粗鲁的老人每天都不快乐,也影响了周围人的情绪。后来终于明白放弃追求得不到的幸福,只是享受当下的生活,幸福自然会来到身边。 1. 句意:他是世界上最粗鲁的人之一。 happiest最高兴的;rudest最粗鲁的;richest最富有的;wisest最聪明的。根据下文“The whole village disliked him”可知,全村人都不喜欢他,可推知他是世界上最粗鲁的人之一。故选B。 2. 句意:因为他心情不好,人们都离他远远的。 put away收起;gave away捐赠;stayed away远离;took away拿走。根据下文“It was unusual and impolite to feel happy around him”可知,因为他的坏心情,人们在他身边感受到快乐是不寻常、不礼貌的,由此人们都远离他。故选C。 3. 句意:他让村里的其他人也感到不高兴。 village村庄;town城镇;city城市;country国家。根据上文“The whole village disliked him”可知,他让村里的其他人也不高兴。故选A。 4. 句意:但有一天,在他80岁高龄的时候,一件难以置信的事情发生了。 terrible可怕的;common普通的;funny有趣的;unbelievable难以置信的。根据下文“The man’s mood suddenly changed. He was no longer rude and angry”可知,这个老人之前非常粗鲁易怒,但他80岁生日的这一天,心情突然变了,不再粗鲁生气了,这是一件让人难以置信的事情。故选D。 5. 句意:他不再粗鲁和生气了。相反,他显得平静和蔼。 Instead相反;Finally最终;Besides而且;Anyway无论如何。上文“粗鲁和生气”和下文“平静和蔼”之间是相反的关系,故此处应为instead。故选A。 6. 句意:村民们互相说,“这个老人正在笑”。 shouting喊叫;smiling笑;sleeping睡觉;jumping跳。根据上文“he seemed calm and kind”可知,这个老人变得平静和蔼,和之前的情绪完全不同,这让村民们非常惊讶,由此可推知这个老人正在笑。故选B。 7. 句意:他们无法相信他的情绪会突然改变。 plan计划;design设计;mood情绪;interest兴趣。根据上文“He was no longer rude and angry. Instead, he seemed calm and kind”可知,老人由之前的粗鲁易怒转变为如今的平静和蔼,可知是他的情绪突然转变了。故选C。 8. 句意:八十年来,我一直在寻找幸福,但是没有用。 fifty五十;sixty六十;seventy七十;eighty八十。根据上文“But one day-the day he tuned eighty years old”可知,他的转变是从80岁生日这一天开始的,因此他过去的八十年一直在寻找幸福。故选D。 9. 句意:后来我决定过没有幸福的生活,只享受生活。 happiness幸福;money钱;shame羞耻;love爱。根据上文“For eighty years I’ve been looking for happiness, and it was no use”可知,老人过去一直寻找幸福,但没有找到,所以决定以后过没有幸福的生活。故选A。 10. 句意:重要的是要意识到你的情绪会影响你周围的人的情绪。 protect保护;separate分开;spread传播;influence影响。根据上文“It was unusual and impolite to feel happy around him. He made the rest of the village feel unhappy as well”可知,你的情绪会影响到周围人的情绪。故选D。

—How about taking a taxi there? It's faster.

__________. It's rush hour now, so it may take longer.

A.Sounds great B.Promise! C.Better not D.Take it easy



We are sure to win. They're already three points_________ us.

You can’t take it lightly.

A.against B.behind C.with D.for



We were lucky to meet Bryan in the hotel. He was just_______ and leaving for the airport.

A.checking out B.calling back C.lying down D.dropping by



The theater will close down _________more money can be raised to support it.

A.so B.unless C.since D.when



Jack is so crazy about football that he_________ misses a chance of playing it.

A.always B.usually C.often D.never



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