满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I climbed the stairs slowly, carrying a ...

    I climbed the stairs slowly, carrying a big suitcase, my father following me with two more. By the time I got to the third floor, I was _______ and at the same time feeling lonely. Worse still, Dad _______ a step and fell, sending my new suitcases rolling down the stairs. "Damn!" he cried out, his face turning red.  I knew _______ was ahead.  Whenever Dad's face turns red, look out! How could I ever get him to finish unloading the car without _______ at me and making a scene in front of the other girls, who I would have to spend the _______ years with.

Doors were _______ and eyes were peering (偷窥) out, as Dad walked with difficulty close behind. I felt it in my bones that my college life wasn't getting off to a _______ start. "God bless me to _______ the room quickly," I said to myself, feeling ashamed. "Get him into a chair and calmed down." But then again, would there be a chair in Room 316? Or would it be a(n) _______ room?

We arrived at Room 316 ________ .  I turned the key in the lock and ________ the door open, with Dad still complaining (抱怨) about a hurting knee or ________ .  I put my head into the room, expecting the ________ . But to my surprise, the room wasn't empty at all! It had furniture, curtains, a TV, and ________ paintings on the walls.

And there on a wellmade bed sat Amy, my new ________ , listening to music. Greeting me with a nod, she said in a soft voice, "Hi, you must be Cori." Then, she ________ the music and looked over at my ________ , "And of course, you're Mr. Faber," she said smiling ________ . "Would you like a glass of iced tea?" Dad's face turned decidedly less ________ before he could bring out a "yes."

I knew there and ________ that Amy and I would be friends! And my years of college would certainly be a success.

1.A.tired B.excited C.surprised D.relaxed

2.A.minded B.picked C.avoided D.missed

3.A.dream B.trouble C.effort D.danger

4.A.shouting B.smiling C.firing D.laughing

5.A.last B.past C.next D.recent

6.A.lashing B.breaking C.following D.opening

7.A.good B.fair C.close D.fresh

8.A.leave B.check C.find D.search

9.A.tidy B.old C.messy D.empty

10.A.as usual B.at last C.once more D.on time

11.A.pushed B.forced C.felt D.knocked

12.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything

13.A.latest B.first C.most D.worst

14.A.even B.still C.ever D.once

15.A.teammate B.roommate C.workmate D.playmate

16.A.picked up B.turned down C.took out D.put off

17.A.dad B.face C.bed D.suitcase

18.A.secretly B.sweetly C.proudly D.awfully

19.A.red B.pale C.blue D.dark

20.A.over B.again C.later D.then


1.A 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.A 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.B 16.B 17.A 18.B 19.A 20.D 【解析】 本文作者讲述了她上大学时父亲送她去她宿舍情景。作者上楼梯,提着一个大箱子,他父亲带了两个。到三楼的时候,他父亲踩错了一个台阶摔倒了。他父亲很生气,脸红了。作者想快点到宿舍,宿舍里有一个椅子,能让他父亲冷静下来。到了宿舍,里面有作者的新室友艾米。艾米的热情招待使作者父亲安静了下来。当时作者就知道她和艾米会是朋友!她的大学生活一定会很成功。 1. 句意:到三楼的时候,我累了,同时也感到孤独。 考查形容词辨析。tired疲倦的,累的;excited激动的,兴奋的;surprised惊奇的,惊讶的;relaxed放松的。根据第1句“I climbed the stairs slowly, carrying a big suitcase,...”可知“到三楼的时候,我累了”,故选A。 2. 句意:更糟糕的是,爸爸漏踩了一级台阶摔倒了,把我的新手提箱从楼梯上滚了下来。 考查动词辨析。minded注意,介意;picked选择,挑选;avoided避免;missed 未达到,错过,根据下文“fell”和“sending my new suitcases rolling down the stairs.”可知“爸爸漏踩了一级台阶”;故选D。 3. 句意:我知道麻烦还在前面。 考查名词辨析。dream梦想;trouble麻烦;effort努力;danger危险。根据下文“Whenever Dad's face turns red, look out!(每当爸爸脸红的时候,当心!)”可知此句是“我知道麻烦还在前面。”故选B。 4. 句意: 我怎么能让他在接下来的几年我都要和她们在一起的其他女孩面前不冲我大喊大叫,而且让他把车卸完。 考查动词辨析。shouting喊叫;smiling微笑; firing射击,开火;laughing笑,大笑。根据上文“Whenever Dad's face turns red, look out!(每当爸爸脸红的时候,当心!)”可知父亲脸红时会朝“我”大喊大叫,故选A。 5. 句意:我怎么能让他在接下来的几年我都要和她们在一起的其他女孩面前不冲我大喊大叫,而且让他把车卸完。 考查形容词辨析。last最后的,上一个的;past过去的,昔日的;next 接下来的;recent最近的。根据下文“I felt it in my bones that my college life wasn't getting off to a ___7___ start.”可知“在接下来的几年我都要和其他女孩在一起”,故选C。 6. 句意:门开着,眼睛向外张望,爸爸艰难地紧跟在后面。 考查动词辨析。lashing抽打;breaking弄坏,损坏;following跟随,跟着;opening开,敞开。根据下文“眼睛向外张望”可知“门开着”;故选D。 7. 句意:我骨子里觉得我的大学生活没有一个好的开始。 考查形容词辨析。good好的;fair公平的;close接近的,亲密的;fresh新鲜的。根据下文“"God bless me to ___8___ the room quickly," I said to myself, feeling ashamed. "Get him into a chair and calmed down."”可知此句是“我骨子里觉得我的大学生活没有一个好的开始。”故选A。 8. 句意:“上帝保佑我快点找到房间,”我心想,感到羞愧。 考查动词辨析。leave离开;check检查;find发现,找到;search搜寻,搜查。根据下文“Get him into a chair and calmed down.”可知我心想“上帝保佑我快点找到房间。”故选C。 9. 句意:还是一个空房间? 考查形容词辨析。tidy整洁的,整齐的;old老的;messy凌乱的;empty空的。根据上文“would there be a chair in Room 316?”可知此句是“还是一个空房间?”;故选D。 10. 句意:我们终于到了316房间。 考查副词短语。as usual像往常一样;at last最后;once more又一次,再次;on time准时,按时。根据上文“上帝保佑我快点找到房间,”可知此句是“我们终于到了316房间。”故选B。 11. 句意:我转动钥匙打开锁,推开门,爸爸还在抱怨膝盖疼什么的。 考查动词辨析。pushed推;forced强迫;felt感觉;knocked 敲,击。根据上文“turned the key in the lock”可知是“推开门”。故选A。 12. 句意:我转动钥匙打开锁,推开门,爸爸还在抱怨膝盖疼或什么的。 考查不定代词。nothing没有什么;anything任何东西,一般用于否定句或疑问句;something某物;everything一切,所有事物。本句表示肯定的意思,故选C。 13. 句意:我把头伸进房间,预料到最坏的结果。 考查形容词最高级。latest最近的,最新的;first第一,首要的;most最多的;worst最差的, 最坏的。根据上文“Get him into a chair and calmed down. …would there be a chair in Room 316? Or would it be a(n) ___9___ room?”及下文“But to my surprise, the room wasn't empty at all!”可知作者预料到最坏的结果。故选D。 14. 句意:它有家具,窗帘,电视,甚至墙上有画。 考查副词辨析。even甚至;still 还是,仍然;ever曾经,不断地;once次,从前。根据上文“它有家具,窗帘,电视,”及原形作者认为什么没有,可知此句是“甚至墙上有画”。故选A。 15. 句意:我的新室友艾米坐在一张铺得很好的床上,听音乐。 考查名词辨析。teammate队友;roommate室友;workmate工友;playmate玩伴。根据上文“我们终于到了316房间”可知作者和父亲去宿舍的,故是“我的新室友艾米……”,故选B。 16. 句意:然后,她把音乐调小,看着我爸爸,“当然,你是费伯先生,”她甜甜地笑着说。 考查动词短语。picked up拾起,捡起;turned down关小,调低;took out取出;put off推迟,拖延。根据上文“Greeting me with a nod, she said in a soft voice, "Hi, you must be Cori."”可知此句是“然后,她把音乐调小,看着我爸爸,……”,故选B。 17. 句意:然后,她把音乐调小,看着我爸爸,“当然,你是费伯先生,”她甜甜地笑着说。 考查名词辨析。dad爸爸;face脸,面孔;bed床;suitcase手提箱。根据上文“我转动钥匙打开锁,推开门,爸爸还在抱怨膝盖疼或什么的。”可知此句是“看着我爸爸”;故选A。 18. 句意:然后,她把音乐调小,看着我爸爸,“当然,你是费伯先生,”她甜甜地笑着说。 考查副词辨析。secretly秘密地,暗暗;sweetly甜蜜地;proudly自豪地;awfully可怕地,丑陋地。根据上文艾米动作“她把音乐调小,看着我爸爸”及所说“当然,你是费伯先生,”可知是她甜甜地笑着说。故选B。 19. 句意:在他回答一声“是的”之前,爸爸的脸明显不那么红了 考查形容词辨析。red红的;pale灰白的;blue蓝色的;dark黑色的。根据第一段中“Whenever Dad's face turns red, look out!”和“艾米有礼貌打招呼”可知“爸爸的脸明显不那么红了”;故选A。 20. 句意:我那时在那儿就知道我和艾米会是朋友! 考查副词。over结束;again 再一次,又一次;later后来,以后;then那时。根据语境可知“我那时在那儿就知道我和艾米会是朋友!”故选D。

    交换生Thomas想去太子湾赏花。但是由于受新冠肺炎(NCP )的影响,需做好下列事项。 假如你是李华,请你给Thomas写一封邮件告知。


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Sally hasn't changed at all. She looks e________the same as she was ten years ago.



More and more people feel ill because of the air p________ . We must do something to stop it.



Generally speaking, people who eat h________ live long.



Mr. Li is a kind teacher. He always t________ his students as his own children.



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