满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.How can the boy know his test results...


1.How can the boy know his test results?

A.By checking a website.

B.By being informed on the phone.

C.By asking the teachers in the office.

2.When will a student be asked to meet the teacher?

A.When he or she is late for class.

B.When he or she fails an exam.

C.When he or she gets online in class.

3.Which of the following subjects hasn’t had its result yet?

A.English. B.Geography. C.Maths.


1.A 2.B 3.B 【解析】 【原文】 M: Hello, Mrs. Black. Could you tell me my test results? W: Your results are posted on the website. Just put in your name and your password, and then you can see your exact scores. M: Are you saying that my results are normal? W: We always contact you by phone and ask you to come to the office if you fail your exams. M: Can I see all of my test results now? W: No, you can only see the results of English, Maths and Physics. M: What about Geography? W: You can get the result of Geography in three days. M: Thanks. Bye!


1.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Driver and passenger. B.Mother and son. C.Manager and secretary.

2.Why is the woman in a hurry?

A.Because the traffic is terrible on Monday morning.

B.Because she wants to meet her child at school.

C.Because there’s something wrong with her car.



What would Daniel like?

A.Tea. B.Coffee. C.Water.



What will they do?

A.Open the window. B.Paint the wall. C.Order the food.



What size would the woman take?

A.Size 25. B.Size 26. C.Size 27.



What is Tom going to do?

A.To see a film. B.To see the doctor. C.To have a talk.



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