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—Every day I need to take some online le...

—Every day I need to take some online lessons. But now I can’t find my mobile phone.

—Don’t worry. My sister’s phone is here. You can use___________ (她的) phone.


her 【解析】 句意:——每天我都需要上一些在线课程。但是现在我找不到我的手机了。——别担心。我姐姐的电话在这儿。你可以用她的手机。 根据句意理解及中文提示可知,英语中“她的”是her/ hers,是物主代词,而这里表达的是“她的手机”,空格后面有名词,所以这里应该用形容词性的物主代词,故答案为her。  

__________(锻炼) has become part of my daily life while staying at home.



Thanks to the doctors and nurses, I can be safe and become a___________(幸运的) man.



    People have many different ways to relax during break time at work or school. Smartphones are probably the number one choice for a quick mental vacation. Although it might seem like a good time, looking at your cellphone may harm your mental power, according to a recent psychological study from Rutgers University in the United States.

For the study, more than 400 students were asked to finish a set of 20 word puzzles. Halfway through the task, the students were divided into three groups. Group one was allowed to take a break and use cellphones to buy things online. Group two was asked to have a rest and buy things using a computer. The last group didn’t take any break at all.

Interestingly, the group that used their cellphones during the break went back to work feeling the most tired and did not want to continue. They also had the hardest time solving the remaining word puzzles. The cellphone group took 19 percent longer to finish the rest of the task, and solved 22 percent fewer problems than those in the other break conditions combined.

Terri Kurtzberg, co-author of the study, explained that they assumed looking at cellphones during a break would be no different from any other break---but instead, the phone may increase levels of distraction that make it difficult to pay attention to work tasks.

“Cellphones may have this effect because even just seeing your phone remind you of checking messages, connecting with people and more, in ways that are different from how we use other screens like computers, and laptops,” Kurtzberg told Science Daily.

So, during your next break, try putting your smartphone away. Go out for a walk, get to know your classmates or even take a little sleep. You may be surprised by the results!

1.The study shows that using cellphones during breaks could___________.

A.help people relax during a quick mental vacation

B.reduce one's ability to solve problems

C.make people more active at work

D.be beneficial both physically and mentally

2.Which group felt the most tired when they went back to work after the break?

A.Group one. B.Group two.

C.Group three D.Not mentioned

3.What is the meaning of the underlined word distraction in paragraph 4?

A.too much work for some people to do.

B.A long way for young people to go.

C.something that turn your attention away.

D.An unhappy experience for you to share.

4.What does the author suggest people do during break time?

A.Turn off their cellphones.

B.Keep their cellphones out of sight.

C.Keep their cellphones face down.

D.Replace cellphones with laptops.

5.How does the author show people the bad influence of using cellphones during the break?

A.By giving suggestions to people at school or work.

B.By explaining the words of the professors.

C.By telling his own experience.

D.By introducing the experiment and showing the result.




I was at a dinner in London given in honor of one of the most celebrated English military men of his time, General Scoresby. I cannot describe my excitement when I saw this great and famous man. There he sat, the man himself, in person, all covered with medals. I could not take my eyes off him.

Next to me sat a man, who was an old friend of mine. During the first half of his life he was a teacher in the military school at Woolwich. There was a strange look in his eyes as he leaned toward me and whispered --- “Privately-he is a complete fool.” He meant, of course, the hero of our dinner.

This came as a shock to me. I looked hard at my friend. But I was sure of two things about my friend. He always spoke the truth. And, his judgment of men was good. Therefore, I wanted to find out more about our hero as soon as I could.

These are his exact words:

About forty years ago, I was a teacher in the military school at Woolwich, when young Scoresby was given his first examination. I felt extremely sorry for him. Everybody answered the questions well, intelligently, while he— why, dear me— he did not know anything. Well, all through his studies, I stood by him, with the feeling a mother has for a disabled child. Then, the Crimean War broke out. He joined the army. I said to myself that I must go with him and protect the nation and him as far as I could. So, I joined up with him. And away we went to the field.

The battle grew hotter. One mistake now would bring total disaster. And what did Scoresby do this time—he just mistook his left hand for his right hand... that was all. An order came for him to fall back and support our right. Instead, he moved forward and went over the hill to the left. And what did we find? A large and unknown Russian army waiting! And what happened—those surprised Russians thought it must be the whole British army. They turned tail, away they went over the hill and down into the field in wild disorder, and we after them. In no time, there was the greatest  turn around you ever saw. We turned defeat into a sweeping and shining victory.

Scoresby became famous that day as a great military leader-honored throughout the world. That honor will never disappear while history books last.

1.At first, the writer ___________General Scoresby a lot.

A.disliked B.admired C.helped D.taught

2.The writer felt ___________when his friend whispered something to him.

A.proud B.guilty C.excited D.surprised

3.Young Scoresby did     at his school work in his class.

A.the worst B.well C.commonly D.the best

4.How did the British army turn defeat into a sweeping and shining victory?

A.The weather was too hot then.

B.The whole British army came.

C.The Russians mistook them for the whole army.

D.The Russians could not tell the right and the left.

5.From the story, we can learn that Scoresby is a man full of ___________.

A.cleverness B.honesty C.kindness D.luck



    After releasing a short video on April 27th about planting and cooking peas, Chinese food blogger Li Ziqi witnessed her followers on YouTube go beyond 10 million.

This puts Li, who is famous for short videos recording her traditional lifestyle in China’s countryside, among the list of the most popular Chinese-language content creators on the Internet. She was surprised by how foreign netizens were attracted by her works.

“What I present is just a lifestyle I’ve long followed and enjoyed,” she said. “Maybe it’s also what many other people have valued.”

Li’s YouTube videos center on her life with her grandmother in the rural parts of Sichuan Province. In the videos, Li, often dressed in beautiful traditional clothes, rises at sunrise, rests at set, plants seeds and harvests flowers, cooks Chinese dishes and makes bamboo furniture.

Unlike many other food bloggers, Li’s videos set China’s countryside as the  stage and start with how the foods are planted and harvested in the farm. She rarely speaks in the process.

Li’s overseas followers have praised her videos for showing the amazing pictures, simple and elegant side of China's rural life.

“In the countryside, planting flowers, vegetables and trees is not difficult. There are difficult parts of rural life of course, but I didn’t put them in my videos,” the blogger said. “Most people today are facing huge stress in work and life, so I hope they can feel relaxed when watching my videos.”

1.On April 27th, Li Ziqi put her short video about how to___________on the Internet.

A.plant and cook peas B.dress in nice traditional clothes

C.make bamboo furniture D.plant seeds and harvest flowers

2.Li is different from other food bloggers because___________.

A.she gets lots of help from her grandmother

B.she begins with harvesting food in the farm

C.her voice attracts netizens around the world

D.her videos are all filmed in the countryside

3.Li’s short videos show the viewers a___________lifestyle.

A.stressful B.difficult C.hard-working D.relaxing



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