满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

A)根据短文内容及首字母提示,写出所缺单词,使短文完整、通顺。 It was M...


It was Monday morning, and the writing class had just begun. Everyone was silent, waiting to see w1.  would be called to read his or her article aloud. Some of us were confident and couldn’t wait to take p2. in the class activity; others were nervous. I had done my homework, but I was shy  — I was a3.  to speak in front of a large group of people. At that moment, I remembered that my father o4.  said, “The classroom is a place for learning and that i5.  learning from textbooks, and mistakes as well.” Immediately, I raised my hand.


1.who 2.part 3.afraid/ashamed 4.once/often 5.includes 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,主要介绍了写作课上作者克服恐惧心理主动回答问题的故事。 1.句意:每个人都默不作声,等着看谁会被叫来大声朗读他或她的文章。 根据语境可知,我们等着看谁会被叫起来大声朗读自己的文章,故此处应用who引导宾语从句,作宾语从句的主语。故答案为who。   2.句意:我们中有些人很自信,迫不及待地想参加班级活动;有些人则很紧张。 根据语境可知,我们中有些人迫不及待地想参加班级活动,take part in参加,固定短语。故答案为part。 3.句意:我已经做了家庭作业,但我很害羞——我不敢在一大群人面前讲话/我羞于在一大群人面前讲话。 根据前文“but I was shy”可知,我做了家庭作业,但是我很害羞,羞于/害怕在很多人前讲话。be afraid/ashamed to do sth害怕/羞于做某事,固定短语。故答案为afraid/ashamed。   4.句意:那一刻,我想起父亲曾经/经常说:“教室是学习的地方,它包括从课本中学习,也包括从错误中学习。” 根据语境可知,那一刻我想到了父亲经常说的话/曾经说过的话,故此处应为副词once/often曾经/经常。故答案为once/often。 5.句意:教室是学习的地方,它包括从课本中学习,也包括从错误中学习。 根据语境可知,教室是学习的地方,它包括从课本中学习,也包括从错误中学习。includ包括,动词,根据句中is可知,本句为一般现在时,主语The classroom为第三人称单数,故此处应用其单三形式。故答案为includes。

    When I look at this picture of myself, I realize how fast time flies. About one month after this picture  1.(take), I became a primary school student. Around me in this picture are the things  that  2.(be)  very  important  in  my  life  at  that  time:  toy  cars  and  planes.  I enjoyed  3. (study) different kinds of cars and planes. This picture brings back to  4. (I) many happy memories of my childhood.

Since I was a kid, I  5.(consider) different jobs I would like to do. First, I wanted to be a fireman, because the uniform looked so cool. Then, when I was in the  6.(six) grade, I wanted to be a teacher because I liked my English teacher so much. When I entered middle school, my dream was to open a restaurant. I wished to have a chain of restaurants in many different  7.(city). If I succeeded in managing one, I would open  8.(many). Now I hope to be a surgeon. “That’s a good  9.(decide)”, my parents say to me. I know I must try hard  10. (make) my dream come true.



    Elsie Eiler is the head of Monowi, a tiny town in northern Nebraska, U.S.A., and that isn’t her only job. She is also the town secretary, the town treasurer, the librarian, and she works in the café. Why has she got a lot of different jobs? Because there’s nobody else to do them. Monowi has got a population of one  — Elsie.

Monowi is an unusual sight. There are about twelve old wooden houses there. They are all empty and are surrounded by a few trees, several old cars and lots of rubbish. The town is silent. An old yellow school bus, with no wheels or seats, stands next to the small school. The school closed 40 years ago. Opposite Elsie’s café is an old building, filled with rubbish. It was a shop but it closed in the 1950s.

The busiest time for Monowi was in the 1930s. Then, the population was 150, and was made up of mostly farmers and their families. There was a railway too. However, the farmers couldn’t compete(竞争)with the large industrialized(工业化的)farms, and left the town to look for other work. In 1971, the railway closed and the town began to die. Three years ago, the last people that lived there, except Elsie’s family, moved away. Then, Elsie’s husband died, and then her son and daughter left to find work in bigger towns, leaving Elsie the only person in the town.

____________Her food is good, her beer is cold, and farmers and truck drivers travel a long way to eat at her café. “One day Monowi will just be memories, and it will probably turn to dust,” she says. “But I like it, and as long as I can take care of myself, I will stay here.”

1.What does Paragraph 1 mainly tell us about Elsie Eiler?

A.She is the only person living in Monowi. B.She has a good time living in Monowi.

C.She can do different kinds of jobs. D.She will leave Monowi soon.

2.Mostly                     and their families lived in Monowi in the 1930s.

A.railway workers B.shopkeepers

C.truck drivers D.farmers

3.The article tells us about Monowi EXCEPT                     .

A.what it looks like B.whether there is train there

C.when people first lived there D.why people started to leave it

4.Which of the following can be filled in the blank in the last paragraph?

A.Elsie believes Monowi will have a bright future.

B.Now Elsie wishes her kids to return to Monowi.

C.Elsie will leave Monowi in a couple of years.

D.Now Elsie lives alone but she isn’t lonely.



    “I want a mobile phone!” said Lisa. “I’m sure you do,” said her dad.

“No, Dad. You don’t understand. I really, really, really want a mobile phone.” “And I really, really, really want a boat. It’s not going to happen.”

Lisa and her dad were stuck in traffic. It seemed that it’s always the case. When he took her to school in the morning — traffic. When he picked her up in the afternoon — traffic. Go to the supermarket, a birthday party, and what felt like ten hours of traffic was what they got.

Lisa was bored. When she was bored, she wanted things. Right now, she wanted a mobile phone. She wasn’t sure if her dad understood that. She would have to tell him again.


“What if I got stuck in a cave?”

“What?” asked her dad, trying not to laugh.

“What if I had a dog and the dog ran away, and I had to run after it. What if the dog ran into a cave, and I ran after the dog. In the cave there was a bear, and the bear trapped me, and …”

“And then you were stuck in the cave.”

“Yes. It’s a mother bear. She will eat me unless I have a mobile phone to call for help.”

“If it’s a mother bear, you can use her phone. Everyone knows mums always carry phones.” Dad was laughing as he said this. Lisa didn’t think it was very funny. Now she was angry. “If I had a mobile phone, I could play games on it!”

“If I had a boat, I could eat beef on it. That doesn’t mean I’m getting  one.”

“No, but I mean if I could play games, I wouldn’t be so bored when we were in traffic. I wouldn’t trouble you!”

“I don’t mind being troubled. I like talking to you.” “Then I won’t say anything at all!”

Dad smiled quietly to himself. “I’m going to call Mum to let her know we’ll be late.” He reached into his pocket. “Oh! My battery’s dead.”

“You know…if I had a mobile phone, I could call Mum,” said Lisa. “Nice try.”

Lisa smiled. She wasn’t getting a phone, but she knew she was right, and that was almost as good.

1.What happened to Lisa and her dad?

A.They lost their way. B.Their car broke down.

C.They were stuck in traffic. D.They couldn’t find their dog.

2.Why did Lisa talk about being stuck in a cave?

A.She wanted to play there. B.Her dad didn’t pay attention to her. C.She had a good imagination.              D.She needed a mobile phone.

3.What does the underlined word “one” refer to?

A.a mobile phone B.a boat C.a piece of beef D.a game

4.Which of the following is NOT the reason why Lisa was angry?

A.Dad was making fun of her.

B.She would get home late today.

C.Dad didn’t want to buy her a mobile phone.

D.She failed in making Dad buy her a mobile phone.

5.How did Lisa feel at the end of the story?

A.Calm. B.Worried. C.Excited. D.Bored.



At the doctor’s office

Wilson is a foreign student in Britain. He is learning English there. He still has some trouble using the language.

Doctor: Good morning. You’re a new patient, I think. What’s the trouble?

Wilson: Sometimes I feel cold and sometimes hot. I have a headache and a stomachache.

Doctor: Yes, you look a bit off-colour.

Wilson: What colour, please?

Doctor: Sorry, what I said was “off-colour”. We use it to describe how people look or feel when they are unwell. Let me take your temperature. When did this start?

Wilson: I felt very tired last night when I went to bed. Then I felt really bad this morning when I woke up.

Doctor: I see. Now, let’s look at your temperature. Ah, just as I thought, a hundred and one.

Wilson: Oh, a hundred and one? So high?

Doctor: Ah, yes, that must sound strange to you. We measure people’s temperature on the Fahrenheit scale(华氏). In centigrade, your temperature is 39℃, which is a bit high, but not exactly boiling point(沸点).

Wilson: Oh, it isn’t very bad, then.

Doctor: No, it isn’t serious. You’ve got a cold. I’ll give you some medicine. You’d better stay at home in the warm for a day or two and drink plenty of water.

Wilson: Thank you very much, doctor. I’m feeling better already. It wasn’t so difficult telling you about my illness.

Doctor: No, language doesn’t matter too much to a doctor. After all, vets manage without language at all.

Wilson: Please, what is a “vets”?

Doctor: Animal doctors. Now I must end this English lesson and see my next patient.

1.Which word has the same meaning as the underlined word “off-colour”?

A.tired B.lazy C.sick D.stressed

2.What do we know about Wilson?

A.He is good at English. B.He has had a cold.

C.He is from the UK. D.He knows the doctor well.

3.What is the doctor like?

A.Impatient. B.Strict. C.Humorous. D.Curious.




Fun film facts

Two of the most famous silent films ever made were the French sciencefiction film A Trip to the Moon (1902) and the American film The Great Train Robbery (1903).

The silent film that made the most money ever was The Birth of a Nation (1915), which was produced and directed by D. W. A Griffith. It made $10,000,000.

Auguste Lumiere and his brother made the first film shown in public. However, they didn't believe that films would become very popular. Auguste said, 'Cinema...has nocommercial (商业) future!'

25% of the money by a film comes from ticket sales, 46% from DVD sales, and 29% from television. We don't know how much money people get from popcorn sales, but film fans usually eat a lot of this salty food, especially when watching a horror film.




1.A Trip to the Moon, The Great Train Robbery and The Birth of a Nation were ________.

A.silent films B.science fiction films

C.made in the same year D.made by a French director

2.What did Auguste Lumire believe?

A.Horror films would become popular.

B.Film-makers would be rich in the future.

C.People would eat popcorn when seeing films.

D.Not many people would be interested in films.

3.What percentage of the money by a film comes from ticket sales?

A.About a quarter. B.About one-third.

C.About a half. D.About three-fourths.



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