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How did Chinese people choose the 12 ani...

    How did Chinese people choose the 12 animals of the zodiac (生肖)?

There are many stories1.the Chinese zodiac. In one of the most2. stories, the Jade Emperor (玉皇大帝)wanted to pick 12 animals to keep his palace safe. He ordered all the animals to have a 3.to run to the palace. The first 12 animals to4. at the palace were the winners.  They then became part of our calendar.

5. , the real history behind the Chinese zodiac is much harder to find. Some say the zodiac came from animals6. were important in people’s lives at the time. Some of the animals were ones that people7.at home, such as the chicken and the pig. Others were animals they loved such as the tiger and the monkey. Others say that ancient Chinese people chose the 12 animals according to animals’ habits. This is because people not8.used the zodiac to stand for different years, but also used them to tell time.

9. animal stands for one shichen, or two hours. It is said that during each shichen, its corresponding ( ) animal would be active. For example, the mouse stands for the period of time from 11 pm to 1 am10.this is the time when mice would go out to look for food. Do you think our ancient Chinese are full of wisdom(智慧)?


1.about 2.famous/well-known/popular 3.race/competition 4.arrive 5.However 6.that/which 7.kept/raised/fed/had 8.only 9.One/Each/Every/An 10.because 【解析】 这篇短文主要讲述了生肖是怎样选出来,本文讲述了关于生肖的几个传说。 1. 句意:关于十二生肖有许多故事。 根据文中“In one of the most ________ stories, the Jade Emperor (玉皇大帝)wanted to pick 12 animals to keep his palace safe.”可知,这里是关于十二生肖的故事。这里用介词about。故答案为about。 2. 句意:在一个最著名/最著名/最流行的故事中,玉皇大帝想要挑选12只动物来保护他的宫殿安全。 One of+the+形容词最高级+名词复数,表示……最之一;这里是最著名的/最受欢迎的。famous/well-known形容词,出名的,著名的;popular形容词,受欢迎的。故答案为famous/well-known/popular。 3. 句意:他命令所有的动物举行一场赛跑去宫殿。 根据“The first 12 animals to __________ at the palace were the winners.”前十二名跑到宫殿的动物是获胜者。可知,这里是举行一场赛跑的比赛。race/competition名词,比赛。故答案为race/competition。 4. 句意:第一批到达宫殿的12只动物是获胜者。 根据“They then became part of our calendar.”及“were the winners.”可知,这里是前12名到达的动物。arrive动词,到达。这里是动词不定式做后置定语,修饰animals。故答案为arrive。 5. 句意:然而,中国十二生肖背后的真实历史却很难找到。 根据“the real history behind the Chinese zodiac is much harder to find.”可知,这里是表示转折关系用however副词,然而。故答案为However。 6. 句意:有人说十二生肖来自当时对人们生活很重要的动物。 这里是定语从句,先行词是animals,是物,关系词用that/which,在这里是做主语。故答案为that/which。 7. 句意:有些动物是人们在家里饲养/喂养的动物,如鸡和猪。 根据下文“such as the chicken and the pig”可知,这里是说人们在家里养的动物。keep相当于raise和feed都是“饲养”的意思。主语的谓语动词是过去时态,从句也用过去式,keep/raise/feed/have的过去式是 kept/raised/fed/had。故答案为kept/raised/fed/had。 8. 句意:这是因为人们不仅用十二生肖来代表不同的年份,而且还用十二生肖来表示时间。 根据下文“but also used them to tell time.”可知,这里是不仅……而且……;not only…but also…不仅……而且……。故答案为only。 9. 句意:一只/每只动物代表一个时辰。 根据下文“For example, the mouse stands for the period of time from 11 pm to 1 am ____10____ this is the time when mice would go out to look for food.”可知,这里是每个动物/一个动物,这里用“One/Each/Every/Ananimal”来表示。故答案为One/Each/Every/An。 10. 句意:例如,老鼠代表晚上11点到凌晨1点的时间段,因为这段时间是老鼠外出觅食的时间。 根据“this is the time when mice would go out to look for food.”可知,这里是表示原因,用because连词,因为。故答案为because。

    Has anyone ever told you that eating carrots will help you see in the dark? This is just one of many incorrect beliefs you may have heard. Below, TEENS has picked out scientific explanations for three mistakes that people make about their eyes. Let's take a look.

Can eating carrots improve your eyesight?

Carrots are rich in vitamin A, which helps the eyes to turn light into information for your brain. This allows people to see in darker places. However, eating more carrots won't help you see better. A certain minimum amount will help, but a large number of carrots will not give you superhuman vision.

If your parents have bad eyesight, will you have bad eyesight, too?

Myopia( ) can be passed from parents to children. A study by the American Optometric Association found that if both parents are myopic, there's a 33 to 60 percent chance that their child will be. For children who have one parent with myopia, the chance is 23 to 40 percent, and it's down to 6 to 15 percent for kids with non-myopic parents. So if your eyesight is bad, your children might still have good vision.

Do color blind people see the world in black and white?

Color blindness doesn't usually mean that people see the world like an old movie. They usually can't tell certain colors apart, especially green and red. Another commonly confused pair of colors is yellow and blue. Our eyes have cone cells (视锥细胞) that sense different wavelengths of light. If these cells don't work properly, color blindness occurs. There are different levels of color blindness. Some people are only color blind in low light. However, in the most serious form of color blindness, everything is shades of gray.

1.According to the article, eating carrots________.

A.stops the brain from seeing B.doesn't help you see better at all

C.will help you see clearly in the dark D.is good for your eyes to some degree

2.If both parents have myopia, their child's chance of having good eyesight is________.

A.40-67% B.33-60% C.23-40% D.6-15%

3.The underline word“occurs”in this passage probably means________.

A.恶化 B.发生 C.改善 D.加深

4.What is the cause of color blindness according to the text?

A.Watching movies for too long . B.Getting too little exercise.

C.Cone cells not working properly. D.Changes in the wavelength of light.

5.What is the purpose of the article?

A.To offer some advice on protecting your eyes.

B.To clear up some misunderstandings about our eyes.

C.To provide help for improving your vision.

D.To explain how bad eyesight and color blindness form.




Zhuhai Star International Cinema Add: No. 7 Xinzhu Road, Xiangshan Lake

Tel: 0756-2307 106

Ye Wen (The Final)

Country (Language): China (Cantonese)

Introduction: Ye Wen arrived at China Town by mistake. During the fight against the American military, he showed the traditional Chinese Kungfu to the world. Can he win at last?


10:45 12:00 13:20 14:30 15:50 16:30

17:30 18:25 19:30 20:20 21:35 22:15

Sheep Without a Shepherd

Country (Language): China and India (English)

Introduction: A father tried his best to protect his family even by means of lying to the police. Can they live a happy life again?


10:30 11:30 12:30 13:30

14:30 15:30 17:30 18:35

19:30 20:05 20:35 21:30

22:05 22:35

Life Is Beautiful

Country (Language): Italy (Italian & English)

Introduction: It’s a true story during World War II. A Jewish young man married a beautiful teacher and they had a son. But they were all put into prison because of the war. In order to

protect their son from harm, they tried their best to live a happy life by playing games and telling stories. Can they survive in the end?

Timetable: 16:05

Star Wars (The Rise of Skywalker)

Country (Language): USA (English)

Introduction: An adventure in space is about to begin. Can you imagine what will happen? It’s the last and the most exciting movie in the Star Wars series. Who will win the war in the end? The answer lies here for you to discover.

Timetable: 10:20 14:10 18:10

Ticket: adult:60 child:20

For more information, please click here.



1.Which movie is the first one that people can enjoy after 8:00 pm?

A.Ye Wen (The Final). B.Sheep Without a Shepherd.

C.Life Is Beautiful. D.Star Wars (The Rise of Skywalker).

2.Jack’s uncle is from America, and he knows little Chinese. He wants to know people’s life in real wars. Which movie will he see?

A.Ye Wen (The Final) . B.Life Is Beautiful.

C.Sheep Without a Shepherd. D.Star Wars (The Rise of Skywalker)

3.Mr. Luo and his two children are going to the cinema, they should pay________.

A.100 yuan B.20 yuan C.80 yuan D.60 yuan

4.Which is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The address of the cinema is No. 2 Xinzhu Road, Xiangshan Lake.

B.Ye Wen fought against the British military in The Final.

C.The most available movie is Sheep Without a Shepherd according to the timetable.

D.The Rise of Skywalker is the first movie in the Star Wars series.

5.We can find this passage in________.

A.a story book B.a textbook C.a newspaper D.a website



    “How can I improve my English?” A lot of my students have been asking me about this same question again and again._______ the answer won’t be suitable for everyone, I’m still going to tell you some of my experience. I hope that you will improve your English learning skills.

One thing I can tell you is that, once you start learning, you should try to think in English as ___________as you can. If you see something when you’re riding your bike or walking down the street, just_________“How would I say them in English?” At first, you may think with simple words but later  with longer sentences. Now I’m in America, and for_________the time, I would think in English and speak it directly. It’s amazing how much this helps.

When I started learning, I was___________ afraid of talking with others in English because I didn’t want to make mistakes. Finally, I had a chance to_________. And while traveling in America, I’d try to  hang out with American friends,_________ I’d have no choice but to speak English. Also, I decided if I  said anything stupid and other people would look_________ me, then so be it. After that, my English  started to_________ much more quickly.

Besides, it may be a good idea to ask your American friends to look at the way you’re writing, and give you some__________ for improvement.

1.A.When B.Although C.Unless D.If

2.A.easy B.quick C.much D.many

3.A.think about B.come up with C.talk about D.deal with

4.A.both of B.either of C.most of D.many of

5.A.never B.seldom C.hardly D.often

6.A.gave it up B.got it over C.looked it up D.thought it over

7.A.so that B.such as C.such that D.in order to

8.A.forward to B.out of C.up to D.down upon

9.A.raise B.climb C.improve D.increase

10.A.advices B.suggestions C.informations D.questions



    Technology and digital development have changed people’s living styles these years. People show all kinds of things on the Internet which__________ their interests, such as good food, nice clothes and so on. Among all the activities, now showing_______ steps is becoming more and more popular.

People are finding it important to be in good health. To keep___________, many people go to work  on foot. When they are walking, the step counter app in__________ phones can record how many steps they walk that day. After walking, some people show themselves off on WeChat. This can make  them________ from each other and keep exercising.

“This helps me to exercise much and keep a good habit,” Miss Liu said. “I can also talk about

____________  to keep fit with my friends on WeChat. We are in the same group to encourage each other to keep exercising.”

Mr.Wu likes to exercise. But in the past he was__________ lazy and didn’t want to exercise every day. “After I use the step counter app, everything is different. Sometimes there are prizes for

__________walk more steps. I really like it,” he said.

“Walking is__________ useful and relaxing way to exercise. Both the old and the young like it. ”Mr. Wang, a__________ teacher said. “Recording the steps helps people develop a good habit of walking   and showing the result can inspire people to be more interested in walking.

1.A.are based B.is based C.basing D.are basing

2.A.a number of B.the numbers of C.the number of D.numbers of

3.A.heal B.health C.healthy D.healthily

4.A.they B.them C.theirs D.their

5.A.to learn B.learn C.learning D.learnt

6.A.what B.how C.why D.where

7.A.kind of B.different kinds of C.a kind of D.kinds of

8.A.ones who B.those who C.ones which D.those that

9.A.an B./ C.a D.the

10.A.30 year old B.30-years-old C.30-year-olds D.30-year-old



    在我们的成长过程中, 一定都有很多令人难忘的经历。假如你是李华, 请用英语写一篇以 An Unforgettable Experience 为题的短文, 描述一件事情, 主要内容包括: 这件事情发生的时间, 地点, 过程以及感悟。


1. When and where did it happen?

2. What happened during this experience?

3. What have you learnt through this experience?




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