满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

A: Hi, Linda! I didn't see you in the ci...

A: Hi, Linda! I didn't see you in the cinema last night. What were you doing?


A: Writing to your pen friend?2.

B: She comes from Sydney.


B: She is tall with long curly brown hair.

A: Do you often write to her in English?

B: Yes. It can help me improve my English.

A: I agree with you.4.

B: No. But I plan to go there this summer vacation.5.

A: Yes, I'd love to. But I am going to take a singing competition.

B: What a pity! Good luck to you.

A: Thanks.

A.What does she look like?

B.Where does she come from?

C.Do you have a pen friend?

D.Have you ever been to Sydney?

E.I was practicing singing.

F.Would you like to go with me?

G.I was writing to my pen friend.


1.G 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.F 【解析】 这则对话主要是A昨晚在电影院没看到B,询问得知B在给笔友写信;A询问笔友来自哪里,她的长相;B觉得经常用英语写信给笔友可以提高英语,并计划今年暑假去悉尼,邀请A一起去;但是A要参加歌唱比赛去不了。 1. 句意:我正在给笔友写信。 根据“What were you doing?”,A询问B昨晚在做什么,此处B回答昨晚做的事,根据后文“Writing to your pen friend”,可知此处与B给笔友写信有关。故选G。 2. 句意:她来自什么地方? 根据“She comes from Sydney”, B介绍笔友来自悉尼,可知此处A在询问笔友来自什么地方,疑问词是where,B选项“Where does she come from”符合,故选B。 3. 句意:她长什么样? 根据“She is tall with long curly brown hair”, B描述笔友的外貌,可知此处A在询问她长什么样,A选项“What does she look like”符合,故选A。 4. 句意:你去过悉尼么? 根据“No. But I plan to go there this summer vacation”否定回答,可知此处是一般疑问句;B计划今年暑假去那里,可知此处询问是否去过,D选项“Have you ever been to Sydney”符合。故选D。 5. 句意:你想要和我一起去么? 根据“Yes, I'd love to. But…”是的,我想去,但是要参加唱歌比赛,可知B在询问A是否愿意和他一起去,F选项“Would you like to go with me”符合,故选F。

Do you think you can get on well with your new students?

________. I'm good with young people.

A.No way B.I hope so C.Of course D.I'm afraid not



Could you tell me ________ the book?

Sure, I bought it online.

A.why you bought B.when you bought C.where you bought D.how much you paid for



Life is ________ love everywhere. Let's enjoy it.

A.full of B.made of C.proud of D.afraid of



Sorry, I didn't do a good job.

Never mind. ________, you've tried your best.

A.As for B.In total C.In that case D.After all



Our government ________ to solve them quickly when we had difficulties at the beginning of this year.

A.took action B.took off C.took in D.took place



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