满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据要求完成小作文。词数:30词左右。 为了方便孩子学习,现在许多家长在孩子就读...




An Ad for Renting



例文: An Ad for Renting I want to rent a house with two rooms. It’s better to be near No. 2 High School. I hope the rent could be 800 yuan a month so that I can afford it. If you have one, please contact Yang Hui at 1596876xxxx.Thank you! 【解析】 1.题干解读:该题目属于应用文写作。在写作时应根据内容提示介绍租房的条件及自己的联系方式。

    Do you often feel anxious(焦虑的)? Do you always have too much pressure? If your answer is "Yes", here are some ways to stay positive(乐观).

Input less information

Reading too much the unbelievable information can make you worried. Be sure to get your information from believable sources(来源). Rumors(谣言)can also make you feel anxious.


Exercise not only helps you improve your immunity(免疫力), but also helps you release your anxiety. You can take part in many outdoor activities, such as playing basketball, swimming and running. At the same time, you may try some indoor activities like yoga, taichi or others you enjoy.

Write or talk

Try to write some experiences to record your true feelings. Through writing,you can understand yourself better. You can also talk with a trusted friend, family member or teacher. Tell them your feelings.

Be creative

Show your imagination through creative activities. For example, you can paint pictures to make yourself relaxed. If you enjoy music, you can write songs. Don't be afraid to share your works with others. It may help you to have a good mood(心情).

Don't compare with others

If you compare with others, you may feel that you are not perfect. That makes you feel stressed out. Remember to be yourself.

Title 1.

Input less information

If you get the 2., you will feel worried.

Rumors can also make you feel anxious.


Both indoor and outdoor activities can be good for you health.

Write or talk

You can record your true feelings to 4.

You can also tell your feelings to a person who you trust.

Be creative

You can paint pictures and write song to make yourself relaxed.

It is a good way 5.. It may help you to have a good mood.

Don't compare with other

Remember to be yourself.






Cao Yuan was born in 1996. As he was a young kid, he liked to learn on his own. He was not afraid of asking difficult questions. He spent two years finishing his middle and high school classes. At the age of 14, he started taking classes at a university. Although Cao is younghe shows maturity(成熟)beyond his age.

When he was 24, he published(发表)two papers in Nature on May 6th. Nature is one of the top science magazines in the world. Many scientists dream of publishing their papers in it. But it is really hard. One has to make a very important discovery.

Cao's papers are about graphene(石墨烯)the thinnest and strongest in the world. Scientists first discovered it in 2004.

However, Cao found that sometimes graphene can change. It can change between a superconductor(超导体)a material that conducts electricity(导电), and an conductor(绝缘体)a material that doesn't conduct electricity. With it, scientists can find cheaper and easier ways to use electricity.

Now Cao is a doctoral student studying at MIT. He isn't afraid of failure in his work. "He Just rolled up his sleeves(袖子)and went on working."

1.What did Cao Yuan like to do when he was a kid?


2.Where did Cao Yuan publish two papers on May 6th?


3.Why do many scientists dream of publishing their papers in Nature?


4.When did scientists first discover graphene?


5.Is Cao Yuan afraid of failure?




    Spring Equinox(春分)is the fourth of the24 solar term(节气). 1. It falls on March 20 this year. On this day, day and night all over the world are equal length. After this day, daytime will last longer than night.

Spring Equinox means the most exciting days of spring have come. 2. Spring is the best time for going outside and flying kites in China. There are also other traditions for this day, such as balancing eggs. In some places, people paint the eggs in many colors and hold egg-balancing competitions. They think special gravitational forces(引力)can help eggs stand on their ends. Actually you can balance an egg on its end any day of the year, have a try for fun.













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