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Students in France have one less thing t...


Students in France have one less thing to put in their backpacks these days. The country recently banned(禁止)smart phones in public schools for all students through ninth grade. Many schools around the United States have similar bans.

Some educators say kids pay better attention in class when they aren't constantly(始终)looking at their phones. They say banning phones encourages students to talk to cach other more.

Most teachers would agree that they don't want a classroom full of kids texting. But many say a total ban on phones isn't necessary. Some people argue that it is better to teach kids to use technology responsibly(负责任地)than take it away. Plus, many parents point out that they need to be able to reach their kids during the day.

Group Yes

★Smartphones make it difficult for students to concentrate(聚精会神)in class. Kids might play games, watch videos, or check out apps instead of paying attention to the teacher. They can easily miss important information. Plus, a ringing or buzzing phone distracts other students.

★Also, some kids might use their phones to cheat. They could go online and look up answers to a text, or they could text their friends for help.

Group No

★Students should be able to have their phones with them in case of an emergency(紧急情况). Kids need a way to get in touch with their parents if they get sick, if the school bus breaks down, or even if they forget their lunch at home.

★Plus, smartphones can actually help kids do better in school. We can use them to go online and do research for a class project or for help with writing essays. Plus, there are great educational apps we can use.



1.Students are not allowed to bring smartphones to public schools in_____

A.China B.France C.Japan D.Australia

2.What can be learned from the third paragraph?

A.Most cducators encouragc students to use phones at school.

B.Many parents say yes to have a total ban on phones.

C.Some people think students should use phones properly.

D.Some teachers like a classroom full of kids texting.

3.After banning phones in schools, students may______.

A.get help from others more easily

B.check out apps more quickly

C.listen to their teachers more carefully

D.text their friends more often

4.Parents may agree with"Group No"because______.

A.they want to keep in touch with their kids

B.they like to look up answers to a text

C.they need to teach their kids more

D.they are willing to do research online

5.What would be the best title for the text?

A.Are smartphones useful for learning?

B.Should schools ban smartphones?

C.How can students use smartphones?

D.Why do schools ban smartphones?


1.B 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.B 【解析】 文章介绍了法国最近颁布了一条禁令,在公立学校学生禁止带智能手机。对这条禁令,有的人同意,认为学生不看手机,能更认真听课;有的人不同意,认为学生遇到紧急情况,可以和父母联系,还有他们认为智能手机能在学习上帮助学生。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

    It's not just people that are practicing social distancing.Some famous brands are doing ittoo.They have come up with creative slogans(口号)and fun branding ideas.

As for McDonald's, it changed the profile photo of its Brazilian Facebook page. The fast-food brand moved the two peaks of the"M"away from each other so that they no longer touch. The page also updated its cover video, showing the logo dividing into two and then joining back together. The video says:"  "

Similarly,gaming hardware producer Razer has separated the three interlocking snakes of its traditional logo and made them into three individual snakes. The company has been encouraging users on social media to play games at home as well.

Artists around the world are also offering their creative ideas.One of them added a face mask(口罩)to Starbucks'double-tailed mermaid(美人鱼).What's morehe has changed Nike's“Just do it”slogan to"Just don't do it."Another sports fan moved the basketball player away from the traditional NBA logo and added space between the three lines of the Adidas logo.



1.Which of the following can be put in“        

A.Impossible is nothing.

B.Let us make things better.

C.No business too smallno problem too big.

D.Separated for a moment to always be together.

2.The underlined word interlocking means________"in Chinese.

A.环环相扣的 B.井井有条的

C.息息相关的 D.栩栩如生的

3.The artist changed the Starbucks'double-tailed mermaid by ________.

A.cutting off one tail B.joining the tails together

C.adding a face mask D.moving the face mask away

4.Which picture shows the creative Adidas logo according to the text


5.The creative slogans are to________".

A.make their company more popular

B.make their business better and better

C.encourage people to create more slogans

D.encourage people to practice social distancing



    Lily was a French girl who moved to America with her family. She left school at the age of 16. She had to work to support her family. Her English was very poor. She didn't have the courage to ask for a job.

One day, Lily saw a sign at a company."Help wanted," the sign said. She walked up to the office and knocked on the door. She was met by the office manager, Margaret Costello. In her broken English. Lily told her she was interested in the secretarial position. Margaret knew something wasn't right, but decided to give the girl a chance.

Margaret sat her down at a typewriter and said,“Lily. Let's see how good you really are." She let Lily type a letter and then left. Lily looked at the clock: it was 11:40 a.m. Everyone would leave for lunch at noon. She thought that she could slip away in the crowd. But she thought she should at least try to type the letter. She got through one line. It had five words and she had made four mistakes.

She pulled the paper out and threw it away. The clock now showed 11:45. Lily tried again. She got through a full paragraph, but she still had made many mistakes. Again. She pulled out the paper, threw it away and started over. This time, she typed the whole letter, but there were still many mistakes. She looked at the clock:11:55. Just then, Margaret walked in. She read the letter and then said."Lily. You did a good job." Lily was surprised. With those simple words of encouragement, her confidence began to grow. She thought, “Well, if she thinks it's good, it must be good. I think I'll stay.”

Lily did stay at the company for 51 years—all because someone gave her courage when she knocked on the door.

1.Lily left school because_________.

A.her family was poor

B.her English was good

C.she was 16 years old

D.she was from America

2.What job did Lily want to get in the company?

A.A secretary. B.A manager. C.A director. D.A gatekeeper.

3.When did Lily finish typing the whole letter?

A.At 11:40. B.At 11:45. C.At 1l:50. D.At 11:55.

4.Which of the following best describes Margaret?

A.Well—dressed. B.Kind—hearted.

C.Hard—working. D.Good—looking.

5.What can be learned from the text?

A.Failure is the mother of success. B.Mistakes are often the best teachers.

C.Encouragement makes confidence. D.Without confidence, there is no friendship.




Within five minutes of meeting OliviaI knew she was a special teenager.I knew before she picked up her guitar and _______a song.I knew before I found out _______a condition she was born with changed her childhood.Besides her musical talentsOlivia is just so friendlyfunny and ________to those who made her first show such a success.

Like all children fighting long term diseasesthe journey she has been on has made her stronger.Olivia was born with a weak immune(免疫的)system.When she realized she would have to________her outdoor activitiesshe picked up her mom's old high school guitar and taught ________to play.She said that she had to have something to do to ________time.

During a hospital visitshe met a popular band that invited Olivia to join them as a guest performer.They encouraged her to play at public events in the areaand she was soon _______on stage.

It was yet another treatment that led to her ______to help children.Getting well in her room for 15 days last ChristmasOlivia saw how sad it could be for children to be in hospital.That's why Olivia decided to do a benefit show(义演),asking guests to bring a toy that could be _______to young patients.

"When you fill your life ______things you love"she said“it makes every day more meaningful.”

1.A.wrote B.performed C.made

2.A.how B.what C.why

3.A.careful B.useful C.thankful

4.A.give up B.give away C.give in

5.A.myself B.himself C.herself

6.A.kill B.save C.waste

7.A.popular B.patient C.polite

8.A.instruction B.introduction C.decision

9.A.sold B.taken C.made

10.A.in B.with C.for



—What a lovely minority costume! Could you tell me________?

—In a shopping center in my hometown.

A.when you got it B.how much it costs C.where you bought it



China's Long March 5B carrier rocket      into space in Hainan Province on May 5,2020.

A.sent B.was sent C.was sending



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