满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Do you often use paper napkins? —Seldom...

—Do you often use paper napkins?

—Seldom,________ they are cheap and easy to get.

A.since B.although C.because D.if


B 【解析】   句意:——你经常使用纸巾吗?——很少,尽管他们便宜,容易买到。 since 和because表示原因。although尽管。If是如果的意思。结合句意,前后两句之间表示让步关系,故用连词although,故选B。  

—How shall we go to the airport?

— Let’s take the bus. It_________only 20 minutes and_________ less than taking a taxi.

A.takes, costs B.spends, spends C.spends, costs



Working as a doctor in________ European Country was_______ unusual experience for him.

A.an, an B.a, a C.a, an



    新冠肺炎疫情的发生把同学们关在了家中,使同学们拥有了一个超长假期。如今已开学,同学们非常高兴,终于回到了可爱的校园,见到了自己的老师和同学。然而你的笔友王磊却非常纠结,来信向你求助:"未开学时,盼望着开学,因为居家学习,自由散漫, 养成了一些坏习惯,比在学校学到的知识少多了,而且又面临中考,内心很着急。现在开学了,又害怕被传染。虽然我国疫情逐渐变好,但国外疫情仍非常严峻。我该怎样做呢?"假如你是李华,请你就如何做好自我防护,又要努力学习、备战中考这两个方面给他回信提供一些帮助和建议。


戴口罩((masks 口罩);勤洗手;多开窗让空气保持新鲜;多锻炼:不去人多拥挤的地方;不乘公交车上学;不聚餐;不举办聚会;………


(the senior school entrance exam中考)







1. 根据表格提示的信息,可适当发挥;

2. 词数:100词左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数);

3. 文中不得出现真实姓名、校名和地名。

Dear Wang Lei,

I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling worried. It's normal to have these feelings. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Best wishes!


Li Hua



    If you cannot travel around the world, why not travel through the Internet? GeoGuesr, a new online travel game, really challenges your geography skills. The game seems to be easy to play, but nearly impossible to win.

How to Play the Game

First you are given a photo of scenery(风景)and a marker. When you think you know where the photo was taken, click on the Google map to place your marker on the spot(地点).

Click on the "Make Guess" button on the bottom of the map. A new image will appear, showing the distance between the area you chose and the actual location. Geoguessr will tell how many kilometers away you were and how many points you learned.

You get five chances to guess the location. After the fifth one, you see a map showing your guesses, the correct locations and the number of points you earned.

Helpful Hints(提示)

Here are a few tips to help you find what part of the planet you are seeing.

Look around and see if you can find any words on signs to show the local language. For example, if both French and English are on signs, Canada might be a good guess.

Make a note of whether the cars drive on the right or the left side of the road. If cars are driving on the left, it may be in England.

If you have enough patience and are thirsty for earning more points, you can find some magazines, like the National Geography, to read and learn more about the knowledge in the world geography.

This new game is supposed to be accepted by parents and teachers. After all, the more kids play the game, the better they will get at geography.

1.How many tips does the passage tell us to help play the game?


2.What can you see after the fifth guess?


3.If you see both French and English on signs, which country are you possibly in?


4.What will you learn better by playing this game?


5.What's the best title of this passage?




    Tina graduated from the college. She got a new job after an interview several days ago. So Tina would soon work in 1.(big) company(公司)in her city. All her friends admired her very much.

On her 2. (one) work day, Tina arrived quite early. She took the lift to the 11th floor, and a clerk showed her where her desk was. As a green hand, she didn't know what to do, she tried to talk to the girls who sat near her in the office. 3. , they were not friendly to her at all

After a while, a young boss came in. Tina got very 4.(surprise) to find the boss was not the old man who interviewed her before. The boss gave her a lot of reports5. (write). But she found that she had much trouble even understanding the reports. She spent almost the whole day 6.(try) to do the work. Finally it was time to go home. Although most of the reports 7.(not finish),she got into the lift.

On the 10th floor, she was greeted by John, the old man who interviewed her several days ago, "Tina!" he said, "Where were you going? Why didn't you work with8.today? We're waiting for you the whole day!"

All of 9. sudden, Tina realized she mistook the 11th floor for the 10th floor.

"Oh, my God!" she answered, "So I have been in the wrong office all day!"

After 10.(hear) this, John couldn't help laughing.



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