满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Dear Alex, My name is Tina. I'm a middle...

Dear Alex,

My name is Tina. I'm a middle school student and I would like to make a request. Could you please play a s1. for my best friend Mary tomorrow night? It will be her 2. (fourteen) birthday tomorrow. I want to give her 3. amazing gift. The song I would like you to play is I'll Be There for You b4. Rembrandts. I plan to invite her to have dinner at Blue Moon Restaurant which is the 5. (nice) restaurant in our neighborhood. There we can have some delicious food. She will go home because she has to study for an 6. (importance) exam. I know she always listens to 7. (you) program when she studies. 8. I hope she will hear this song tomorrow night. When we 9. (be) new at school, we became good friends. We had the same 10.(hobby)listening to the radio and playing the guitar. I want her to know no matter what happens, I will always be there for her.



1.song 2.fourteenth 3.an 4.by 5.nicest 6.important 7.your 8.So 9.were 10.hobbies 【解析】 主旨大意:本文是一篇应用文。Tina写信给Alex想为她的朋友Mary点一首歌,以庆祝她14岁的生日。


When you see your favorite food on a red plate, you probably feel hungry. B1. you feel hungrier when it's on a white plate. Why? 2. (recent), a research shows that colors have great influences on our eating. In the 3. (one) place, colors can really affect our feelings about food. For example, when you add red dye (染料) to water, it tastes 4. (sweet) than normal water, as if you've added sugar. The food that you think is the most delicious will probably taste worse to you if you change 5. (it) color to blue. This is because blue is not a very 6. (nature) color for food.

Besides, 7. (color) can also affect how much we eat. In one experiment, people were asked to serve their some pasta w8. white sauce. The people with red plates 9. (eat) a little. However, 10. people with white plates took more than those with red plates. Can you guess why this happens?




A few years ago, we lived in a house b1. the sea. We have been there until I was eight. But then in the 2. (nine) year my parents suggested moving to the town centre. S3. we moved.

It was 4. (total) OK living in the city. I 5. (enjoy) going to the shopping centre near my new home, for example. And I didn't mind seeing other houses from my w6., but I couldn't stand crossing all those busy streets! Sometimes I felt like shouting at the 7. (driver) of all those cars!

I always loved living by the sea, and I missed hearing the sound of the waves outside our old house. The life in the old house was the 8. (fine) memory in my mind. Sometimes I imagined having 9. house of my own, not living in other people's house all the time, on the beach. And I could live by 10. (I) and practice seeing without annoying anyone!




Hi Joe!

The sports camp has been great so far!

Last night, all of 1. (we) had a party to celebrate my birthday.We made so much noise in the club that teachers 2. (tell) us to be quiet! Every morning we have a meeting 3. 9:00. The teachers tell us about 4. schedule for the day. I play tennis 5. (two) a week. I do jogging two mornings. I have made so many new 6. (friend) so far! The teachers are cool. If you make a mistake they would help you 7. (patient) and show you how to get it right! I've never done so m8. exercise in my whole life! Everyone says t9. I am making a lot of progress now. I'll be 10. (school) tennis champion next year!

Only joking! Bye for now!





The Siddiqui family live in Birmingham. It is 1. big city in the middle of the country. John and his mother Rani are f2. Bangladesh. His wife Maureen is British and comes from Liverpool.

John and Maureen have a grocery shop. It 3. (sell) fruit, vegetables and drinks. They live in the flat above the shop and Rani looks after their two 4. (child). John and Maureen both work in the shop. It opens 5. (long) than other shops, usually until 10 pm every day.

"I'm happy to work hard for 6. (I) wife and family," says John.

The Jackson family live in Chester. They rent(租赁) a house. They want to buy their own house, so they save m7..

Daniel Jackson works in a factoryit's not a bad job 8. it's a long way to go to work. His wife, Jill, is a 9. (secret) in a school.

The Jacksons have two children. They are both in the 10. (seven) grade and when Jill finishes work, she takes them home.




One day while traveling, Milton Wright saw a small toy helicopter (直升飞机). He bought this toy for his two young sons, Orville and Wilbur. Mr. Wright 1. (sure) had no idea it would lead to the creation of the world's first airplane. The toy 2. (give) the brothers a strong interest in flight. They soon began trying to build similar models 3. (they).

When they were 4. (old), the Wright brothers decided they wanted to make a "small step" to the field of flight. At that time, most attention on flight focused o5. hot air balloons. H6., the brothers were more interested in a heavier flying machine, powered by an engine and controlled by a pilot. They first read carefully all 7. books they could. Then they used 8. (kite) to better understand the forces.

Over the next three years, the Wright brothers worked on designs 9. shapes. During this time, they worked with engineers Otto Lilienthal and Octave Chanute, both writers of books on flight. These men had 10. (importance) influences on the brothers' work.



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