满分5 > 高中英语试题 >




My mother helped to build ships during World WarⅡ. She was a(n)   1woman to seek work at this South Portland Shipyards (造船厂). She was raising four children  2. I still remember my mom’s struggle to keep the   3together.

After the divorce, there wasn’t much  4. At first my mom worked in washing houses in   5places. And she later got the job in a department store   6she noticed some young women would come in, all   7in big boots and rough overalls and they would have   8of $600 to cash. And she finally asked one of them where they   9and made so much money. And they said in the  10. So my mother went over, and the man who   11her asked whether she wanted to be a welder (焊工) or a burner. My mother asked which   12the most. He said the welder. Then she said that was   13she wanted to do. He said: “oh, why?” She said: “Ha, I have four children to  14.”

It was bitterly cold in the winter going into the bottom of those steel ships. They had to creep into narrow basis and lay on their backs, and welded  15. And I remember her neck and her chest all spotted with   16from the sparks. And her shift (轮班) was midnight to 6 AM, so she could be home with us   17the day. I remember her dressing was man’s clothing. Once she fell and   18her foot and they brought her home in the middle of the night, and she was weeping. After the Shipyard  19, she needed to have two jobs to make enough money. And we kids were more or less on our own, and that was not a happy time. But still she was   20to keep us together as a family.

1.A. educated   B. employed C. unmarried    D. divorced

2.A. for her life   B. on her own   C. like her own D. by her love

3.A. children   B. home C. ships    D. family

4.A. happiness  B. work C. money    D. strength

5.A. different  B. dirty    C. difficult    D. busy

6.A. that   B. which    C. where    D. when

7.A. worn   B. dressed  C. covered  D. decorated

8.A. marks  B. checks  C. coins    D. dollars

9.A. lived  B. graduated   C. worked   D. performed

10.A. navy  B. factory C. shipyard     D. army

11.A. examined  B. interviewed  C. questioned   D. accepted

12.A. charged   B. cost C. spent    D. paid

13.A. why   B. how  C. whether  D. what

14.A. take care of  B. play games with  C. spend time on    D. feed food with

15.A. sideways  B. outward  C. overhead D. downward

16.A. burn marks    B. white points C. red circles  D. dark lines

17.A. on    B. by   C. among    D. during

18.A. damaged   B. wounded C. injured  D. ached

19.A. moved B. closed   C. opened   D. ruined

20.A. persuaded B. attracted    C. demanded D. determined


1.D 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.A  6.C 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.C  11.B 12.D 13.D 14.A 15.C  16.A 17.D 18.C 19.B 20.D

 —Did you enjoy yourself at the party?

—Sorry to say I didn’t. It was_________ a meeting than a party.

A. much of        B. more like       C. less of              D. more or less



 His parents __________ him to work in a big company but he failed them.

A. suggested        B. demanded     C. recommended     D. hoped



 Carol said the work would be done by October, _________ personally I doubt very much.

A. that             B. when         C. it                   D. which



 “How can we go outing in this kind of weather!”! Bob said,__________ out of the window.

    A. looking       B. looked          C. to look              D. having looked



 At the meeting, student representatives ________some very good suggestions.

    A. put out      B. put off        C. put forward        D. put down



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