满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Yesterday my teacher said to my father ...

 Yesterday my teacher said to my father with much regret, “Should your son make what his teachers teach _____, he would do much better in his studies.”

A. him               B. his                  C. himself       D. them 



 Having spent two days on one subject and ______ two on the other subject, I am now ready for the exam.

A.other             B.next                 C.those         D.another



I was doing a big clean-up and my kids were helping. One of my sons came across a handkerchief of mine with a coin inside. I took one look and was immediately    to another time.

    In 1991,I had spent five months in Viger(尼日尔),a hot African country. There were many things I found       about this place—the climate and beggars who       shouted “Cadeau! Cadeau!” It means gift.

One      was a lot worse.One day,a friend and I headed for neighboring Burkina Faso to work in a health clinic.However,a motorbike with two men      slowly.Without warning,one of the men     my backpack as the motorbike swept close by.The bag had my passport,money,an airline ticket and other things precious to me.I was in deep      .In the weeks that followed I looked at all   with suspicion.

   All I wanted was to leave this place.One day,I was stopped by an old woman “Cadeau!” she cried. I’d had enough! I was sick and tired of the country.I told her firmly,“A thief stole all my money and now I can’t get off your country.” The beggar woman listened carefully and     my words.

  “Then I will give you a cadeau,” she announced.Kindly,she placed an old brown coin in my palm. I looked at it   .Living in poverty,she gave me something priceless! I saw then the     beauty of the people of Burkina Faso and    deeply the quiet dignity of the small coin;she turned my perceptions upside down.

1.A. welcomed       B. transported              C.exchanged          D. expected

2.A. difficult           B. easy        C. curious            D. adequate

3.A. annoyingly        B. carefully       C. politely                     D. calmly

4.A. clinic               B. present                 C. opportunity      D. incident

5.A. continued       B. failed                     C. approached             D. dropped

6.A. grabbed          B. broke                    C. borrowed               D. fixed

7.A. debt              B. snow            C. trouble                  D. thought

8.A. plats              B. friends                   C. men           D. locals

9.A. denied             B. used                      C. considered              D. changed

10.A. in horror       B. in shock         C. in return                D. in addition

11.A. uncertain                B. unfortunate             C. unnecessary               D. unexpected

12.A. thanked                  B. regretted                C. appreciated             D. pitied



——You see how thin Ann is!

——She ______ gain some weight but she______ too little.

A. would; ate             B. will ; eats       

C. would ; has eaten        D. will ; is eating



 Evidence has been piled up ______ drinking water after getting up in the morning contributes to one’s health.

A. what              B. which          C. if          D. that



 Even if they are on sale, these air-conditioners are equal in price to , if not more expensive than , ______ , at the other store.

A. anyone             B. the others        C. that        D. the ones



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