满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I promised to get there before 5 o’cloc...

 I promised to get there before 5 o’clock, but now the traffic is still so heavy. They  _____ for me impatiently.

A. may wait          B. must be waiting C. could wait        D. ought to wait



 Look at the ground, it is wet. It  ________ last night.www.7caiedu.cn

A.must have rained B.must rain       C.could have rained     D.may have rained 



 --Who______ it be that is knocking at the door?

--It ______ be Father, but I’m not sure.

A. can; must         B. can; may        C. must; can         D. may; must



 Mr. Smith recommended that she______ a lot of reading in Chinese.

A. do               B. will do           C. does             D. doing



 There was a lot of fun at yesterday’s party. You ____ come, but why didn’t you?

 A. must have       B. should            C. need have        D. ought to have



 —Are you coming to Jeff’s party?

   —I’m not sure. I _________ go to the concert instead.

A. must             B. would             C. should           D. might



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