满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

.It took George quite a while to find a ...


.It took George quite a while to find a  1place for his car and in the end he had to leave it in a narrow street,  2from the dentist’s. As he got out, he glanced at his   3. His appointment(约会)was at five and he still had twenty minutes to   4. He crossed into the square and   5on a bench, partly to   6the last of the afternoon sun,   7to calm his nerves (神经). He hated these visits  8the dentist(牙医).

As he sat there, watching the children at play and 9to the old women talking to each other, he turned around to see a red car like his own come out of the  10where he had parked. The car gathered speed and was soon   11of sight. George   12in his pockets for the keys: They were not there. “My car!” he cried   13a loud voice, which made several people stare at him. He got up and ran across the   14and then down the narrow street. His car was not to be seen--but then he discovered it concealed(被隐藏)   15a large one. He was relieved (使宽慰)to find his   16, still in his car.

By the time he reached the dentist’s it was already five. “I had rather an odd (奇特的)   17,” he said to the dentist to explain his   18. “I thought my car had been   19.”

“It’s quite   20sir,” said the dentist. “As a matter of fact I have only just got here myself.”

1.A. leaving        B. parking(停车) C. wide             D. special

2.A. in a way       B. far away         C. some way         D. near

3.A. watch          B. teeth            C. car              D. place

4.A. leave          B. sit              C. spare            D. see the doctor

5.A. stopped        B. stepped          C. stood            D. sat down

6.A. shine          B. enjoy            C. get              D. receive

7.A. but also       B. so               C. in order         D. for

8.A. by             B. of               C. to               D. with

9.A. listen         B. listening        C. to listen        D. listened

10.A. car           B. place            C. street           D. way

11.A. disappeared   B. out              C. left             D. lost

12.A. looked        B. felt             C. found            D. searched

13.A. with          B. at               C. in               D. by

14.A. square        B. hospital         C. street           D. bench

15.A. with          B. behind           C. after            D. in

16.A. bags          B. money            C. keys             D. card

17.A. chance        B. luck             C. thing            D. experience

18.A. hateness      B. reason           C. lateness         D. car

19.A. robbed        B. stolen           C. lost             D. there

20.A. true          B. good             C. often            D. all right


1.B为车子找“停车”的地方。从下文的where he had parked中亦能得到暗示。 2.C乔治是驾车到牙科诊所治病的,故不可能将车停在离诊所很远的地方,由于诊所附近没有合适的停车之处,因此,只能将车停在离诊所有一段距离的一条街上。 3.A由下一句可知,他看的是“手表”。 4.Cspare意为“剩下”。 5.D根据行文逻辑可以推知。下一节首句再现了sat一词。 6.B“享受”夕照。 7.A对partly…进行补充说明。 8.C习惯搭配 9.B通过分析句子意义和结构,可知listen是乔治发生的动作,故应和watching并列用作伴随状语。 10.C他是在那条“街”上停的车。 11.B out of sight意为“消失”。 12.B在口袋中“摸”钥匙,不是“寻找”。 13.C in a loud voice“大声地”,习惯搭配。 14.A由上文He crossed into the square…可知。 15.B他的车起初之所以未被看见,原来是隐藏在一辆大车后面了。 16.C从still in his car可推知答案。 17.D experience指上文所发生的事。全句意思为:我经历了一件十分奇特的事。 18.C从乔治和医生的对话来看,乔治在为“迟到”作解释。 19.B原以为车子被“盗”。 20.D因为当时刚好5点,而且自己也刚到,所以医生说“没关系”。

 I have recently discovered that _____ is the people you surround yourself with that matters most in life.

A. what             B. it                  C. who                D. that



 --I' m sorry; I shouldn't have been so rude to you.

--You___________ your temper but that's OK

A. did lose         B. have lost           C. had lost          D. were losing



 ________ that saw the rise of quite a number of famous women writers in China, such as Zhang Ailing, Xiao Hong and so on.

A. During the first half of the 20th century

B. That it was in the first half of the 20th century

C. It was in the first half of the 20th century

D. It was the first half of the 20th century 



 No sooner the news than they rushed out into the street.

A. they heard       B. they had heard  C. did they hear  D. had they heard



 --Are there any English story books for us students in the library?

--I guess, there are only few,         .

A. if any           B. if have             C. if some           D. if has



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