满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It’s already 10 o’clock. I wonder how i...

 It’s already 10 o’clock. I wonder how it      that she was two hours late on such a short trip.

A. came over         B. came out          C. came about       D. came up


 C 【解析】:本题可以从句型结构和句意两方面着手。It comes about that…发生;come over从一地(远处)来到另一地;come out罢工、开花、出版、说出、讲出等意义;come up发芽、升起;come about发生,How did it come about that he knew where we were? (ALD P.270) 【考点】:短语辨析和句型结构It comes about /happens/occurs that… 【易错点】:对短语精准意思把握不够容易错选其它选项。 【备考建议】:常规动词的固定比较多,平时多积累。

 At the meeting they discussed three different        to the study of mathematics.

A. approaches            B. means           C .methods          D. ways



 The       on his face told me that he was angry.

A. impression               B. sight           C. appearance           D. expression



 One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to     healthy eating habits.

A. grow                 B. develop             C. increase             D. raise



 To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their        _________ and weaknesses.

A. strengths              B. benefits             C. techniques           D. values




第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1.How much will the woman pay if she buys two skirts ?

    A.$18.                 B.$19.                 C.$20.

2.What will the speakers discuss ?

    A.A report .           B.A computer .         C.A report on computer .

3.What are the speakers talking about ?

    A.A child .            B.A room .             C.A present .

4.What can we learn from this conversation ?

    A.The woman does not get along well with the man .

    B.The woman does not get along well with here roommate .

    C.The man will talk with the woman’s roommate .

5.Where are the two speakers now ?

    A.On the first floor . B.On the fourth floor .    C.On the fifth floor.

第二节 (共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6.What was the woman doing before she went home ?

    A.Typing a report .    B.Rewriting a report . C.Reviewing a report .

7.Where did the woman have her dinner ?

    A.In a restaurant .    B.In her office .      C.At home .


8.Why does the man feel surprised ?

    A.The woman has found a new job .

    B.The woman doesn’t feel like leaving .

    C.The woman disagrees with him .

9.What does the woman say abut her department ?

    A.thee is a lack of trust .                   

    B.There are serious problems .                

    C.There is too much pressure .


10.What are the speakers talking about ?

    A.Popular sports events .

    B.TV programs people like best .

    C.Things people do after work .

11.How did the woman do the research ?

    A.She talked to people .

    B.She sent letters to people .

    C.She collected information from newspapers .

12.What do most people do in their spare time ?

    A.Go to movies .       B.Read books .         C.Watch TV.

13.Where does this conversation take place ?

    A.At the airport .     B.In a restaurant .    C.On the street .

14.Why does the woman like San Francisco ?

    A.It has less traffic .                       

    B.It has the best food and music .            

    C.People there are friendlier .

15.Where does the woman come from ?

    A.Pennsylvania .       B.San Francisco .      C.China .

16.What does the woman think of the man’s English ?

    A.Excellent .          B.Acceptable .         C.Strange .


17.How many people are there in the woman’s family ?

    A.Three .              B.Four .               C.Five .

18.What did the children think about having dinner together at home ?

    A.They thought it was funny .

    B.They disliked the idea at first .

    C.They preferred eating with friends .

19.How often did the family finally decide to have meals together ?

    A.Every Sunday .       B.Twice a week .       C.Three times a week .

20.Who finally set the time for these family dinners ?

    A.The children .       B.The father .         C.The woman speaker .



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