满分5 > 高中英语试题 >




When I was young,my parents ran a snack bar in our small town.

One evening in early April,my mother told me to fill in at the snack bar   1a worker who had the flu.I told her I would mess it up,  2I had never worked at the bar before.I   3

that instead of making money,I would end up owing it.

“You can do it,”said my mother.“   4,you won’t get much business until lunch.”

“But I’ll never remember the orders,and I’m no good ___5money.Please,Mom,don’t


“Then I’ll help you,”she said.

I shrugged my shoulders.I thought my mother’s     7was a bad one,but I      8.

When I got to the bar the next day,I found my mother was   9.Because the weather that day was rainy and cold,people wanted hot snacks and drinks.   10,I was really slow at taking the orders and making change.The line of people grew,and everybody seemed   11.I was so nervous that my hands shook,and I    12a cup into pieces.What a mess!Then my mother came to   13me,and she also showed me how to make   14.If someone gave me $5 for something that cost $3.25,I handed over   15quarters and a dollar and said,“75 cents makes four dollars,plus one dollar makes five.”Things went more   16after that.

By the end of the day,I could remember orders,   17the bill,and make change quickly with a smile.I was even a little   18when the sun came out and dried up business.My mother said she was proud of me,and when she   19that I work at the snack bar again next year,I did not even shrug.I was too busy   20the restaurant I would open one day.

1.A.to              B.for           C.after             D.over

2.A.because         B.though            C.until             D.while

3.A.promised            B.noticed           C.worried           D.hoped

4.A.Therefore       B.However       C.Besides           D.Yet

5.A.of              B.on                C.about             D.with

6.A.blame           B.fool          C.frighten          D.make

7.A.idea                B.bar           C.day               D.answer

8.A.guessed         B.obeyed            C.begged                D.admitted

9.A.angry           B.sad           C.wrong             D.ashamed

10.A.At least           B.At last           C.At most           D.At first

11.A.surprised          B.impolite      C.pleased               D.impatient

12.A.damaged            B.destroyed     C.broke             D.ruined

13.A.scold          B.help          C.beat              D.save

14.A.money          B.lunch         C.coffee                D.change

15.A.two                B.three         C.four              D.five

16.A.smoothly           B.fairly            C.simply                D.conveniently

17.A.turn in            B.count out     C.take over         D.add up

18.A.discouraged        B.disturbed     C.disappointed      D.distrusted

19.A.thought            B.stated            C.announced         D.suggested

20.A.imagining      B.preparing     C.examining         D.describing


1.B 解析:for 意为“代替”,故选B项。after意为“在……之后”。over意为“越过……;在……上面”。 2.A 解析:because 引导原因状语从句,意为“因为”。根据上文中的“I told her I would mess it up”可判断出因为作者以前没有在那儿工作过,所以会弄得一团糟。though引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然”。until引导时间状语从句,意为“直到”。while引导时间状语从句,意为“当……的时候”。 3.C 解析:worry 意为“焦虑,忧虑,操心,烦恼,发愁”。根据上文中的“I told her I would mess it up”可判断出作者感到焦虑。故选C项。promise意为“约定,订约;约好给,许给,允诺,答应”。notice意为“注意到,看到,留心,注意”。 4.C 解析:besides 意为“加之,更,又,还有,而且,另外”,指除此以外还……,用于肯定句,可用于句末或句首,用于句首常跟逗号。根据“You can do it”和“you won’t get much business until lunch”可判断出一方面作者的妈妈认为他能做好,另一方面,直到午饭时才有很多适应。therefore意为“因此,为此,所以”。however意为“然而,可是”。yet意为“虽……可是,但是”。 5.D 解析:with 意为“和……一起”,no good with money表示“在钱方面不在行”。所以选D项。of是表示所属关系“……的,属于……的”。on意为“关于”。about意为“关于”。 6.D 解析:make 意为“使……,强迫……”,make me是make me to do that的省略形式,表示“不要让我做”。根据上文中的“But I’ll never remember the orders,and I’m no good with money.”可判断出作者请求母亲不要让他在店里干活。blame 意为“责备,谴责,非难,挑剔”。fool意为“愚弄,欺骗”。frighten意为“使惊惧,吓唬”。 7.A 解析:idea 意为“主意”。根据上文的内容可判断出作者认为他妈妈让他干活的主意是个坏主意。bar意为“卖酒柜台,酒吧”。answer意为“解答,答案”。 8.B 解析:obey 意为“服从”。根据下文作者在酒吧工作的情况可判断出虽然他认为妈妈的主意是一个坏主意,但还是服从了。guess意为“推测,猜测”。beg意为“乞求,请求,恳请”。admit意为“承认,容许(辩解)”。 9.C 解析:wrong意为“错误的”。根据下文中所发生的事可判断出妈妈的主意是错误的。故选C项。angry意为“发怒的,愤怒的”。sad意为“悲哀的,悲伤的,凄惨的,可悲的,可怜的”。ashamed意为“羞耻,惭愧,害臊”。 10.D 解析:at first 意为“起先”。根据下文中所发生的一连串的事可判断出一开始时,作者在订餐方面和找零钱方面都很慢。at least 意为“至少”。at last意为“终于”。at most意为“至多”。 11.D 解析:impatient 意为“不耐烦的”。根据上文中的“I was really slow at taking the orders and making change”可判断出由于作者动作迟缓,使顾客很不耐烦。所以选D项。surprised意为“出乎意料的,令人惊奇的”。impolite意为“没礼貌的,失礼的,粗鲁的”。pleased意为“对……高兴,对……满意”。 12.C 解析:break 意为“打碎”。根据下文中的into pieces可判断出把杯子打碎了。damage意为“损害”。destroy意为“毁坏,破坏,摧残”。ruin意为“破坏,毁灭”。 13.B 解析:help 意为“帮助”。根据下文中的“she also showed me how to make change”可判断作者的妈妈过来帮助他。scold意为“责骂;叱责”。beat意为“打,拍,敲,连打”。save意为“救,拯救,救济,保全”。 14.D 解析:make change 意为“找钱”。根据上文中的“I was really slow at taking the orders and making change”可判断出作者的妈妈教给他如何找钱。make money意为“赚钱”。make lunch意为“做午餐”。make coffee意为“做咖啡”。 15.B 解析:根据下文中的“75 cents makes four dollars,plus one dollar makes five”可判断出应该选B项。 16.A 解析:smoothly意为“平稳地”。根据上文的内容可判断出由于作者妈妈的帮助和他学会了如何找钱,从那以后,生意做得更加顺利。fairly意为“公正地,正当的,公平对待某人,公平地,相当地,还算,清楚地”。simply意为“简单地,完全,简直,仅仅,只不过,朴素地,只是”。conveniently 意为“便利地”。 17.D 解析:add up意为“合计”。根据其宾语bill可判断出作者学会了计算账单。故选D项。turn in意为“交出,转身进入”。count out意为“点清”。take over意为“把……从一地带到另一地,接收,接管”。 18.C 解析:disappointed意为“失望了的”。由于工作顺利,所以在生意结束时,作者甚至感到有点失望,想继续干下去。discouraged意为“气馁的”。disturbed意为“扰乱的”。distrusted意为“不信任的,疑心重的”。 19.D 解析:suggest意为“建议,提议”。根据宾语从句中的谓语动词work可判断出妈妈建议作者第二年再干。state意为“说明,陈述”。announce意为“宣布,宣告,发表”。 20.A 解析:imagine意为“想象,设想,猜想,推测”。根据上文中的“I work at the snack bar again next year”可判断出当建议作者第二年再干时,他想象自己有一天开办的饭店。prepare意为“准备,预备;筹备”。examine意为“调查,检查,审查,检验,检定,观察,研究”。describe意为“记述,叙述,描写,评述”。

 There is an old proverb,“Love me,love my dog.”But there is ______wisdom in this:“Love me,love my book.”

A.some                                  B.much

C.more                                  D.most



 “Things_______never come again!”I couldn’t help talking to myself.

A.lost                                  B.losing

C.to lose                                   D.have lost



 Most birds find it safe to sleep in the trees,but_______they have eggs or young chicks,they don’t use a nest.

A.why                                   B.how

C.unless                                    D.where



 By serving others,a person focuses on someone other than himself or herself,_______can be very eye-opening and rewarding.

A.who                                   B.which

C.what                                  D.that



 Cathy is taking notes of the grammatical rules in class at Sunshine School,where she_______English for a year.

A.studies                                   B.studied

C.is studying                               D.has been studying



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