满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Would you please speak ____ a loud voic...


  Would you please speak ____ a loud voice?  I didn’t catch what you said, with all the noise going on.

   A. in    B. on     C. of     D. to


A 【解析】


 Only when I lost the opportunity to take my first job ____ how important it was to me.

   A. I realized   B. I had realized    C, had I realized   D . did I realize




_____ is known to us all is that to work hard to achieve a goal is more important than only to have a goal.

    A. What    B. As    C. it   D. This




 ------ Ian gave up playing the piano eventually.

   -------It’s just_____of him to spend all that money on the equipment and then lose interest halfway through the course.

    A. normal     B. ordinary    C. common   D. typical




 We had ______ great fun watching the performance, which was ____ entire success.

   A. a; an    B, a;  the   C. /;  an     D. a;  /




 -----In my view, education is the foundation of all.

   -----____ . I feel exactly the same.

   A. It’s up to you   B. I’m with you on that  C. Thank goodness     D. Let’s get going



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