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第四部分: 第一节:短文填词。(共l0小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面短...





Dr.Carl wight is an expert on the_________(环境)。He       76___________

speaks to our r__________,“It is clear that in the next 77___________

few years the Earth’s c________ is going to change.I’m 78__________

afraid tht this probably means that many kinds           

of animals,such as the South China tiger,are going 

to ______(消失)soon.Changes in climate are                79__________

going to certainly _________(影响) people’s lives too.  80__________

Because of g_______ warming,the sea has already          81__________

destroyed parts of Britain.It is o_______that this       82__________

_________(破坏) will become more dangerous in            83___________

the future.We have to take i_________action,or          84___________

I_________(担心)that life on Earth will get worse.”    85___________


76.Environment  77.Reporter  78.Climate  79.Disappear  80.Affect  81.Global   82.Obvious  83.Destruction  84.Immediate   85.Fear  【解析】


Every pet owner loves his pet. There is no argument here.

But when we asked our readers whether they would clone(克隆) their beloved animals, the answers were split almost down the middle. Of the 228 readers who answered it, 108 would clone, 111 would not and nine weighed each side without offering an opinion.

Clearly, from readers’ response, this is an issue that reaches deeply into both the joy and final sadness of owning a pet. It speaks, as well, to people’s widely differing expectations over the developing scientific procedure.

Most of the respondents (被调查的人) who liked the idea strongly believed it would produce at least a close copy of the original; many felt the process would actually return an exact copy. Those on the other side, however, held little hope a clone could never truly recreate a pet, many simply didn’t wish to go against the natural law of life and death.

Both sides expressed equal love for their animals. More than a few respondents owned “the best dog/cat in the world”. They thought of their pets as their “best friend”, “a member of the family,” “the light of my life.” They told moving stories of pets’ heroism(英勇精神), cleverness and selfless devotion.

“People become very close to their animals, and the loss can be just as hard to bear as when a friend or family member dies,” says Gary Kowalski, author of Goodbye, Friend: Healing Wisdom for Anyone Who Has Ever Lost a Pet. “For me, cloning feels like an attempt to turn death away…It’s understandable. Death is always painful. It’s difficult to deal with. It’s hard to accept.”

  But would cloning reduce the blow? This question seemed to be at the heart of this problem.

71. So far as the cloning of pets is concerned, a recent survey shows that, of all pet owners, __________.

A. a lot more of them are for it  

B. a lot more of them are against it

C. very few of them are willing to tell their opinions

D. about half of them are for it and the other half against it

72. While talking about the respondents from the readers, the underlined expression “final sadness of owning a pet” refers to ___________.

A. the death of one’s pet   

B. the high cost of owning a pet

C. the troubles one has to deal with in keeping a pet

D. the dangers involved in the cloning of a pet

73. In spite of(尽管) their differences on the problem of cloning, it seems that ________.

A. all pet owners try to go against the natural law of life and death

B. all pet owners love their pets very much

C. people who support cloning love their pets more

D. people who dislike cloning love their pets more

74. From what Gary Kowalski says, we can know that he _________.

A. has never thought about the problem of cloning

B. is going to write another book on pets

C. support the idea of cloning pets

D. is all against the cloning of pets

75. What is the key question at the heart of the problem of cloning pets?

A. Can cloning make one suffers less pain when a pet dies?

B. Can pet owners afford the cost of cloning?

C. Does cloning go against the law of nature?

D. Can cloning really produce an exact copy of one’s pet?




Nick Petrels is a doctor in Montreal. He works 60 hours a week. He takes care of 159 patients a week in the hospital and at his office. He’s been a doctor for ten years.

Dr. Petrels gives his patients good medical advice. But he doesn’t just tell his patients what to do. He also sings to them on television! Dr. Petrels has his own TV show. The show is in Italian, English and French. The doctor starts the show with a song and then gives medical advice. He explains a medical problem or disease in simple language. After that, he sings another song.

Dr. Petrels produces and performs in his own show every week. The program is very popular with his patients and with people who enjoy his singing. His dream is to perform(表演) in Las Vegas. His favorite songs are love songs, and he has a compact disk of love songs that he wrote. Dr. Petrels says, “I always loved to sing. All my problems are gone when I sing.” But when Dr. Petrels was young, his father didn’t want him to be a singer, so he went to medical school.

Some people tell Dr. Petrels he can help people more as a doctor. But Dr. Petrels says he helps people when he sings, too. “I like to make people smile. Sometimes it’s difficult to make a sick person smile. Medicine and entertainment(娱乐) both try to do the same thing. They try to make people feel good.”

66. Dr. Petrels works 60 hours a week, because he _____________.

A. gives his patients medical advice               B. takes care of 159 patients a week

C. sings on television                                                     D. has his own TV show

67. Dr. Petrels ___________, so he is called a singing doctor.         

A. has been a doctor for ten years           B. always loved to sing

C. is popular with his patients                 D. also sings to his patients on TV

68. In his TV show, Dr. Petrel ____________.

A. sings and gives medical advice         B. sings about different diseases

C. starts to explain diseases with a song       D. sings love songs he wrote

69. Dr. Petrels’ show is popular ____________.

A. in Las Vegas                                                                 B. at medical school 

C. with people who like his singing                 D. with patients in Montreal  

70. Dr. Petrels says he likes to ____________.

A. help people sing                                      B. make people feel better

C. do the same thing                                             D. make difficult people smile




                                  A spirit of adventure, curiosity about different cultures and the desire for a challenge can be found in young people everywhere. More and more students in China are backpacking around the country.

    According to the China Youth Travel Service, Hainan, Dalian, Zhangjiajie and Qingdao were among the most popular spots for young Chinese backpackers last year. Backpacking allows the traveler a greater sense of independence.

“I can no longer put up with the instructions of a tourist guide,” said Huang Ye, a 19-year-old college student in Beijing. “They are always driving you to places that you do not want to go to and trying to make you buy local souvenirs(纪念品).”

Huang likes to travel as a backpacker. She prefers an independent trip that she took with two friends to Jiuzhaigou in Sichuan Province. There, they chose some scenic spots to visit and avoided the masses of tourists.

Backpackers see the difficulties of such travel as a challenge. Living on bread and water for days on end, wearing the same clothes over and over again and carrying a heavy bag on their backs while climbing a mountain are all character-building experiences.

But perhaps the greatest challenge that a backpacker faces is not a physical one, but mental. They may face loneliness if they travel alone.

Chen Xuewei, 21, suffered when he took off around China last year. “I felt very lonely at the beginning of my journey. A walkman didn’t make me feel better, but rather heightened the sense of loneliness I felt. I even called up my friends to tell them that I wanted to give up and go back to Beijing,” he recalled. But he kept going. He started to make friends and appreciate the local customs. He took lots of photos to record his trip and now he is glad he stuck it out.

Backpackers generally find themselves to be mature(成熟)after their experiences. “Their travel logs(旅行日志)track their development as people.” “When I feel frustrated, I read my travel log again,” said Tang Weifeng, a postgraduate at Peking University. “By reading it, I get a sense that I am better off now than I was when I wrote those words by the light of a torch in a hot tent.”

63. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of the advantages of backpacking according to the story?

A. It builds up your character.

B. Through the experience, you learn to live in a tent.

C. Through the experience, you learn to rely on yourself.

D. Through the experience, you learn to deal with loneliness.

64. What does the underlined word “frustrated” in the last paragraph mean?

A. Disappointed.       B. Happy.       C. Tired.       D. Excited.

65. What is the story mainly about?

A. Some backpackers’ experiences.  

B. The advantages of backpacking.

C. Young people’s love of backpacking.

D. The increasing popularity of backpacking among Chinese students and its reasons.




Visiting the Arctic

ZHOU Mingfeng, 17, has only stepped out of his birthplace, Qingdao, once to visit the top of the world, the Arctic!

The Senior 2 student from the High School Attached to Ocean University of China joined a two-week journey to the Arctic at the beginning of this month, after he was recommended for the trip. Including his teacher, Wu Jianying, the adventure group consisted of 12 students and teachers from China, Spain, Canada, Britain and the US.

“The trip brought the whole subject of geography and climate change to life,” Zhou said.

Before they landed by air on Canada’s research icebreaker (破冰船) in the Arctic, Amundsen, the group visited an Inuit (英纽特人的) community. Zhou also got the chance to experience dog-sledding for the first time!

He was surprised to find that Inuit people don’t live in snow igloos (圆顶建筑) any longer. “They live in modern, warm wooden houses and travel mostly by snowmobile,” he said.

During the time on board Amundsen, every day was science orientated (以……为主). Zhou and other teenagers were guided by scientists, who work there, to take part in laboratory and field work. Sometimes they went outside to collect ice and snow samples for experiments despite the windy, freezing climate.

As the only Chinese student, Zhou didn’t feel very confident due to his English inefficiency.

“Those students soon got close to the onboard scientists and became involved (参与) in their research,” he recalled in admiration.

However, it didn’t prevent Zhou from enjoying the unique and remote life there.

When the wind died and the sun shone on the frozen desert, Zhou and his new friends recorded their days with photo shoots out on the ice beside the Amundsen!

“The views were breathtaking! Everything around us seemed lifeless, which is shocking,” he said.

But there proved to be something alive, under the ice caps. A seal popped out of the water below the ship and greeted them on the last day of their stay.

“It was the only animal I saw in the Arctic!” he said. “But it’s a pity that I didn’t see a single polar bear in the ‘capital’ of the creature.

59. According to the passage, the students and teachers visiting Artic are most likely to _______.

A. go sightseeing          B. take part in some science research

C. learn English           D. learn about Inuit community

60. In the passage, Amundsen is _________.

A. an icebreaker   B. an Inuit igloo   C. a place in Artic    D. a dog-drawn sled

61. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Zhou was surprised to find the Inuit lived in modern, warm wooden houses.

B. Zhou visited an Inuit community first.

C. Zhou’s inefficient English made him unable to enjoy the life in Artic.

D. Zhou took many photos with his new friends.

62. The underlined sentence “The trip brought the whole subject of geography and climate change to life,” in Paragraph 3 probably means _________.

A. The trip made what had been learned in geography lessons more vivid or interesting.

B. The trip suddenly started working.

C. The trip completely changed his life.   

D. The trip made animals in Artic live.





阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。                         

For thousands of years, people have seen things they didn’t understand in the sky. The United States Air Force first used the words “Unidentified Flying Object” to describe them. Today everyone uses the term UFO. When people see a UFO, it is usually no more than a weather balloon or an airplane. But the Center for UFO Studies goes on to receive hundreds of reports each year.

In 1947 a businessman and pilot, Kenneth Arnold, was flying near Mount Rainier, Washington when he saw nine shiny, round objects flying through the air. He told a newspaper reporter they looked like “pie plates skipping over water.” The reporter used the words “flying saucer(碟子)” in his story and today that is the popular name for UFOs.

The Center for UFO Studies lists three kinds of contacts with flying saucers. “Encounters(遭遇)of the first kind” are reports of unknown objects or lights in the sky. People have “Encounters of the second kind” when a UFO leaves burn marks or other signs on the ground. People report “Close encounters of the third kind” when they see aliens in or near a UFO.

56. Who used the term UFO first?

A. The United States Air force.        B. The Center for UFO Studies.

C. Kenneth Arnold.                   D. A report.

57. The Center for UFO Studies _____.

A. usually sees no more than a weather balloon or an airplane every year

B. is a branch of the United States Air Force

C. receive hundreds of reports every year

D. used “pie plates skipping over water” to describe the UFO seen by the people first

58. Why did the newspaper reporter use the words “flying saucer” to describe the UFO that Kenneth Arnold said he saw?

A. Because the UFO that Kenneth Arnold saw was flat.

B. Because Kenneth Arnold told the newspaper that what he had seen in the sky was round.

C. Because Kenneth Arnold described what he has seen looked like a plate flying in the sky.

D. Because what Kenneth Arnold saw was pie plates flying in the air.



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