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开放作文(满分15分) 请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于50。 In yo...



    In your English class, the teacher shows the picture below and asks the class to discuss it. Your classmates may have different understandings.

    Look at the picture carefully and tell the class how YOU understand it.


Vocabulary support:

千里马:    swift horse


磨坊:      mill



    As is depicted in the picture, a horse is grinding the wheat into flour in a mill. Swift horse as it is, it seems to spare no effort to do this tiring job. The picture vividly delivers a message to us all that we are supposed to plant our feet on solid ground despite the fact that we may sometimes possess outstanding abilities. It is an established fact that those who have distinguished abilities are expected to achieve higher goals. Nevertheless, they would be well advised to reach their goals step by step or even by performing some boring tasks. Just like the swift horse in the picture, it trains itself by grinding the wheat, which can serve as a preparation for its long journey in the future. Doing the seemingly tedious work can not only build up our strength but also shape our character. In other words, treating the boring work seriously can develop our patience as well as responsibility, which is of vital importance to our sustainable development. As for us teenagers, there is no doubt that only by committing ourselves to daily practices can we fully realize our potentials. Possible version 2: As is vividly depicted in the picture, the “Swift Horse”, firmly restricted in a simple and crude mill, has no alternative but to slowly grind the wheat into flour just like an awkward donkey. The ridiculous picture reflects a common but thought-provoking social problem that usually talented people are merely assigned with some trivial tasks, which is definitely regarded as a waste of resources. Able as they are, they have no chance to carry out their ideals. As a matter of fact, the “Swift Horse” is supposed to have achieved more success or accomplished more challenging assignments. However, he is bound to the improper working environment and required to do the simple and boring job, which absolutely retards his progress. In addition, we should make it clear that everybody has the potential to succeed. Thus, employers must provide employees with suitable opportunities to make good use of their talents, while teachers must recognize students’ advantages and teach them in accordance with their aptitudes. In a word, as far as we teenagers are concerned, only if everybody is given the opportunity to display his talents fully, we’ll have an infinitely bright future. 【解析】略


在学习、生活和工作中,学会与人合作是非常重要的。请你根据下表中所提供的信息,写一篇题为”Being a Good Partner”的英文演讲稿。词数不少于100.












Good afternoon, everyone! The topic of my speech today is “Being a good partner”. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thank you for your listening!





Are you a team person? Are you at your best as part of a small, tightly united group of dedicated workers? If so, the future may hold more for you than you think.

   1.    That’s happening in those areas of business and data processing where one person and a computer can replace a team of workers.

2.  High technology has led to a new type of teamwork in a number of fields, including advertising, scientific research, engineering design, architecture and ocean exploration.

Through computer networking, scientists, engineers, and technicians at different locations — often thousands of miles apart --- can work on the same project at once.    3.    

Examples? An engineering team can now design and try out a robot system --- a new manufacturing process, or an entire factory — before it is built. An architectural team can do the same with a building or a bridge. A medical team can simulate a dangerous operation before performing it on a patient.

Of course, computer-assisted team effort doesn’t end with investigation and simulation.  4.  “CAD-CAM --- computer-aided design and manufacture --- is breaking down barriers between traditional design and manufacturing functions.” explains Dr. Prakash Rao, an engineering manager at General Electric. “Interdisciplinary(跨学科的) teams and engineers follow a product from concept to production. Everything is interconnected like a network.”

5.   A team that produces robots may use them to explore space and ocean depths. For high-technology teamwork, the future seems limitless.

A. They can exchange ideas, try out different designs, and test their results.

B. It now usually continues into actual design, manufacturing, and testing.

C. In the future, team work will be highlighted by the introduction of new technology.

D. Sometimes, a computer-aided effort can extend beyond production.

E. But, elsewhere, teamwork is very much alive.

F. It ends in the products which are extensions of the traditional design.

G. High technology, some predicted, would make team work a thing of the past.



Take a look at the following list of numbers: 4, 8, 5, 3, 7, 9, 6. Read them loud. Now look away and spend 20 seconds memorizing them in order before saying them out loud again. If you speak English, you have about a 50% chance of remembering those perfectly. If you are Chinese, though, you’re almost certain to get it right every time. Why is that? Because we most easily memorize whatever we can say or read within a two-second period. And unlike English, the Chinese language allows them to fit all those seven numbers into two seconds.

That example comes from Stanislas Dahaene’s book The Number Sense. As Dahaene explains: Chinese number words are remarkably brief. Most of them can be spoken out in less than one-quarter of a second (for instance, 4 is “si” and 7 “qi”). Their English pronunciations are longer. The memory gap between English and Chinese apparently is entirely due to this difference in length.

It turns out that there is also a big difference in how number-naming systems in Western and Asian languages are constructed. In English, we say fourteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen and nineteen, so one might expect that we would also say oneteen, twoteen, threeteen, and fiveteen. But we don’t. We use a different form: eleven, twelve, thirteen and fifteen. For numbers above 20, we put the “decade” first and the unit number second (twenty-one, twenty-two), while for the teens, we do it the other way around (fourteen, seventeen, eighteen). The number system in English is highly irregular. Not so in China, Japan, and Korea. They have a logical counting system. Eleven is ten-one. Twelve is ten-two. Twenty-four is two-tens-four and so on.

That difference means that Asian children learn to count much faster than American children. Four-year-old Chinese children can count, on average, to 40. American children at that age can count only to 15. By the age of five, in other words, American children are already a year behind their Asian friends in the most fundamental of math skills.

The regularity of their number system also means that Asian children can perform basic functions, such as addition, far more easily. Ask an English-speaking seven-year-old to add thirty-seven plus twenty-two in her head, and she has to change the words to numbers (37+22). Only then can she do the math: 2 plus 7 is 9 and 30 and 20 is 50, which makes 59. Ask an Asian child to add three-tens-seven and two-tens-two, and then the necessary equation(等式) is right there, in the sentence. No number translation is necessary: it’s five-tens-nine.

When it comes to math, in other words, Asians have a built-in advantage. For years, students from China, South Korea, and Japan --- outperformed their Western classmates at mathematics, and the typical assumption is that it has something to do with a kind of Asian talent for math. The differences between the number systems in the East and the West suggest something very different --- that being good at math may also be rooted in a group’s culture.

1.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. The Asian number-naming system helps grasp advanced math skills better.

B. Western culture fail to provide their children with adequate number knowledge.

C. Children in Western countries have to learn by heart the learning things.

D. Asian children’s advantage in math may be sourced from their culture.

2.What makes a Chinese easier to remember a list of numbers than an American?

A. Their understanding of numbers.

B. Their mother tongue.

C. Their math education.

D. Their different IQ.

3.Asian children can reach answers in basic math functions more quickly because ____________.

A. they pronounce the numbers in a shorter period

B. they practice math from an early age

C. English speaking children translate language into numbers first

D. American children can only count to 15 at the age of four




After the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill aimed at retaliatory(报复的) action against China for its “significantly undervalued” currency, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner urged the IMF to pressure China to adopt “more flexible, more market-directed exchange-rate management”. This is a coded message to China: You’re keeping on purpose your currency cheap, and the U.S. economy is paying the price. So cut it out --- or else. The normally dull IMF meeting became the latest battleground for the U.S. to be against a fast developing China.

    Our new conventional wisdom is that China’s policy leads to make trade deficits (逆差) greater and the loss of American jobs. Dozens of candidates have run ads attacking a competitor for allowing China to take advantage of us. In the election-year view, China grew 10% annually for the past decade while maintaining low inflation(通涨) only by taking advantage of its artificially low currency. The idea that the U.S. is not responsible for its own economy is a black-is-white view. It argues that China and its currency are causing the lion’s share of harm.

This is an argument born of fear. It covers a fact that the economies of China and the U.S. have become beneficial to each other. Those trillions in reserves that China accumulates: Where do they go? Back to the U.S. in the form of lending money to the federal government. Those made-in-China goods that account for the trade deficit: Whom do they benefit? China, yes, but also American consumers and companies. Without China, American companies could not have maintained their profitability in recent years. Take two brand names, Caterpillar and Nike. Both have their products made in China, but both also view China as a fast-growing market for their products.

George Soros warned recently that a currency war could put the world into disorder more damaging than anything caused by the financial crisis of the 1930s. He’s right. Whether we like it or not, we live in a global system. The zero-sum attitude toward China and its currency is a relic, the remaining of an earlier time when nations defined economic life.

China is far from perfect and seeks its own advantage, but holding it accountable for our domestic problems is beyond outdated. It reflects a dangerous refusal to deal with the world as it is. Retaliating against China over currency will not regain high-end jobs in the U.S., which needs more our own demand. It will not renew construction or retool the American labor force. It will not rebuild rotting bridges or create a next-generation energy network.


1.Which of the following argument can be supported by the writer?

A. China is the winner in the Sino-US trade.

B. China’s rapid development over the past ten years is based on its low inflation.

C. The world’s economy will benefit from China’s policy changes on its currency.

D. The US will get hurt if it tries hard on damaging China’s economy.

2.This passage is in a tone that is ____________.

A. in favor of China

B. in the shoes of US

C. blaming China’s low currency policy

D. helping IMF solve the world’s economic problem

3.The writer makes his point of view clear through the passage by using _____________.

A. reasonable analysis

B. leaders’ quotations

C. figure examples

D. moving stories

4.China’s currency policy ________.

A. will help increase the demand in the US

B. is unable to equip the American labor force with new working skills

C. could guide the world economy for the next decade

D. is to be controlled by the international currency groups




It is official: Jim Parsons is the new poster child for geekdom.

   The actor, who recently won his first Emmy for outstanding lead actor in a comedy series for his portrayal of Sheldon Cooper on the hit television show The Big Bang Theory, is the hotness right now.

   Parsons is a big hit on the Web as a trending topic on Twitter and has a devoted fan base who spread their adoration via Facebook and fan sites.

   Parsons is considered by many to be a central part of the sleeper success that has been The Big Bang Theory. The sitcom about two brilliant physicists and their group of friends started out slowly building buzz when it first appeared on CBS in 2007.

   Since then, the show has grown into a big success for the network, even raking in fans abroad with its international distribution. In May, The New York Times reported that Warner Bros., which produces and distributes the show, had entered into “what is believed to be one of the most profitable TV deals ever” with TBS and local Fox stations.

   Audiences just can’t seem to get enough of the character of Sheldon Cooper, who is as socially dysfunctional as he is bright. Admirers take to Facebook fan pages to post their favorite Sheldon quotes, including: “I’m not insane (crazy), my mother had me tested!” and “They were threatened by my intelligence and too stupid to know that’s why they hated me.”

   Fans can visit Jim Parsons Online, and there is even a site, SheldonShirts.com, dedicated to the many shirts worn by the character, complete with links to where to buy them. Mary Waring created the site because of her husband’s interest in Sheldon Cooper’s shirts. And with his character’s nerdy character and addiction to all things “Star Trek,” Parsons is also a hit with  fan boys and fan girls.

1.The underlined phrase “raking in” means ___________.

A. earning the support of

B. making fun of

C. classifying

D. comforting

2.Where are you most likely to find this passage?

A. In a biography.

B. In a magazine.

C. In a talk-show program.

D. In a textbook.

3.What we can infer from the passage?

A. Parsons was dreaming about the success before the comedy.

B. Mary Waring was interested in Sheldon Cooper’s shirts so she set up a website.

C. Before The Big Bang Theory, Parsons was not very popular.

D. Sheldon Cooper is a character who is intelligent as well as sociable.

4.What is the suitable title of the passage?

A. The Big Bang Theory Catching our Eyes

B. Sheldon Cooper Adored by Vast Audiences

C. Jim Parsons: Hot on Web

D. “Star Trek” loved by boys and girls




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