满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A metaphor is a poetic device that deals...

A metaphor is a poetic device that deals with comparison. It compares similar qualities of two dissimilar objects. With a simple metaphor, one object becomes the other: Love is a rose. Although this does not sound like a particularly rich image, a metaphor can communicate so much about a particular image that poets use them more than any other type of figurative language(修辞). The reason for this is that poets compose their poetry to express what they are experiencing emotionally at that moment. Consequently, what the poet imagines love to be may or may not be love we see it. Therefore, the poet’s job is to enable us to experience it, to feel it the same way as the poet does.

Let’s analyze this remarkably unsophisticated metaphor concerning love and the rose to see what it offers. Because the poet uses a comparison with a rose, first we must examine the characteristics of that flower. A rose is spectacular in its beauty; its petals(花瓣) are nicely soft, and its smell is pleasing. It’s possible to say that a rose is actually a feast to the senses of sight, touch, and smell. The rose’s appearance seems to border on(近似于)perfection, each petal seemingly symmetrical(对称的) in form. Isn’t this the way one’s love should be? A loved one should be a delight to one’s senses and seem perfect. However, there is another dimension added to the comparison by using a rose. Roses have thorns(刺). The poet wants to convey the idea that roses can be tricky(机警的). So can love, the metaphor tells us. When one reaches out with absolute trust to touch the object of his or her affection, ouch, a thorn can cause great harm! “Be careful,” the metaphor warns: Love is a feast to the senses, but it can overwhelm us, and it can also hurt us and cause acute suffering. This is the poet’s perception of love--a warning. What is the point? Just this: It took almost 14 sentences to clarify what a simple metaphor communicates in only four words! That is the artistry and the joy of the simple metaphor.

1.According to the passage, what is a metaphor?

A.A comparison between two different objects with similar features.

B.A contrast between two different things to create a vivid image.

C.A description of two similar objects in a poetic way.

D.A literary device specially employed in poetry writing.

2. The main idea of this passage is that         .

A.rose is a good image in poetry

B.love is sweet and pleasing

C.metaphor is ambiguous

D.metaphor is great poetic device

3. It can be inferred from the passage that a metaphor is        .

A.difficult to understand

B.rich in meaning

C.not precise enough

D.like a flower

4. As is meant by the author, thorns of a rose_________.

A.protect the rose from harm

B.symbolize reduced love

C.add a new element to the image of love

D.represent objects of one’s affection

5. The meaning of the love-is–a-rose metaphor is that____________-

A.love is a true joy

B.true love comes once in a lifetime

C.love does not last long

D.love is both good and bad experiences


1.A2.D3.B4.C5.D 【解析】略

The Mystery of the Flashing Fireflies

During summer nights fireflies flash in the darkness. They look like bright spots of light dancing on the breeze. Catching them in a jar for a few minutes can be fun. Fireflies are not really flies, though. They are winged beetles. Scientists are using these special beetles to learn more about our world.

The reason a firefly flashed its light is to find a mate. There are around two thousand species, or kinds, of fireflies. Fireflies mate only with their own species. Each kind of firefly has its own flash pattern. It is important that fireflies recognize this pattern. That way they can find bugs of their own kind. The male firefly flies around in the sky while the female firefly stays close to the ground.

For many years, how a firefly flashes its light was a mystery. Scientists now know that a firefly’s light is a cold light. It gives off all of its power as light. It does not produce heat. A normal light bulb gives off only ten percent of its power as light. The rest of the power is wasted as heat. That is why a light bulb that has been on for a while is very hot. The firefly’s light does not feel hot like a light bulb.

Scientists have also learned that fireflies have a small built-in lantern. This special lantern is located inside a firefly’s body. To create light, a gas flows through tiny tubes. This causes the firefly to light up. A firefly can also turn its light on and off quickly. This puzzled scientists. They learned that short bursts of this gas make the firefly glow. When the gas fades, the light goes out. This process happens very quickly.

Scientists know that what they learn from fireflies will be important. Medical studies using fireflies are helping scientists fight illnesses in human beings. They have made new medicines from the chemicals used by fireflies to make light. Fireflies have also helped with new discoveries. New flashlights and flares have been made based on fireflies. These new flashlights and flares produce a cold light like a firefly. This way all the power makes the light shine. This little bug may be a pleasure to watch, but it is also an important part of our lives.

1.Why did the author most likely include Paragraph 4?

A.To explain how fireflies make light.

B.To describe different kinds of fireflies.

C.To show how much power fireflies use.

D.To describe why fireflies make light.

2.Which of these is the best choice for a heading for Paragraph 5?

A.The Cool Light of Fireflies

B.Watching Fireflies Flash

C.Understanding the Patterns

D.Learning from Fireflies

3.According to the passage, a firefly’s light is different from a light bulb’s light because the firefly’s light _______.

A.shines brighter

B.does not fade

C.lasts longer

D.is not hot

4.A reader asks this question about the passage: “ How many different kinds of fireflies are there?” Which paragraph from the passage answers the question?

A.Paragraph 2

B.Paragraph 3

C.Paragraph 4

D.Paragraph 5

5.The author most likely wrote this passage in order to __.

A.tell why fireflies light up

B.give facts about fireflies

C.show how fireflies help doctors

D.compare a firefly to a light bulb



Most Americans have great respect for their flag and every school day begins with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Stars and Stripes. Written in 1892, this pledge is recited in schools before classes begin and it serves as a sign of unity and identity for the various groups of people who have come from so many different lands and cultures.

Students stand at attention with their right hand over their heart, face the flag which is displayed in the classroom before them and begin, “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.” Even the immigrants who come from distant lands must recite this pledge to the flag when they become eligible for citizenship.

The American flag is also known as “Old Glory” and over the years has evolved to its present form of fifty stars and thirteen stripes. The stars represent the fifty states and the stripes stand for the original thirteen colonies.

The first version of the flag with its stars and stripes appeared in 1777, but only had thirteen stars. As each new state joined the union, a new star was added. The last star to be added was in 1960 after Hawaii became the fiftieth state. In the future if another state joins the Union, another star will be added to the field of blue. The number of stripes, however, remains consistent and never changes.

The design of the flag may have altered over the years, but the colors, red, white and blue, have remained constant. In 1782 the Congress of the United States proclaimed that red stood for hardiness and courage, white stood for purity and innocence, and blue for justice and perseverance.

It was the flag which inspired the creation of the national anthem: “The Star Spangled Banner” in 1812. President Wilson in 1916 and later President Coolidge in 1927 suggested in proclamations to fellow countrymen that a special day be set aside to honor the flag. In 1949 the American Congress gave official recognition of June 14 as Flag Day.

1.According to the passage which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.The Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892.

B.Another name of the American flag is “Old Glory” or “The Stars and Stripes”.

C.The design of the flag has stayed the same over the years.

D.June 14 was set aside as Flag Day to honor the flag from 1949 on.

2.What is the purpose of the Pledge of Allegiance?

A.It opens the school day.

B.It is recited in all schools.

C.It is a sign of unity and nationalism.

D.It makes someone eligible for citizenship.

3.What do the fifty stars on the flag represent?

A.Purity and innocence.

B.Truth and honesty

C.Bravery and courage

D.The fifty states.

4.The colors of the American flag ________.

A.have changed from time to time.

B.have always been red, white and blue.

C.used to be only red and white.

D.used to be red and blue.

5.The best title of the passage would be ________.

A.“Old Glory”: the American Flag

B.The Pledge of Allegiance

C.American National Anthem

D.Flag Day





Chinese President Hu said before arriving in Pittsburgh ahead of the G20 summit, “To realize __1__ safer world for all, we must first and foremost remove the threat of nuclear war,” saying Beijing has always wanted complete __2___ (prohibit) and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons. Hu also said, “All countries should join the NPT (Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty) and make real efforts to uphold and enhance its authority and __3__ (effective).” It was the third day when Hu had made a major speech before world leaders. __4__ was the first time that he __5__ (address) such a high-level summit on disarmament(解除武装) and nonproliferation(消除核扩散). Hu made five proposals in his speech, _6__ (say) all countries with nuclear weapons should publicly commit to not wanting to possess _7__ in the long term. Hu said China will consistently support nonproliferation and disarmament treaties. “We have adhered to(坚持) the policy of no-first-use of nuclear weapons at any time and __8__ any circumstance, and made the commitment that we will unconditionally not use or threaten to use nuclear weapons _9__ non-nuclear-weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones,” said Hu. The Chinese president said the function of the International Atomic Energy Agency should __10__ (strength).




  阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从下列各题所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Last summer Tom and his friends George and Bill wanted to take a vacation. But they did not have much __26__.They decided that a ___27____ mountain climbing expedition(探险;郊游)was the only trip they could ___28____.Since each of them was ____29____ to climbing,the vacation would be a lot of fun. Tom made all the plans. He ____30_____ that they should share the expenses for food and gas equally and that each one should bring some ____31____ clothes because the weather at ____32____ altitudes is usually cold. The boys were not in a hurry,so they climbed ____33____ the first day. The weather was __34__,and they enjoyed the fresh __35__ as they climbed up a narrow path.

Tom expected the weather to stay nice,but late in the afternoon there was a __36__.The boys rushed toward a cave and decided to camp there that night.

When the sun rose the next morning,they continued __37__.As the boys went higher,the climbing became more __38__,and by late that afternoon the trip appeared endless. When they finally reached the __39__ of the mountain,they saw a beautiful sight. The colors of the sunset were yellow,red,and gold. The boys relaxed and enjoyed the view. The farms and fields of wheat and corn below appeared very small. In the distance,they could see trees,hills and valleys. They __40__ a week in the mountains. They really had great fun.  



























































































课文填空 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)


1. _______________________ the earth is becoming warmer (see Graph 1) and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.

2. It will           those who love Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings.

3. When I was young, I didn’t know much about the harmful          of smoking.

4. They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has __________ this increase in carbon dioxide.

5.I was           as a volcanologist working for the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) twenty years ago.



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