满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1. For v______ reasons, she gave up her job as a nurse.

2. You can buy many s______ in every place of interest.

3. Mr. Bean likes working on c______ because he loves to make people laugh.

4. The a______ stayed up, but the kids went to bed.

5. The scientist a________ the milk and found that it contained too much water.

6. Dr. Sun Yat-sen was one of the most o________ leaders in Chinese history.

7. He didn’t speak, but with a g______ he told me to follow him.

8. Most members of the committee were in favour of the suggestion; only a m_______ were  against it.

9. If I drink too much red wine, my c______ go all red.

10. The v_____ of the landslide accident in Taiwan are mostly from Guangdong.

11. Many people went to America hoping to make a f_______ there.

12. I turned the h________ and opened the door.



【解析】 略

Makoto、Mr. Zheng、Mr. Zhu、Jack 和Xiao Wang 正在广州寻找合适的餐厅,第1--5题是对他们个人情况的介绍。阅读下列餐厅的信息(A、B、C、D、E、F), 选出符合他们各人需要的最佳选择。选项中有一项是多余的。

1. Makoto is a Japanese tourist who has stayed in Guangzhou for a few days. He wants to make a tour of North China but unfortunately he has no time. So he would like to find a restaurant where he can taste northern food and experience the life in the north.

2. Mr. Zheng was born in Hunan but went to Japan at an early age. This time he came to Guangzhou to deal with some business affairs. Coming back to his homeland after being away for about 20 years, he hopes to find a restaurant serving food of his home town.

3. It is the first time for Mr. Zhu, who comes from the northeast of China, to visit Guangdong Province. He is interested in traditional Cantonese food and Cantonese lifestyle.

4. Jack is a successful businessman. He is flying to Guangzhou to meet some people, who are likely to sign a contract with him. He wants to find a high quality restaurant. Of course, it is the quality rather than the price that he cares about.

5. Xiao Wang, a migrant worker in Guangzhou, plans to hold a party with his 10 friends. All of them are fond of the Sichuan cuisine. Xiao Wang hopes to spend less than 600 yuan for the dinner.


Nanhai Yucun Restaurant

Founded in 1986, Nanhai Yucun Restaurant has always been one of the gourmets’ choices in Guangzhou.

Prices are high, but so is the quality. Just look at the gust list; the King and Queen of Spain, South Korea’ s Prime Minister and his wife have eaten here, along with lots of local famous people.




Dongbeiren is meant for northerners. The decoration is basically red—from the paper cuts and the curtains to the Kang (a bed with a table where people can sit comfortably without shoes and with their legs folded). It is perhaps a way to remind the northerners of home or for other people to get in touch with the north. 



Taotaoju Restaurant

Taotaoju Restaurant is one of Guangzhou’s most well-known traditional Cantonese restaurants, located in a historic building in the heart of the city’s Xiguan District.

You can’t get any more traditional Guangzhou than this, which is a great place for dim sun and seafood. You haven’t lived in Guangzhou until you’ve eaten dim sum in a true local place like Taotaoju. It’s also a popular spot for parties.



Chongqing Xiaodongtian Restaurant

It’s one of the top Sichuan cuisine restaurants in Guangzhou, featuring Chongqing flavor.

It is a group of chain restaurants in Guangzhou. The food is Sichuan style, but the decoration and surroundings are a bit old.

Like most Sichuan restaurants, the pleasant smell of their traditional hot pot spreads throughout the whole place.

Food here is medium-priced, around 50 RMB per person.



Maojia Reastaurant

Maojia Reastaurant is a local favorite for strong-flavored Hunan dishes.

It has a strong cultural atmosphere related to Chairman Mao and also introduces Maojia dishes characteristic of tasty Hunan local flavors, which are a bit softer than the traditional Hunan flavor.



Enmi Japanese Reastaurant

The decoration here is beautiful and peaceful.

A small “courtyard of bamboo” is refreshing while the space between tables is large and comfortable. The diverse sashimi (raw fish slices) is a must-try here.

The food, however, is served slow and the regulated tow hours for ordering is strange.



I travel a lot in my work, and what I dislike about my job is eating alone. It always makes me feel lonely to see others laughing and talking. So, room service for several nights was a better choice for me.  

After having room service three nights at a hotel in Houston, however, I needed to get out of my room. Although the restaurant opened at 6:30, I arrived at 6:25. The waiter at the front desk made a comment(评论) about my “being there really early”. I explained my dislike of eating alone in restaurants. He then seated me at a lovely table and asked me whether I would mind if he sat down with me for a while.  

I was glad! He sat and talked with me about his career goals and the difficulty of being at work on nights, weekends and holidays. He said he hadn’t enough time to be with his family. After 15 minutes, he saw some customers at the front desk and excused himself. I noticed that before he went to the front desk, he stopped in the kitchen for a moment.  

Then another waiter came out of the kitchen and had a wonderful chat with me. Before I left that night, some other waiters, even the cook, had come out of the kitchen and sat with me!   When I asked for my bill about one hour later, all the people who had sat down with me came over in a big group to my table, and presented me with a red rose. And I cried! What had begun as a lonely night ended as a beautiful experience.


 The author asked for room service because _______.

  A. a lot of money would be saved in this way

  B. he didn’t like to eat with other people around

  C. he didn’t wanted to be recognized by the waiters

  D. seeing people laughing and talking made him feel bad


 How did the waiter feel when he saw the author come in at 6:25?  

  A. Dissatisfied.        B. Pleased.        C. Surprised.       D. Angry.


 From the third paragraph, we can learn that the waiter at the front desk ______.  

  A. knew how to attract more customers to his restaurant  

  B. found it hard to balance his work and his family  

  C. was getting tired of his present job  

  D. had never had such a chance to talk about his worries


 The author wants to tell us that ______.  

  A. people are actually all lonely in their own way   

  B. restaurants should put the need of customers first  

  C. the kindness of strangers can make you less lonely 

  D. restaurants are full of surprises for lonely people



Ears are for hearing — everyone knows that. But for a creature called the Cuvier’s beaked whale, hearing starts in the throat (喉咙), a new study found.

    The observation might help explain how all whales hear. The work might also help scientists understand how animals are affected by underwater sonar (声呐). This sonar, used by some ships, sends out sound waves to locate underwater objects.

    The Cuvier’s beaked whale is a so-called toothed whale. Toothed whales dive deep into the ocean in search of food. As the whales hunt, they produce sounds that reach objects and then return to the whales. This allows the animals to “see” the shape, size, and location of objects, even when they’re 1,000 meters under the sea, where it is totally dark.

    To better understand how the whale hears, researchers from San Diego State University in California took X rays of two Cuvier’s beaked whales. The whales had died and washed up on the beach.

    Ted Cranford and his colleagues used the images to make a computer model of a Cuvier’s beaked whale’s head. Then, they modeled the process of sound traveling through the head.

    The researchers knew that some sounds get to the ears of a toothed whale through a structure (构造) called “the window for sound”. Found on the lower jaw, this structure is very thin on the outside and has a large pad (垫) of fat on the inside.

    When the researchers used their computer model to work out how sound waves travel in the whale’s head, they were surprised to find that sounds coming from right in front of the whale actually travel under the animal’s jaw. From there, sound waves move through the throat, into a hole in the back of the jaw, and finally to the pad of fat near the animal’s ears.


Toothed whales look for food under the sea by ______.

  A. watching the shape and size of their objects       B. diving deep into the sea

  C. sending and receiving sounds                   D. making lots of noises     


    Researchers took X rays of two Cuvier’s beaked whales in order to ______.

  A. find out why they had died and washed up on the beach

  B. make a computer model of a Cuvier’s beaked whale’s head

  C. make sure that sound travels through the head

  D. know more about the way the whale hears   


Which of the following describes the way taken by sound waves through a Cuvier’s beaked whale?

  A. A hole in the back of the jaw → the ears → the jaw → the throat.   

  B.    The jaw → the throat → a hole in the back of the jaw → the ears.

  C.    The throat → the jaw → the ears → a hole in the back of the jaw.   

  D. The ears → the throat → a hole in the back of the jaw → the jaw.


 Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?

  A. The throat is important to the Cuvier’s beaked whale’s hearing.

  B. Ships send out sound waves like a Cuvier’s beaked whale.

  C. The ears are actually useless to the Cuvier’s beaked whale.

  D. The researchers haven’t found how the whales hear.



A young British sailor was missing at sea yesterday in similar circumstances(情况) to the way his father died five years ago.

    The dinghy(救生橡皮船), used to take Richard Smith, 21, to his yacht(快艇), was discovered empty, floating in seas off the Caribbean island. An air and sea search was carried out but he has still not been discovered.

    Richard’s mother, Bicknell, said from her home in Hampshire, “It’s so much coincidence(意外). Richard always carried a photograph of his father attached to a poem, which included the date of his disappearance.”

    “Now, it’s very strange because all they have found is Richard’s dinghy. We need to know this time what has happened one way or another. If you know at least you can go through the grieving process(悲痛的过程).”

    In November 1996, Mr. Smith’s father, Charlie, was sailing in the Tasmen sea between the Australian mainland and the island of Tasmen with his new wife. They lost radio contact with the shore and they, together with their yacht were never seen again, and their disappearance remains a mystery.

    Richard is described as a talented and experienced sailor. He had sailed to the Caribbean in November to help a yacht race for entertainment. He ended the evening drinking in the Abracbabra bar but left after local police closed it for being too noisy.

    About 2 am the following day Richard headed back for his dinghy. He started its motor before giving an elderly woman a lift to her yacht after her dinghy had gone missing. It was the last time he was seen.


Richard Smith was ____ in 2000.

  A. ten    B. fifteen    C. twenty    D. eighteen


 People searched for Richard using ____ .

  A. ship only      B. ship and radio       C. ship and plane      D. yacht and car


. According to the passage,we know Richard died because ____ .

  A. he was a green hand in sailing

  B. some unknown animal attacked him

  C. there was a fog in the area he was sailing

  D. of something we don’t know


Which statement is NOT true according to this passage?

  A. Old Mr. Smith had lost radio contact with the shore before he died.

  B. Richard’s father had married two women at least.

  C. Richard didn’t drink on the evening before he was lost because the policeman closed the bar.

  D. Richard was seen at about 2 am the day he disappeared.



    I am trying to muster (鼓起) the courage to toss away my mobile phone to enjoy a more peaceful and ring­free life.

    Can you imagine not having your mobile phone? In our high­tech, in­a­hurry age, a cell­free life is a hard concept to swallow. Our mobile phones can now access the Internet, and many people feel the need to express their every thought on their blog pages. If I gave up my cellphone, people would think I was mad.

    I wish I had the strength to toss away my technology. I have an office phone, a home phone,an e­mail and if people want to contact me, they can. If I’m out,people can leave a message. Do they really need to find me 24/7?However, I’m a bit like Frodo in the movie Lord of the Rings. The power of the ring is too strong and I can’t let it go.

    Mobile phones have become necessary tools in our busy life. For most people, they hold all contacts and many of us don’t write up address books any more. The latest phones carry our music, pictures, movies and everything else. We feel lost without this device and when we do misplace it, we feel cut off from our fellow.

    “Where have you been?” said a friend, who saw me a week after I lost my cellphone, “I tried calling you, but you disappeared. You disappeared off the face of the Earth.” See, when you don’t have a mobile phone, you don’t exist.

    I’m not really going to toss my mobile phone away, in fact. We humans are such social animals and mobile phones serve us well. So in 2009, I’ve decided not to serve my mobile phone. Like all machines, I can always turn it off.


. What does the underlined phrase “toss away” mean?

  A. give away          B. get away     C. break away       D. throw away


 The writer mentions Frodo to________.

  A. show it is difficult to get rid of the mobile phone

  B. show how much he likes Frodo

  C. suggest a cell­free life is what he wants

  D. introduce a film character to us


What do we know about mobile phones in the 4th paragraph?

  A. Mobile phones can do anything for us.

  B. Mobile phones have become very important in our life.

  C. We could not live without mobile phones.

  D. We would be cut off by our fellow without mobile phones.


What can be inferred from the last paragraph?.

  A. The writer is not really going to toss his mobile phone away.

  B. When you don’t have a mobile phone,you don’t exist.

  C. The writer decides not to serve his mobile phone.

  D. We humans can control ourselves and machines.



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