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Washington, April 4----- The United Stat...

Washington, April 4----- The United States has more than 90 million families for the first time, but each contains fewer people on average than ever, the Census Bureau(统计局) reported today.

The 90,031,000 families in the United States averaged 2.64 members each as of last July 1.“The reason is, in effect, changes in the age structure,” explained Campbell Gibson, a population researcher for the bureau. Most Americans born in the great explosion of births are now in their 20’s and 30’s when they most likely to set up families, he said.

The fact that many are doing so increased the number of families from 80.4 million in 1980 t0 88.8 million in 1986 and past the 90 million mark last summer.

At the same time, the average number of people per family dropped from 2.75 in 1985 to 2.65 in 1986 and then to 2.64, Mr Gibson said.

By comparison, the 1970 Census found the average family contained 3.14 people. Families averaged more than four people in 1939 and more than five in 1880.

The growing number of ever---- smaller families is still going on, but Mr Gibson pointed out that family growth was not the same as population increase in the 1970’s.

The same age factors that are increasing the number of families also happened then, but in the 1970’s the proportion(比例) of families in each age group was also growing.

That hasn’t continued in the 1980’s for a number of possible reasons, Mr Gibson said. For example, in the 1980’s more young people have chosen to remain home with their parents instead of setting up housekeeping on their own, as many did in the 1970’s.

This could be caused by the increasing cost of housing, he said. Delays in marriage while young people go to work and school, have also been widely reported as a factor, but it was not the only factor for the family changes.

1.The smaller figure of families reported here is _________.




D.90 million

2.What’s the reporter’s attitude towards the present situation?

A. People should get married at later age.

  1. The average number of family members should be 2.64.
  2. It’s not clear in the report.
  3. Young people should set up housekeeping on their own, as many did in the 1970’s.

3.From the last paragraph we may infer that________.

A. delay in marriage will not help the number of the families

  1. delay in marriage is the major factor of the family changes
  2. the writer felt sorry that many young people now delay their marriages
  3. there must be some other factors which have led to the slower growth in the 1980’s

4. The underlined word “factor” in the passage means_________.


B.something that proves be true


D.something that helps to bring about a result


BCDD 【解析】略

Commonwealth Games gold winner Liam Killeen is one of England’s most successful Mountain Biking stars. Liam recently came third in the opening round of the World Cup Series.

Do you come from a sporty family?

NO, but my family have encouraged me and supported me from the beginning of my career.

Were there any sports you didn’t like playing at school?

I didn’t do much swimming or cricket. My school focused more on rugby and athletics including cross-country running which I really enjoyed.

How does it feel to represent England?

Good, and it’s a responsibility as well as an honor, whether representing England, as in the Commonwealth Games, or Great Britain as I did in the Athens Olympics (2004). I am proud to represent a nation that is generally well regarded by others.

Which other sports stars do you like?

Everyone who has made it to world class competition level has earned respect. I particularly admire Paula Radcliffe and Lance Armstrong.

What are your hopes for the future?

To have this season continue as successfully as it has started and make the podium in the World Cup in Fort William in May, and at the Mountain Bike World Championship on 27th August this year in New Zealand. In the longer term, to win a medal at the Olympics in Britain and to see more people racing and enjoying mountain biking.

1.The passage is taken from        .

A.an interview between a reporter and Liam Killeen

B.a daily talk between Liam Killeen and his father

C.a book written by Liam Killeen

D.a speech made by Liam Killeen

2.Liam Killeen won a gold medal in the        .

A.World Championships

B.World Cup

C.Commonwealth Games

D.Olympic Games

3..Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Liam’s family enjoy sports very much.

B.Liam loves swimming and mountain biking

C.Liam took part in the Olympic Games in 2004

D.Liam’s father also enjoys mountain biking very much

4.From the passage we can infer that        .

A.Liam Killeen will win a gold medal in the Olympics in 2012

B.Lance Armstrong is a world-class sports player

C.Liam Killeen has earned a lot of money

D.Liam has won many gold medals in world competitions



What do you usually expect from a pop star’s concert? Dazzling stage design, mysterious guest singers or sensational costumes? The answer is yes for most singers. But no when it comes to David Tao’s concerts. “ I won’t invite guests to perform. I won’t dance, take off my clothes or dress up like a peacock to attract attention,” Tao said.Tao insisted a concert should offer nothing more than music.

Tao has been on the music scene since 1997. Quality is the word that can best describe his works. With six albums in 10 years, the 38-year-old singer is not prolific(多产的 ), but he has achieved much more than other Chinese singers who have produced 10 or more albums in a short time.

Tao is called the “ Godfather of R&B” in China and has been a trendsetter(创新者) in China’s music industry. His albums have won various awards in Asia for his socially conscious lyrics, simple rhythms and creative mix of traditional sounds, like Peking Opera and traditional Chinese musical instruments.

Tao’s parents were famous entertainers in Taiwan. Tao spent some of his childhood in Hong Kong. His father was an actor, singer and composer, while his mother was a Peking Opera artist. His parents once moved to the United States and his father worked for Walt Disney. Later his parents returned to Taiwan where his father began his singing career, leaving David to finish his education in the United States. Tao met Taiwanese producer, Wang Zhi Ping, who offered him a job. So Tao went back to Taiwan to write and produce songs for many singers. In 1997 with the help of Wang and another Taiwanese producer, Jim Lee, Tao released his first album which set a record in Taiwan as the first album from a new singer. Tao won two awards, Best Newcomer and Best Producer, becoming the first new comer/singer to also win a Best Producer award during the 9th GMA (金曲奖). Later, Tao released his second album. In this album Tao tried many musical styles including his favorite rock music; in fact each song is different in their style and music arrangement.

“I grew up listening to the most fashionably mixed types of music with my father playing Elvis Presley’s songs in one room and my mother singing Peking Opera in another,” Tao said jokingly.

Tao said he will release a new album after the tour and then he will switch roles to become a film director. Preparation for the movie has already begun and it will be released in 2011. “ After the concert, I will switch my focus to that. I hope I can make it one thing after another.”

1.To pop star Tao, what is the most important thing to a concert?


B.Stage design.

C.Guest singers.

D.Music and interaction.

2. According to the passage, the reasons for Tao’s albums to win awards are as follows EXCEPT____.

A.socially conscious lyrics

B.simple rhythms

C.mix of traditional sounds

D.quantities of albums

3.. Tao is successful and called the “ Godfather of R&B” because_______.

A.his parents influenced him a lot

B.he himself is prolific

C.he is creative in music

D.Both A and C

4. We can infer from the passage that after the concert,_______.

A.Tao will spend less time in his music

B.Tao will spend all his time producing music

C.Tao will become an actor

D.Tao will make two films



短文改错 (10分)





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Mike called his wife to tell him that he had got two film tickets. He asked her to go and meet him outside the theatre. Mike’s wife is very glad because they hadn’t seen a film for quite long time. She met her husband in the entrance to the cinema. Mike took out his wallet to get the ticket, so they were not there. He then tried his pockets, but the tickets were not there, too. Mike looked very worrying. “What’s the matter?” asked his wife. “Well,” Mike explained, “I remember that I did with them. I put them on the desk and forgot to pick them up before leaving for the office!”




1. The photo r__________ her of her lover who had drowned at sea, and she wept.

2. Children are c_____________ about everything.

3. She tries to b__________ home life and work.

4. We are currently s__________ (寻求)new ways of expanding our membership.

5. They have successfully c___________ the old with the new in this room.

6. The s_________ (场面)of that film was very moving.

7. He a_____________ to me for being late for the party.

8. It was o__________ to everyone that the child had been badly treated.

9. I don’t mind at all. I_________, I would be delighted to help.

10.Teaching children with special needs requires p____________(耐心) and understanding.







1. Jack Anderson. Jack works in the city centre and wants to take up a sport that he can do regularly in his lunch hour. He enjoys activities which are fast and a bit dangerous.

2.Margaret Lillian. Margaret already plays golf at weekends. Now she has retired and wants to learn a new activity she can do in the countryside in the mornings.

3. Peter Florian. In six weeks' time, Peter is having a holiday on a Thailand island, where he plans to explore the ocean depths. He has a 9-to-5 job and wants to prepare for this holiday after work.

4.Alice Fingelhamm. Alice is 16. She wants to do an activity one evening a week and get a certificate (证书)at the end. She would also like to make new friends.

5. Lynne Nagata. Lynne has a well-paid but stressful job. She would like to take up a sport which she can do outside the city each weekend. She also wants to get to know some new people.

A.Riding School: You can start horse-riding at any age. Choose private or group lessons any weekday between 9 am and 8:30 pm (3:30 pm on Saturdays). There are 10 kilometres of tracks and paths for leisurely rides across farmland and open country. You will need a riding hat.

B.Sailing Club: Our Young Sailor's Course leads to the Stage 1 Sailing qualification. You’ll learn how to sail safely and the course also covers sailing theory and first aid. Have fun with other course members afterwards in the clubroom. There are 10 weekly two-hour lessons (Tuesdays 6 pm ~ 8 pm).

C.Diving Centre: Our experienced instructors offer one-month courses in deep-sea diving for beginners. There are two evening lessons a week, in which you learn to breathe underwater and use the equipment safely. You only need a swimming costume and towel. Reduced rates for couples.

D.Tennis Club: Learn to play tennis in the heart of the city and have fun at our tennis weekends. Arrive on Friday evening, learn the basic rules on Saturday and play in a competition on Sunday. There's also a disco and swimming pool. White tennis clothes and a racket are required.

E. Water sports Club: We use a two-kilometre length of river for speedboat racing, and water-skiing. A beginners' course consists of ten 20-minute lessons. You will learn to handle boats safely and confidently, but must be able to swim. The club is in a convenient central position and is open daily from 9 am to 4 pm, with lessons all through the day.

F. Golf Club: After a three-hour introduction with a professional golfer, you can join this golf club. The course is built on beautiful country hills and is open from dawn until dusk daily. There are regular social evenings on Saturdays in the club bar. You will need your own golf equipment.




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