满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It seems that he is always pretty ______...

It seems that he is always pretty _________ in most cases, for his judgment always goes with strong evidence.[��Դ:Z&xx&k.Com]

A. subjective                B.objective                      C. persuasive                         D. logical


A 【解析】略

Are there any possible signs in nature that can ________ earthquakes with accuracy?

  A. transform           B. spread                         C. predict                                D.determine



The principle of the heating system in this building is that pipes ________ hot water from the boiler to every part of it.

  A. consume                B. conduct             C. transmit                     D. convey



People’s working efficiency usually decreases more or less when the temperature _________ 35℃ or even higher. 

A. approaches                   B.raises              C.draws                          D.drops



It is widely accepted reported in the western media that the drug ______ is now becoming a leading cause of teenager crimes.

  A. adoption                B. abuse                  C. appreciation             D. appeal



“Boys and girls, you are asked to submit a(n) _______ of about 100 words of the lecture given by Professor Yu tomorrow” , said the teacher.

  A. impression            B. report                  C. abstract                       D. conclusion



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