满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

David was extremely excited at the good ...

David was extremely excited at the good news that he would get a chance to the Rock Club to see the great man he admired ___________.

  A. in his honor  B. in the distance                   C. in the shadow         D. in the flesh


C 【解析】略

We can hardly ________ what he really means on this controversial problem, as he doesn’t show his clear stand to anyone of us.

  A. stick out                B. let out               C. try out              D.figure out



The bank refused to give the company more time, and ________, it broke down.

  A. legally         B. consequently                     C. constantly                           D. temporarily



People are convinced that her ________ policies will succeed on condition that it can be carried out seriously by the local government.

  A. delicate                 B. stubborn                   C. tough                           D. determined



It seems that he is always pretty _________ in most cases, for his judgment always goes with strong evidence.[��Դ:Z&xx&k.Com]

A. subjective                B.objective                      C. persuasive                         D. logical



Are there any possible signs in nature that can ________ earthquakes with accuracy?

  A. transform           B. spread                         C. predict                                D.determine



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