满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

To _____ good relationships with your te...

To _____ good relationships with your teachers and classmates ,you should learn to share ups and downs with them.

A.keep up

B.add up

C.bring up

D.take up.


A 【解析】考查词组,keep up 保持,持续add up 把……加起来 bring up养育,抚养 take up占据,从事 句意为,为和你的老师同学保持良好的关系,你应当学会和他们分享你的开心和伤心。


A, B, C, D, E(AB), F(AC), G(AD), H(BC), I(BD), J(CD)

A. assisting     B. essential     C. gain

D. individuals   E. gradually     F. struggle

G. connect      H. numerous     I. threats          J. enhance

  The recent bush fire showed yet again how well the citizens work together in the face of community ___1____. Yet sadly, when it comes to fighting less noticeable community problems, it can be a ___2_____ to pull together in the same way.

Community problems, such as unemployment, homelessness, depressions and social isolation, are caused by a wide range of factors and take a long time to fix. In the past, it’s often been up to ___3____ rather than communities to solve these problems. But this is ___4____ changing.

Communities are now being called on to get involved in “community building” activities which aim to __5____ people and their existing communities through an increased involvement in social activities, as well as getting unemployed people back to work or starting their own business.

The government offices have __6____ projects operating across the country, which are helping people to rebuild their lives and communities.

At the heart of strong communities are strong families, so much such work is focused on ___7____ children, young people and their families. However, they still have an enormous commitment to help people who are homeless. They also work hard to place people into jobs, helping them ___8____ the training, skills and self-confidence they need to find work or start their own small business.

Working in partnership with other organizations, the government offices provided a wide range of ___9____ service and long-term programs, which are achieving impressive results around the whole country.



Scientists _______ a lot of experiments on animals, hoping to find and effective way to cure the patients who had AIDS.

A.carried on

B.carried out

C.carried away

D.carried off



Putting in a new window will ______ cutting away part of the roof.







Mr. Smith was so angry at all _____ Bill was doing ______ he left.







–He didn’t feel a bit nervous when _____.

--No. He’d spent a lot of time _____ for it after all.

A.interviewing…to prepare

B.interviewed…to prepare

C.interviewing… preparing

D.interviewed… preparing



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