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Young people looking for a job with good...

Young people looking for a job with good pay, flexible hours and job security should consider working in health care, according to a list of the top 15 best jobs in the US for young people.

   Health care is the fastest growing sector of the US economy and nearly half of what are considered the top jobs for young people are in the sector, Forbes.com said.

   With a medium annual salary of $33,470, dental assistants topped the ranking, while medical assistants, who earn about $28,860, came in No. 3, followed by physical therapist assistants who make a medium salary of nearly $50,000 and health aides who earn $20,560.

   Teachers of self-enrichment courses such as pottery and art, were the only non-health job in the top five.

   "Almost every one of these requires physical contact," Laurence Shatkin, the author of the book "150 Best Jobs for Your Skills," told Forbes. com. "You have to show up to do them, so you're not being shipped overseas, and they can't be done by a robot."

   Shatkin studied which jobs have the highest concentration of 16 to 24 year olds, pay well and have opportunities for entry level positions. He based the ranking on annual salary and openings and projected growth. Many of the jobs do not require a college degree.

   Fitness trainers and aerobics instructors, pharmacy technicians and surgical technologists were also among the top 10 jobs for young people.

   Because many of the jobs can be done on a part-time basis, they offer the flexibility for people to continue their education while doing them. Some of the jobs offer career prospects and advancements.

   "Young people may not have figured out what their priorities are yet," Shatkin told Forbes.com.   "They may use these jobs to discover what they like and where they fit in."

1.From the passage, we know that health care is a sector where people in the USA can ________.

  A. work the shortest time

B. make the most money

  C. enjoy its safest working conditions

D. experience its fastest development

2.After reading the passage, we can infer that _________.

  A. teachers of self-enrichment courses are No.2 among the top five jobs

  B. dental assistants are listed as the best job due to their highest salary

  C. people still need to go to college to get a good job

  D. good jobs are those that can be done part-time

3.What can be the best title for the passage?

  A. Health Care among Top Jobs for Young People

  B. Factors for People to Consider while Seeking Jobs

  C. Results from Forbes.com on Best Jobs

  D. The Higher the Pay Is, the Better the Job Is


1.D 2.A 3.A 【解析】 1.细节理解题。结合Young people looking for a job with good pay, flexible hours and job security should consider working in health care可知答案:根据美国最新出炉的对年轻人来说最佳工作前15名的名单,那些希望有一份收入不错、时间灵活、而且较有保障的工作的年轻人可以考虑就职于医疗行业。 2.推理判断题。结合可知:牙科助理位居榜首;医疗助理排在第三。紧随其后的是理疗师助理(第四位)以及健康助理(第五位);前五名此处缺第二位;再结合Teachers of self-enrichment courses such as pottery and art, were the only non-health job in the top five可知teachers是第二位。 3.文章标题题。文章主要讲述了在美国最新出炉的年轻人最佳工作前15名的名单中,医疗行业的职位占据近一半的情况,

For almost two months Dominic York, a 23-year-old hairdresser, wandered about hospitals all night, wearing a white coat and pretending he was a doctor. Yesterday he proudly claimed in court that despite his complete lack of medical experience or qualifications, he had saved several people’s lives. He had even been allowed to assist a surgeon during an emergency operation on a patient who was about to die on something she had swallowed.

   “I watched one of those TV dramas about a hospital and suddenly I felt like playing one of the roles myself. So I put on a white jacket and a stethoscope(听诊器)and walked around one of the biggest hospitals in London. At first I just watched. Once you learn how doctors talk to patients, nurses and others doctors, it’s easy to take people in,” he said.

  One of the patients he treated was Laura Kennan. She had been knocked down by a car and fainted. When she came into hospital, York was standing over her.

  “He looked very professional. He told me his name was Doctor Simon. Then he gave me some sort of injection,” she said. And then he suddenly cleared off when a nurse asked who he was. She didn’t think there was anything wrong. “I would never have realized he was a fake if a policewoman hadn’t showed me his photograph a week later. When the policewoman told me who he really was, I could hardly believe my ears.”

   Judge Raymond Adams told York that he was “shocked and horrified” that he got away with his deceiving for so long, and then sentenced him to eighteen months in a special prison for criminal with mental disorders.

“I can only hope that this will not lead to further problems. After all, you will have considerable opportunity to study the behaviour of the psychiatrists(精神科医生)who will look after you while you are there. If you try to persuade people that you yourself are a psychiatrist after you are set free, I shall make sure that you are given a much longer sentence.” Judge Adams warned York.

1.York was proud of the fact that _________.

   A. a surgeon let him watch an operation.

   B. he could perform some duties of a doctor

   C. he had cheated doctors for so long

   D. people thought he could become a real doctor

2.York learned how to behave like a doctor by ________.

    A. watching other doctors work                       

B. talking to doctors and nurses

    C. getting some training and experience              

D. observing doctors while he was a patient

3.Why was Laura Kennan in hospital?

   A. She had swallowed something and almost died.

   B. She had to have and emergency operation.

   C. She had been injured in a road accident.

   D. She had lost consciousness while driving.

4.The judge’s remark implied that York would be more severely punished if he ________.

   A. pretended to be a psychiatrist                     

B. tried to get away from prison

   C. was proud of what he had done                      

D. studied the behaviour of the psychiatrist



Nancy had just got a secretary’s job in a big company to work in the sales department. Monday was the first day that she went to work, so she was very  35    . She got up very early and arrived at the office at twenty to eight. She   36  the door open and found nobody there. “I am the first to arrive.” She thought and came to her desk   37   she was surprised to find a large bunch of flowers on it. They were   38  . She picked up the flowers from the desk and smelled them. “Oh, how lovely!” Nancy cried joyfully. She then   39   for a vase to put them in. “Somebody has sent me flowers the   40   first day!” She thought happily. “But who could it be?” She began to wonder.

The day passed very   41  and Nancy did everything   42   great interest and enthusiasm. For the following days of the week, the first thing Nancy did was to change water for the flowers. And then she __ 43  herself in her work.

Then came another Monday. When she came near her desk, she was overjoyed to see a new bunch of flowers there. She quickly put them in the vase, replacing the old ones. The same thing happened again the next Monday. Nancy felt it strange and this time she began to think of ways to find out the  44 .

On Tuesday afternoon, she was sent to   45  a plan to the general manager's office. She had to stay for a while at his secretary's desk   46   his directives. She happened to see on the desk a big notebook  47   with “Records of managers' meetings”, and   48   the half-opened pages. Suddenly her eyes fell on these words, “In order to keep the secretaries in high spirits, the company       49    that every Monday morning a bunch of fresh flowers should be sent to each secretary's desk.”

Later, she was told that their general manager was a wise man with the Bachelor of Psychology in Business.

1.A. depressed   B. excited    C. encouraged   D. surprised

2.A. pushed        B. forced    C. turned       D. knocked

3.A. that          B. which      C. there     D. where

4.A. old           B. fresh   C. good        D. sweet

5.A. looked up  B. looked at  C. looked around  D. looked down

6.A. happy  B. very C. funny                 D. quite

7.A. slowly   B. normally    C. quickly                D. hardly

8.A. at            B. in               C. for                     D. with

9.A. devoted       B. focused          C. buried                  D. made

10.A. sender  B. receiver         C. manager                D. waiter

11.A. send for      B. hand out  C. try out    D. hand in

12.A. asking for    B. waiting for   C. looking for  D. searching for

13.A. marked       B. given             C. used                D. signed

14.A. glanced at   B. stared at         C. glared at           D. looked at

15.A. has ordered   B. has said    C. has decided    D. has demanded



---I’m going to San Francisco for a couple of days

---_________.I wish I could get away for a while.

A. It doesn’t matter.  B. Forget it.          

C.I really envy you.    D.I can’t agree more.



It's no good ________ here. Let's go home.

A. to wait      B. waited      C. waiting     D. being waited



In no country other than Britain, it has been said, ________ experience four seasons in the course of a single day.

   A. people can       B. you can           C. can it           D. can one



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