满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The manager _______ the workers how to i...

The manager _______ the workers how to improve the program since 9 a.m.

A. has told      B. is telling   C. has been telling       D. will have told


C 【解析】本题考查时态。句意为:从上午九点开始,经理在一直不停地告诫工人如何去完善这个项目。由时间状语since 9 a.m.可以先排除B和D;根据句意,此处需要的是“一直不停地告诫”,强调持续性,故完成进行时更好,所以答案选C。

请以“I want to Smile”为题,根据以下图表的提示内容,适当展开写一篇英语短文。词数:120左右。

I want to smile.

1. Why do I want to smile?  (Advantages of smiling.)

2. Who do I want to smile at? (I want to smile at my parents, my friends and myself).  And why?

3. In a word, …




1._____________________, the UN has more tools in the battle to ______________.


2.This character was _______________ but was loved for his optimism and determination to ___________________.


3.Tony ______________ Julia, touched her shoulder and ___________________.


4.There are ______________ theme parks, with a different park for almost everything. ___________________________, there is a theme park for you!



5.She ____________ that wild animals ___________________ and not used for entertainment or advertisements.





pick out,  crowd in,  intend,  build up,  lead to

refer to ,  turn away,  carry on , come to life,  function, 

1.Ted looked up briefly, and then ___________with what he was doing.

2.Memories that she would rather forget came ___________.

3.This picture was taken a long time ago. I wonder if you can ___________ my father.

4.These exercises are good for ___________ leg strength.

5.It was foolish of him ____________ his notes during that important test, and as a result, he got punished.

6.When they got to the concert they ___________because they didn't have a ticket.

7.In the springtime, everything ___________ again.

8.His bad health has prevented him from ___________ effectively in recent weeks.

9.The death of Yue Yue shocked the nation and ___________ much soul searching(深刻反省) about people’s willingness to help others.

10.Obama’s financial plan ___________ to improve the current economic situation.




1.Following this visit the First Lady will d__________ a speech to students at a local school.

2.When visiting the US, Xi Jinping called for them to _____(尊重) China’s development path.

3.Grandfather gets quite c__________ sometimes, and doesn't even know what day it is.

4.Not c__________ to stay at home, she set off to see the world at the age of 16.

5.Some people witnessed the attack but nobody came to her d________(防卫).

6.Admission is free to all ticket holders and there is no need to book in ___________.

7.When the kitchen is finished I'm going to f__________ my attention on the garden.

8.I couldn't hear what they were saying because they were____________.

9.I think he feels a lot of _____(愤怒)towards his father who treated him very badly as a child.

10.Do you want your hair at the back to be the same __________(长) as the sids?



“If you talk to the plants, they will grow faster and the effect is even better if you’re a woman.” Researchers at Royal Horticultural Society carried out an experiment to find that the voice of a woman gardener makes plants grow faster.

   The experiment lasted a month and by the end of the study scientists managed to discover that tomato plants grew up two inches taller when women gardeners talked to them instead of male.

   Sarah Darwin was the one making the plants the best growth. Her voice was the most “inspiring” for plants than those of nine other gardeners when reading a passage from The Origin of Species. The great-great-granddaughter of the famous botanist (植物学家)Charles Darwin found that her plant grew about two inches taller than the plant of the best male gardener.

   Colin Crosbie, Garden Superintendent at RHS, said that the finding cannot yet be explained.He says that women have a greater range of pitch and tone(音高和音色)which might have a certain effect on the sound waves that reach the plant. “Sound waves are an environmental effect just like rain or light ,”said Mr Grosbie.

The study began in April at RHS Garden Wisley in Survey. Scientists started with open auditions(听力) for the people who were asked to record passages from John Wyndham's The Day of the Triffids, Shakespeare’s A Midsummer's Night Dream and Darwin's The Origin of Species.

Afterwards researchers selected a number of different voices and played them to 10 tomato plants during a period of a month. Each plant had headphones connected to it. Through the headphones the sound waves could hit the plants. It was discovered that plants that “listened” to female voices grew taller by an inch in comparison to plants that heard male voices.

1.What does the passage talk about?

   A. Plants enjoy men’s voices than women’s.

   B. A science experiment in a museum.

   C. Voice’s influence on plant growing.

   D. Strange findings at Royal Horticultural Society.

2.What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 4 mean?

    A. Plants need sound as well as rain and light.

    B. Sound is basic for the plant to grow.

    C. Sound has a good effect as rain or light does.

D. Plants can’t live without sound, rain or light.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

    A. The experiment ended in May.  

B. Scientist can explain the findings clearly.

    C. Plants enjoy listening to the passages from famous works.

D. The findings are of great importance to human beings.



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