满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

_________ their final medical check, th...

 _________ their final medical check, the astronauts boarded their spacecraft.

A. Received            B. Being received    C. To receive           D. Having received


D 【解析】考查非谓语动词。接受体格检查再等上航天飞机之前,且主语与动作之间是主动关系,故需要用现在分词的完成式。

_____, and I believe you will realize your dream.

A. Making a little bit more effort        

B. Make a little bit more effort

C. To make a little bit more effort        

D. If you make a little bit more effort



You look frozen. Sit down by the fire and I ________ you some hot tea.

A. make                B. will make     C. have made            D. am making



During the visit of German leader Angela Merkel to China, China offered _______ support for Europe, saying the aid would require “fully weighing risk”.

A. cautious            B. generous      C. anxious          D. various



It is reported that two big forest fires in the border area between France and Spain since Sunday _______ several people.

A. kill                B. had killed        C. killed               D. have killed



–Do you have any idea what your former boss would say about you?

   –I don’t know, ________.

A. so do I care       B. so I don’t care   C. nor do I care        D. nor I don’t care



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