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Five steps to take if your child is bei...

 Five steps to take if your child is being bullied

      51   The worst thing you can do is ignore it. Too often parents feel children and teens need to “work things out” on their own. If the problem is ignored, your child’s self-esteem will become unhealthy, he will be hurt mentally or physically, and he could become a bully himself.

Here are five steps you can take if your child is having problems with a bully:

  52   This is an important first step and will help your child trust that you are able to help him with his problem. Accept what he has to say at face value by using your active listening skills.

Let your child know that he is not alone.   53   Reassure your child that he is not the problem. Nothing he did caused the bully to go after him.

If your child is being threatened in a physical or illegal way at school, report the problem. Your child may not want you to do this, or the school may not take it seriously, but violence cannot be tolerated.   54   You will need to model assertive (果断的) behavior by alerting those in charge where the bullying is taking place.

Teach your child assertive behavior and how to ignore routine teasing. Let them know it is okay to say “No.” sometimes even friends bully, so letting your child know they can be true to their own feelings and say “No” can go a long way.

  55   Giving up possessions or giving in to a bully in anyway encourages the bully to continue. Identify ways for your child to respond to a bully---showing assertive but not aggressive behavior---and role-play them.

A. Believe what your child tells you.

B. Encourage your child not to give in to a bully.

C. Praise your child for being brave enough to talk about it.

D. Bullying is a terrible situation for a child to have to cope with.

E. If you choose not to do anything, that is what you’re teaching your child.

F. Most children have to deal with some type of bullying behavior at one time or another.

G. If your child comes to you because a bully is bothering him, you need to pay close attention to the problem.


 G  A  F   E   B 【解析】  G  根据本段内容可知当孩子收到欺负来寻找父母的帮助时,我们一定要注意这个问题,宁着手解决。  A 根据本段Accept what he has to say可知要相信孩子所说。  F 根据上一句he is not alone,让孩子知道很多人都会遇见bully的情况。  E 根据本段的Your child may not want you to do this, or the school may not take it seriously, but violence cannot be tolerated可知E符合要求。  B根据第一句Giving up possessions or giving in to a bully in anyway encourages the bully to continue.可知要教育孩子不要屈服。

Autumn blues? Let the sunshine in falling leaves, flowers, and cold winds. For many people late autumn can be a season of depression.

   Those who suffer from “ the autumn blue” are often extremely tired, lack energy, need more sleep, feel increased appetite and gain weight. "The exact cause of this condition, often called seasonal depression or seasonal affective disorder (SAD), is not known yet," says Chen Jue, associate professor at Shanghai Mental Health Center. "But recent studies indicate that weather change is influential and strongly suggest that this condition is caused by changes in the availability(得到) of sunlight."

One theory is that with decreased exposure to sunlight, the biological clock that regulates mood, sleep, and hormones is delayed, running more slowly in winter. Exposure to light may reset the biological clock. Another theory is that brain chemicals that transmit information between nerves, called neurotransmitters (for example, serotonin), may be altered in individuals with SAD. It is believed that exposure to light can correct these imbalances. "It is a sad season, but you can try to make it happy. Remember, spring always lives in your heart," Chen says. “Going outdoors to get some sunlight may reduce the tension that brings you the low spirits. Relax at work. Stretch, breathe deeply. Take a tea break. Think of your next vacation. Color treatment also works in handling low mood. Music also plays a role in treating autumn blues.”

1.Autumn blues is also called autumn________.

A. depression     B. sunshine      C. blue music      D. cold winds

2.From the 3rd paragraph we know that there _______ that can help to deal with autumn blues.

 A. is no biological clock         B. is a real example

 C. is no possibility              D. are some ways

3.Which of the following is true according to the text?

A. The real cause for autumn blues is still unknown.

B. Autumn blues can be feelings of happiness.

C. People feel tired in autumn.

D. Weather doesn’t change people.

4.Which of the following CAN’T you do in order to deal with autumn blues?

A. Reset the biological clock regulating mood, sleep and hormones.

B. Eat more food very low in calories and sugar.

C. Keep the balance of nerves that transmit information.

D. Take outdoor activities or sports.



I have no one ____ me, for I can deal with it all by myself.

A. to help         B. to have helped    C. help               D. helped



 ______ important thing in life is to have a great aim, and ______ determination to  attain it.

A. An ; 不填        B. A ; the           C. The ; the         D. The ; 不填




要点:1. 简单阐述图片的内容;2. 分析出现这种现象的原因;

3. 说明这种现象产生的影响;4. 你的看法。

注意:1. 词数为120左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

          3. 开头已为你写好(不计入总词数)。

参考词汇:National College Entrance Examination高考 

Dear Jack,

As is shown in the picture, in front of a computer happily sits a teenager, attempting to work on his homework with no effort, only by searching the Internet for the answer.















It’s believed that you can quite easily improve your ability to remember

things through practice and exercise. But e_____ if you are successful,    

there are times ______ your memory seems to play tricks on you.        

Sometimes you remember things ______ really did not happen. Take           

one morning last week as an ______. I got up and found that I had          

l       the front door unlocked all night, yet I clearly remember          

locking it ______(仔细地) the night before. Memory “tricks” work the     

other way as well. Once in a while you remember ______ doing something 

and then find out that you d______. One day last month I was sitting           

in a barber shop w______ for my turn to get a haircut, and suddenly I          

______(意识到) that I actually got a haircut two days before.              



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