满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The continuous rain ______ the harvestin...

The continuous rain ______ the harvesting of the wheat crop by two months.

    A. set back        B. set off       C. set aside       D. set out


A 【解析】词义辨析。A推迟,拨慢;B出发,使发生,点燃;C放在一边,不管不顾,储蓄;D开始。句意:不断的雨水让小麦的收割推迟了2个月。根据句意说明A正确。

--Do you think you will give me a hand in time of trouble?

   --I’d like to do something for you ______ everything you’ve done for me.

    A. in exchange      B. in turn      C. in return for    D. in terms of



The bus hit against a tree in the fog and ______to the deep valley,with ten passengers killed and twenty wounded.

    A. down did it roll                     B. down rolled it      

    C. it down rolled                           D. down it rolled



______in a science competition, the three students were awarded scholarships totaling $ 21, 000.

    A. To be judged the best               B. Judged the best

    C. Having judged the best              D. Judging the best



-----Have you got used to the Chinese food, Robert?

-----Yes, but I don't like ______ when a Chinese host keeps serving me the food I don't like.

A. this             B. that         C. those            D. it



We all felt a sense of ______ when we saw so many overseas Chinese

       coming back safe and sound from Libya.

A. security     B. relief   C. emergency  D. achievement



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