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I got my first driver’s license in 1953 ...

I got my first driver’s license in 1953 by taking driver education in my first year at Central High School in Charlotte,North Carolina.Four years later when it was time to renew my license I was a married woman.Henry and I were living in Baltimore,Maryland.Two weeks before my 20th birthday,Henry drove me to the motor vehicle office on a hot July afternoon.When I got to the office and showed to the man behind the counter my North Carolina driver’s license,ready to renew,the man told me that I was under age by Maryland law since I was not yet 21.“Mr. Henry Smith,your husband,will have to sign for you,” he said.

I argued,pointing to a very large belly(肚子) of mine,“I am married.I am having a baby.Why should I have to have someone sign for me to drive?”He answered coldly.“It’s the law,madam.”

Henry encouraged me to calm down,just go ahead and get the license and be done with it.“No,”I said.I refused to have him sign for me.So I left without a Maryland license.

I called the North Carolina Motor Vehicle office and renewed my NC license by mail--using my name Susan Brown.And thus it was for the next twelve years.Since Henry was in the army I could drive under my home state license.By the time Henry left the army we were once again living in Maryland,and I had to take the Maryland driver’s exam.Since then I just go in and renew every four years--sign the name Susan Brown,have my new picture taken, and walk out with a license to drive.

1.Susan got her first driver’s license_______.

A.before she got married to Henry

B.when she was twenty years old

C.after she finished high school

D.when she just moved to Maryland

2.Susan failed to renew her license the first time in Maryland because_____.

A.she was forbidden to drive by Maryland law

B.she lacked driving experience in Maryland

C.she was to give birth to a baby soon

D.she insisted on signing for herself

3.We can infer from the text that in the U.S.___________.

A.American males should serve in the army

B.different states may have different laws

C.people have to renew their licenses in their home states

D.women should adopt their husbands’ family names after marriage


1.A 2.D 3.B 【解析】文章通过一个小故事告诉我们在美国各个州的法律是不一样的。 1.A 推理题。根据文章第一段前三行可知我是在in 1953获得驾照,4年以后我结婚要更新驾照,说明我在结婚前拿到驾照的。 2.D 细节题。根据根据文章第二段I am married.I am having a baby.Why should I have to have someone sign for me to drive?”可知他坚持要自己签名,不需要别人,故D正确。 3.B 推理题。根据文章可知我1953年就在北卡罗莱纳州获得了驾照,但是4年以后到马里兰州去被拒绝说明各个州的法律是不一样的。故B正确。

From ___ top of the tower, you can get ___better view of the city.












In some middle schools, iPads are introduced into classrooms to replace traditional textbooks and assist teacher’s teaching as well as students’ learning._______________________







1.Our new office are still under _____(建设).

2.The boy has been to many places of _____(名胜).

3.The whole family are making _____(准备) for a wedding.

4.Hundreds of thousands of people died in the _____(自然) disaster-Tsunami.

5.There was a garden on the _____(对面) side of the street.

6.He _____(承认) having stolen the car this morning.

7.People were very poor then by today’s _____(标准).

8.I was _____(想知道) if I could trouble you to give me a hand.

9.The Construction Bank of China has _____(分支) all over the country.

10.Smoking is _____(禁止) in public places.



Being organized is an important skill for school and life. When you are well organized, you can stay focused, instead of spending time hunting things down. __61  For schoolwork, it means having one notebook or place where you store all your assignments, so you know what you have to do and when. Keeping labeled folders for handouts and keeping all your schoolwork neat and in a specific place –these are the main parts of organization.

For home stuff, being organized means having a place to put your things and putting them back as you go. __62  It means keeping your schoolbag, your shoes, and your clean underwear in the same places so you always know where to find them.

Planning is part of being organized, too. __63  Calendars, lists, and schedules can help you plan. You can buy or draw a calendar and keep it near your workplace. Making a schedule or “to-do” list for yourself is a good idea. Looking at your list helps you keep track of what you need to do. __64 Check off things when you have done them. Use your list to help you decide which thing is most important to work on first. __65  .But once you have organized, it feels great. The less time you spend hunting around for things or panicking about homework, the more time you have for better things, like reading a good book or playing.

A.Add new things as you get assignments.

B.First, you should get your schoolwork organized.

C.It means hanging your coat up instead of dropping it on the floor or throwing it on a chair.

D.It takes some extra efforts to organize yourself and your stuff.

E. Planning means deciding what you will do and when you will do it.

F. You will benefit a lot form a good habit.

G. What does it mean to be organized?



Every child has written their names on the beach at some point.

But whereas most people’s “handwriting” is washed away, one super-rich Arab sheikh(酋长) has ensure that his graffiti(胡写乱画) will last a little longer.

Hamad Bin Hamdan Al Nahyan, 63, has scrawled his name in sand on an island he owns with letters so big that they be seen from space.

The word “HAMAD” measures 1,000 meters high and is a staggering two miles long from the “H” to the “D” on the Al Futaisi Island.

And rather than allow the writing to be washed away by the ocean, the letters actually form waterways that absorb the encroaching(渗入) tide. The ruler’s name is even visible on Google’s map service.

Hamad dreamed up the idea and had his workmen work hard for weeks to craft the enormous piece of sand graffiti. It is not known how much it cost to make.

However, the sheikh boasts a personal fortune second to the Saudi king’s.

Hamad, also known as the “Rainbow Sheikh”, is a member of the Abu Dhabi Ruling Family.

He is understood to have some 200 cars including seven Mercedes 500 SELs painted in different colors of the rainbow which he stores in a giant pyramid.

The Arab sheikh had a taste for doing things on a large scale. He built the world’s largest truck—eight times the size of the Dodge Power Wagon, with four bedrooms inside the cabin.

Hamad constructed a motor home in the shape of a giant globe which is exactly 1 millionth the size of the actual earth.

Alongside his displays of wealth he has become a well-known philanthropist(慈善家) in medicine and supplied a complete Kinney stone operating theatre to a public hospital in Morocco where he continues to fund its stuff.

1.Which of the following in NOT true according to the passage?

A.Hamad is a man who wants himself to be well-known from apace.

B.Hamad is a super-rich person who always does something unusual.

C.Hamad is a man who is always so mean in his family

D.Hamad is a man who boasts his fortune is second to the Saudi king’s

2.In what way could Hamad make his handwriting last longer?

A. The word “HAMAD” measures 1,000 meters wide and high.

B The word “HAMAD” is a staggering two miles long from the “H” to the “D”.

C. The word “HAMAD” actually forms huge waterways that absorb the encroaching tide.

D. The word “HAMAD” cost his workmen a lot of hard work for several weeks.

3.Why does Hamad have his seven Mercedes-Benz500 SELs painted in different colors?

A.Perhaps he hoped his cars were stored in a giant pyramid safely.

B.In some ways he could make a very strange rainbow.

C.Maybe he just wanted to show off his wealth.

D.He is always interested in making his cars like these.

4.Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?

A.The Rainbow Sheikh’s name can be seen from space

B.The richest Arab sheikh’s name has made many funny things

C.A great person likes doing things on a large scale

D.A well-known philanthropist displays his wealth



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