满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I would rather buy a house in the countr...

I would rather buy a house in the countryside than ______ in the city.






D 【解析】考察代词辨析。It指代上文出现的同一事物。One指代可数名词单数,表泛指。This指代上文说过的事情,或下面接着要说的事情。That指代可数名词单数或不可数名词,后面必须有定语修饰。本题的that指代a house后面有定语in the city修饰。句意:我宁愿买一套乡下的房子也不愿意买一城里的。故D正确。

Cao Cao’s tomb is reported ______ in China, which attracts nationwide attention.

A.being found

B.to be found

C.having been found

D.to have been found



____ walk is expected to last all day, so bring ____ packed lunch.

A.A; a

B.The; 不填

C.The ; a

D.A ; 不填







Yesterday, I went to have lunch in a restaurant. The restaurant was such crowded that the food arrived late and the fish was cold. I was on a hurry, so I started eating the food anyway. Several minute later, a server came to me and was asked how I liked the meal. In that situation, he may choose to say honestly that you are disappointing that the food came out cold. However, I choose not to tell the truth. With a smile on my face, I told the server nothing satisfied me. I told lie. But it made the server happily.



Starting high school is an exciting event.  71    Try these tips to help make the transition to high school go smoothly for you and your teenager.

Talk to your teenager. Find out how your teenager feels about high school. 72  Share some of your own experiences with them, and see if you can get an older cousin or family friend to talk to them, as well.

Orientation(迎新会) is a good thing. 73  The school will also likely have a parents’ night or parents’ orientation before of shortly after the school year begins. Your teenager may discourage you from attending it, but it is important for you to learn what to expect during their high school years. It is also a good opportunity to meet with teachers and other parents.

74 Before school starts, talk with your teenager about what their daily schedule will be like, what classes they will be taking, and how they will manage their time. Discuss any extracurricular(课外的) activities they might like to take part in. It is important for you to know their after-school plans. Then you can set some limits on things including where they are, whom they are with, and how they will be transported.

  75  High school is a time when teenagers ask for their independence. However, it is important that you remind your teenager that you are still the parent. For example, they may want to decide when to do their homework or when to go to bed, and may start spending more time on the computer or phone. While it is OK fir you to loosen up on some things and let them make some of these decisions, make sure your teenager knows the limits.

A.Set a good example.

B.They likely have both fear and anxiety.

C.Don’t forget about after-school activities.

D.Give your teenagers some independence.

E. There you can get some advice from other parents.

F. Make sure your teenager attends it if the high school has one.

G. However, it can also cause some stress and anxiety for both parents and teenagers.

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