满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It is reported that the cost that they l...

It is reported that the cost that they lost in London riot(伦敦骚乱) _________130, 000 pounds.

A.added to

B.added up

C.added up to



C 【解析】 试题分析:短语辨析。A增加;B共计;C共计达;D加,补充;句意:据报道,伦敦骚乱导致的损失共计达130, 000英镑。根据句意说明C正确。 考点:考查短语辨析

There was _____ time when everything to do with _______ nature could keep Anne


A.a ; the

B.a ; /

C.the ; a

D.the ; the



假如你是李明, 你已经在新的学校学习了3个月,你的笔友Steve来信询问你的学习生活各方面的情况。请你向他写一封回信。



要求:字数 100-120

想家 homesick

Dear Steve,

Many thanks for your concern. _____________________________________________



Looking forward to your telling me your study life.


Li Ming




1.因为下雨,我们推迟了校运会。(because of…)

2.据要求所有人都要准时参加会议。( It is requested that…)

3.是他们的旅行日志使他们深受青少年的喜爱。( It + be + 强调部分 + that ---)

4.布莱克一家正在吃晚饭这时有人敲门。(be doing --- when ---)





1.After a big snowfall, the town ________ (lie) clean and quiet.

2.Our manager would like to have you _______ (give) a speech at the meeting.

3.We are told _________(not throw) waste paper everywhere.

4.We have been good friends ever since we _______ (meet) on the first day of school this term.

5.____­­­­_____ (judge) from what he said, he must be an honest man.

6.Finally they got their child _________ (interest) in study.

7.Can you wait for me for another second? I __________ (finish) my work.

8.After the floods, some survivors __________( trap) at the top of the houses.

9.It was the second time that the artist _______________ (come) to this mountain village.

10.We should love and respect our parents who ______ always _________ (concern) about us and have done so much for us.




1.When asked whether he would give up, he gave us a d___________ look, which meant he would not change his mind.

2.One third of the people in the building were killed or i_________ (受伤) during the big fire.

3.After the flood, nearly everything was d_______(摧毁)) and the villagers sank into sadness.

4.The film Red Sorghum(红高粱) is b________ on the novel written by Mo Yan, who won the Nobel Prize for literature (文学) this year.

5.Do keep c___________ when facing something emergent (危急情况).

6.My father is a heavy smoker. I ever tried to p_________ him to give up smoking but I failed.

7.After g__________ from college, Wang Kun and Wang Wei finally got the chance to cycle along the Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.

8.Playing games on the Internet _____________(频繁地) does harm to your health.

9.Compared with Tom, I think Lily is much more _______________( 可信赖的)

10.__________________(祝贺) to you on passing the exam and getting the first prize.



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