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-Darkness , so we had to stop our journe...

-Darkness     , so we had to stop our journey and stayed on a farm.






A 【解析】 试题分析:动词辨析。A掉下;下降;跌倒;崩溃;B散播;传播;C折断;D发生;句意:夜幕降临,所以我们不得不停止旅行住在一个农场里。根据句意说明A正确。 考点:考查动词辨析

近些年来,网络游戏(online games)在青少年中很流行。请写一篇英语短文,谈谈你对网络游戏的看法。词数:120左右。




1.On hearing that his idol was coming, he __________________. (wait)


2.Many buildings in Turkey _________ because of the recent earthquake. (ruin)


3.He was asked___________________________ as it was told to him. (set)


4.The boss commanded that the workers________________________. (shut)


5.What he did ________________________ realizing our goal. (play)


6.Usually it’s very hard _______________ the man who has a bad temper. (get)


7.Since there is a singing contest this afternoon, students of this class ______________________________. (settle)


8.She said that she ___________________________ to visit me. (come)


9.Once she ________________, nothing will make her change her mind. (mind n. )


10.He talks ___________________________. (as if)




When you watch TV programs about wild animals, it is surprising to see how an antelope can escape a lion’s attack. In the wilderness, everyone has a stunt. Even plants have their own ways of fighting off enemies.

Over millions of years of evolution, plants have developed a unique defence system. Chemicals are wildly used for survival. By making their leaves, flowers, roots and fruits distasteful or poisonous(有毒的) to enemies, plants can fight back.

One such plant is the Golden Wattle tree. The British scientist David Cameron has found when an animal eats the tree’s leaves, the amount of poison increases in the other leaves. “It’s like the damaged leaves telephoning the others telling them to fight together against the enemy, ” he said.

The tree also sends defence messages to neighboring plants by giving out a special smell. Golden Wattle trees in the surrounding 45 meters will get the message and produce more poison within 10 minutes. Now, if an enemy eats too many of the trees’ leaves, it will die.

Every species of plant or tree is good at the production of a particular set of chemicals. A herbivore that can safely eat the leaves of one tree may be poisoned by its neighbor.

In this way, plants have developed not only individual defence system, but also shared it with others. This makes it impossible for a single animal to destroy even a small area of forest.

1. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A.Plants Fight back with Poisons

B.Plants Can Kill Animals

C.Animals and Plants

D.Lions and Antelopes

2.According to the study, if one Golden Wattle tree is attacked by animals, it can________.

A.tell other trees to protect it

B.produce more poison within 10 minutes

C.send defence messages to the neighboring plants

D.kill the animals with its leaves

3. In this passage the underlined word “herbivore” probably means animals which ________.

A.live on both animals and plants

B.feed on smaller animals

C.live on trees

D.feed on plants or grass

4.The last paragraph of the passage suggests that this kind of defence system________.

A.does great harm to the animals

B.does good to the forests

C.is helpful to some animals

D.harms the forests



When most people turn 21, they spend too much time partying and having fun. But when Adele turned 21, she did something completely different.

After going through a tough breakup(分手), the British singer turned her pain into glory and recorded one of the most moving albums of the year.

The album, 21, which was released in January, has already hit the charts in 14 countries, according to the Billboard magazine.

It also noted that Adele made history as the first artist since the Beatles to have two top five singles and two top five albums in the charts at the same time (Adele’s first album, 19, was released in 2008. Each album is named for her age when she wrote it).

Now, after touring around the world for almost a year, the DVD of her live concert, released on November 29, is Adele’s latest work.

Having topped the pre-order list of Amazon. com for over a month already, this one seems set to stay on top for a while.

Born in north London, Adele sang her way up honestly:  In 2006, she was signed by England’s XL Recordings on the strength of (基于)a three-song demo(样本唱片) a friend of hers had posted on MySpace;within two years she had won the BRIT Awards ‘Critics’ Choice prize and been tipped by the BBC as the “Sound of 2008”.

In 2009 she got the best new artist Grammy Award, and went on a world tour in support of the album 19 with a sold-out show in Los Angeles.

According to Adele herself, much of the inspiration of her music comes from one single breakup.

That’s probably what has made the singer’s success-that emotional certitude(确信), according to Dickins.

“The key to great singers is believing every single word they sing, ” he said. “And I think you believe every word that comes out of Adele’s mouth. You can feel her life force through her voice. ”

1.When she wrote album 19, she is at the age of______.





2.How many awards did Adele get?





3.The underlined word “released” can be best replaced by ______.


B.came out



4. In Adele’s opinion, where does her inspiration of music mainly come from?

A.Emotional certitude.

B.One single breakup.

C.A three-song demo.

D.A world tour.



Science can't explain the power of pets, but many studies have shown that the company of pets can help lower blood pressure (血压) and raise chances of recovering from a heart attack, reduce loneliness and spread all-round good cheer.

Any owner will tell you how much joy a pet brings. For some, an animal provides more comfort than a husband/wife. A 2002 study by Karen Allen of the State University of New York measured stress (紧张) levels and blood pressure in people— half of them pet owners —while they performed 5 minutes of mental arithmetic (算术) or held a hand in ice water. Subjects completed the tasks alone, with a husband/wife, a close friend or with a pet. People with pets did it best. Those tested with their animal friends had smaller change in blood pressure and returned most quickly to baseline heart rates. With pets in the room, people also made fewer math mistakes than when doing in front of other companions. It seems people feel more relaxed (放松)around pets, says Allen, who thinks it may be because pets don't judge.

A study reported last fall suggests that having a pet dog not only raises your spirits but may also have an effect on your eating habits. Researchers at Northwestern Memorial Hospital spent a year studying 36 fat people and their equally fat dogs on diet-and-exercise programs; a separate group of 56 people without pets were put on a diet program. On average, people lost about 11 pounds, or 5% of their body weight. Their dogs did even better, losing an average of 12 pounds, more than 15% of their body weight. Dog owners didn't lose any more weight than those without dogs but, say researchers, got more exercise overall-mostly with their dogs - and found it worth doing.

1.What does the text mainly discuss?

A.What pets bring to their owners.

B.How pets help people calm down.

C.People's opinions of keeping pets.

D.Pet's value in medical research.

2.We learn from the text that a person with heart disease has a better chance of getting well if_________ .

A.he has a pet companion

B.he has less stress of work

C.he often does mental arithmetic

D.he is taken care of by his family

3.According to Allen, why did the people do better with pets around when facing stressful tasks?

A.They have lower blood pressure.

B.They become more patient.

C.They are less nervous.

D.They are in higher spirits.

4.The research mentioned in the last paragraph reports that________ .

A.people with dogs did more exercise

B.dogs lost the same weight as people did

C.dogs liked exercise much more than people did

D.people without dogs found the program unhelpful



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