满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Although the number of competitors ___ l...

Although the number of competitors ___ limited, a number of our classmates ___ eager to take part in it.

A.are; are

B.are; is

C.is; are

D.is; is


C 【解析】 试题分析:考查主谓一致。The number of…指…的数量,做主语时,谓语动词用单数。A number of许多,大量修饰可数名词复数形式,做主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。故C正确。 考点:考查主谓一致

We don’t need to do __ extra work this evening. The day’s work was almost at __ end now.

A./ ; an

B.an; an

C.the; the

D.the; /




内容:1. 晚会时间:下星期五晚7:00-9:00;    2. 晚会地点:学校新体育馆  (the new gym)

      3. 晚会节目:英语故事,英语歌曲,英语诗歌及短剧等。届时还邀请在本校工作的外教Nora一家参加晚会,他们将表演精彩的节目。


参考词汇:short plays 短剧   wonderful performances  精彩的表演   Students’ Union 学生会


In order to improve our English, we are going to hold an English Party.




the Students’ Union

Nov. 5th, 2012







主意:1. 每处错误及修改均限一词。

      2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Editor,

I am a senior high student. I am writing to share my worries with my classmates.

With the development of IT industry, many of my classmate have 3G mobile phones. It can inform us the latest news, make us relaxing and keep in touch with our friends, but they play computer games, watch movies or chat online after the class, even in class. These has caused them to lose their interested in their lessons. I hoped 3G mobile phones should be banned at school. Do you agree about me?

I am looking forward to your earlier reply.


                                                         Li Hua




1.It’s a fine day. Let’s go ___________(户外,野外) to enjoy the sunshine.

2. She saw him coming but she __________ (不理睬) him.

3.__________(事实上), on second thoughts, I don’t think I will go out with him..

4.We learned that he was _________ (遭受) from cancer.

5.The general _________(命令) his men to attack the city.

6.They keep in touch with each other since they ________(毕业) from college.

7.He is a _______(可靠的) man, so we can depend on him.

8. The lifeboat was sent out to ______(营救) the sailors from the sinking ship.

9.Believe it or not, Mary’s sister suddenly ______(爆发) into crying when we were eating.

10.In the traffic accident, two were killed and three got _______(伤害,损害).




   When some plates of the earth move suddenly, an earthquake happens. __61__ Earthquakes may happen anywhere on the earth. They often happen near mountains.

   During an earthquake, the shakings make rocks rise suddenly and even crakes(裂缝)open. __62__ And sometimes whole villages or cities are destroyed.

   __63__ Scientists have studied earthquakes and made maps that show the “earthquake belt”__64__ In these areas we can build strong houses to fight against earthquakes.

__65__ They can also tell people what to do and how to do it.




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