满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The message is very important, so it is...

 The message is very important, so it is supposed _______ as soon as possible.

A.to be sent

B.to send

C.being sent



A 【解析】 试题分析:考查固定结构和语态。固定结构be supposed to do sth应该做某事;句意:那个消息很重要,所以它应该被尽早送出去。根据句意说明使用被动语态,故A正确。 考点:考查固定结构和语态

Visiting _______ Great Wall is ________ unforgettable experience to me.    

A./; /

B./; an

C.the; an

D.the; /



---- Do you surf the Internet a lot?

---- Well,_______, I’m too busy with work to surf the Net.

A.all right

B.I have no idea

C.at last

D.to tell you the truth




春节是中国人最重要的传统节日,春节往往在阴历元月或二月份进行,春节往往持续半个月的时间。在春节来临之前,为了有个新面貌,各家都进行大扫除。然后在门上张贴对联以便能带来好运气。提前一个月人们就开始忙着采购过年的物品。尤其孩子们都盼望着过春节,因为能穿上新衣服,还能得到很多零花钱(pocket money)。各家都准备了丰富的食物来招待朋友,亲戚。尽管火车票、飞机票很难买,为了能和家人团圆,在外工作的人都会设法回家过年。在春节这一天,燃放鞭炮来增加过年的气氛。在春节期间,人们彼此都很友好,相互探访。在元宵节来临时,春节就结束了,新的一年又开始了。

Dear Jane,

I’ m glad to know that you want to know something about the Spring Festival.                         

Yours sincerely

Li Hua




1. Traditional moon cakes are usually made by bean paste, but nowadays, there are many different kinds of moon cakes included fruit, coffee, chocolate.(2)

2. There is a special food for the Dragon Boat Festival, it is called zongzi, what is sticky rice in fresh bamboo leafs. (3)

3. In one story, lanterns were lighted to celebrate the power of light above darkness. (2)

4. I sat at the table in front of fire write a letter to Father Christmas told him about all the presents we wanted.(2)

5.Over 2000 years ago, people were known as the Celts lived in Northern Europe. (1)



单词拼写。请依据首字母和汉语提示写出单词的正确形式。(每词1分,共10词,共 10 分)

1. The times of the wedding ____  (仪式) and the ______(婚宴) are both written on the            ____  (请帖).

2. There is a box at the        (入口) to the restaurant and you ought to put money into it. But don’t worry, you don’t have to ____  (捐献,贡献) a lot of money. But remember that you can’t drink _________(白酒).

3. We seriously wrote Father Christmas, the North Pole on the         (信封).

4. As we opened the new year       (日历), Christmas cards arrived in the post.

5. My mother works in an        (保险) company.

6. A person of       (坚定的意志) always manages to finish the job, however hard it is.



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