满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The number of people ________ this happ...

 The number of people ________ this happens is not very large.

A.with whom        B.to which          C.to whom          D.on which


C 【解析】 试题分析:考查定语从句,先行词是people,定语从句中happen后面缺少介词to,所以是to whom引导定语从句,句意:发生这件事的人的数量不多。选C。 考点:考查定语从句

I have no _____ that you will succeed, but I wonder whether you have really got everything ready.

A.doubt            B.wonder           C.chance           D.point



The police set out in search of other children who might ______ Guizhou’s dustbins after 5 deaths for warmth. 

A.live              B.rescue            C.exist             D.survive



假若如你是新华中学的学生李华。周五下午,你最喜欢的Carter教授将举行题为“How to be a good language learner”的报告,但你因在新东方(New Orient)培训学校学习不能参加。请你根据以下提示给你的同学David写一封电子邮件:









Nowadaysmoreandmorepeopleareconcernedabouttheir health,buthowtokeephealthy? Differentpeoplemay give differentanswerstothisquestion.Inmyopinion, itisessentialto dothe following.

First,itisabsolutelynecessarytotakesomeexerciseatregular timeeveryday.Researchshows thatgettingplentyofexercisecanmaketheheartbeatfaster andthelungsworkharder.This strengthenstheheart,reducesthechanceofheartattack,andhelpslower bloodpressure.That’s whymore andmorepeoplearebecomingactive invariouskindsofsportsandexercise.Every morningmanypeople get upearly and takemuchexercise.Some play ballgameswhileothersrun, jog,walkor dancetomusic.Intheafternoon,therearealsomanypeoplekeenonsports.Through sports and exercise, people become healthierand stronger.

Medicalresearchers have proved that what people eataffects theirhealth.Theyadvise peopleto eatmorefruitandvegetablesandless meatsuchas beefandporkbecausemeatcontainsmorefat thanpoultry(家禽) and fish. Fat can build up in the arteries(动脉),blocktheflowof blood,and cause a heart attack orstroke(中风).

Gettingridofbadhabitslikesmokinganddrinkingalcoholisalsoanimportantwaytokeep healthy.Smokinganddrinkingalcoholinjureone’shealthagreatdeal,andthereforeshouldbegiven up. Unfortunately few people follow this advice.

Best title: How to keep



Takesome exercise2  

Benefits of plenty of exercise:

★The heartcan be     3   ;

★The chance of heart attack can be   4 ;

★Blood pressurecan be   5  .

Pay  attention toyour   6    


★Fat can result in a heart attack orstroke;

★Morefatmay be   8  in meat.


★Toeat morefruit and vegetables;

★Toeat less meat such as beef and pork.

Give  up  bad habits

Harm of bad habits:  smoking  and  drinking  alcohol  do  9  to  one’s health.

Advice: Getting ridof badhabits like smokingand drinking.


If people follow these ways, theywillgreatly improve theirhealth.



If you exhibit positive characteristics such as honesty and helpfulness, the chances are that you will be thought as a good-looking person, for a new study has found that the perception (认知) of physical attractiveness is influenced by a person's personality.

The study, which was led by Gary W.Lewandowski, has found that people who exhibit negative characteristics, such as unfairness and rudeness, appear to be less physically attractive to observers.In the study, the participants viewed photographs of opposite-sex individuals and rated them for attractiveness before and after being provided with information about their personalities.

After personality information was received, participants also rated the probability of each individual' s becoming a friend and a dating partner.Information on personality was found to significantly change the probability, showing that cognitive (认知的) processes modify (修改) judgments of attractiveness.

"Thinking a person as having a desirable personality makes the person more suitable in general as a close relationship partner of any kind," said Lewandowski.

The findings show that a positive personality leads to greater expectation of becoming friends, which leads to greater expectation of becoming romantic partners and, finally, to being viewed as more physically attractive.The findings remained consistent regardless of how "attractive" the individual was formerly thought to be or of the participants' current relationship status.

"This research provides a positive outcome by reminding people that personality goes a long way toward determining your attractiveness; it can even change people's impressions of how good-looking you are," said Lewandowski.

1.In the study the participants were required to _____.

A.try to make friends with each other

B.try to prove positive characters make people more attractive

C.exhibit negative characters such as unfairness and rudeness

D.rate one's attractiveness by photos before and after knowing her or his personality

2.Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?

A.The research reminds people to pay more attention to the personality.

B.Personality can change people's impressions of one's appearance.

C.The judgment of one's attractiveness always stays unchanged.

D.Positive personality may lead to more friends.

3.The passage is written in a(n) _____ tone.

A.subjective         B.objective          C.skeptical          D.negative

4.Who are the intended readers of this passage?

A.People with positive characteristics.

B.Good-looking people.

C.People with negative characteristics.

D.General people.



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