满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

---Are you taking morning exercise tomor...

---Are you taking morning exercise tomorrow?

---Sure. We do sports every morning_____ it rains

A.as long as         B.unless            C.as though         D.in case


B 【解析】 试题分析:连词辨析。A只要;B除非…;如果…不…;C似乎,好像;D以防;句意:明天你要去早锻炼吗?—当然。如果不下雨,我们是天天都要锻炼的。根据句意说明B正确。 考点:考查连词辨析

Marty’s disability is “one in a million”. ______, there are not many people in the world like him.

A.In other words     B.All in all           C.For one thing       D.On the other hand








A recent survey shows                                                       











Over the past twenty years or so, great changes have been taken place in our life.Taking my family for example. My parents keep in touch with others mainly by sending letters in the past. And now we make long-distance calls at home, Once my parents listened  the radio for news and other informations. But now we get to know about the world .by watching TV or surfing the Internet. There is another big change. When my parents got marry about twenty years ago, they lived in a small room crowding with furniture. But now we have moved into a big new three-room apartment. On short, our life has become more comfortably and convenient.




A.Be Reliable

B.Be Yourself

C.Smile and Be Nice

D. Join a Team or Volunteer

E. Be Your Own Best Friend

F. Get in Touch with Social Media

Making Friends in a New Environment

Imagine being in the hallway of a crowded school. The beil is ringing and countless students are changing classes. The noise of conversation and the smell of freshly sharpened pencils fill the air. You're new in town and this is your first day at school. You're afraid that you won't fit in, someone will make fun of your hair, or you'II just simply embarrass yourself by saying the wrong things. But with the following suggestions, you'II know what you should do to achieve in a new surrounding.


By swallowing your fears and taking a chance, you'd be surprised at all the possibilities that can occur by doing extracurricular activities. You'll make friends, contribute to your school's overall success, and increase your confidence along the way. Volunteering also does wonders and it looks really good/on college applications as well. Participating in extracurricular activities is an excellent way to make friends and become active in your school.

2         .

Even though you might feel afraid to speak to others,it's important to remember that being a nice guy goes a long way, When you show people that you are friendly,it tells them that you are a good person who gets along well with others. Encourage yourself to be the  first one to talk to people. It's quite possible that they are just as nervous around others as  you are, so make them feel comfortable and be the first to speak up.

3       .

Nobody likes a gossiper or someone who stabs them in the back. Would you like someone to tell your most forbidden secrets to the entire world? Of course not, so it isn't wise to do it to someone else. It's the golden rule: Do to others as you would have them do  to you. When someone trusts you completely,it's something that shouldn't be taken lightly. Trust is something to be cherished and valued, and showing others that you can be relied on is essential to making new friends.

4         .

Sites like Facebook have completely taken over just about every aspect of society, forever changing the way we arrange meetings, conduct business, and interact with family and friends. These social networking sites, even though they are fairly new, are effective methods for fully utilizing basic human communication. With more and more teens using these sites just about every second of every day, it would be wise to start your own Facebook account to connect with possible friends. Just remember to use these sites safely and wisely.

5        .

This is the most important factor when you adapt to a new environment. Stay true to who you are and be confident. By staying true to yourself and your own beliefs, you are showing the world that you are an individual who is proud of who you are, This kind of confidence is like a magnet. It will attract all kinds "of people into your life, and these people could possibly turn into new, lifelong friends. Simply put, you cannot live a genuine Iife if you yourself are not genuine.



One morning in Philadelphia, the sun shone bright through all the thick jungles and the tall churches. John, 6, wearing the worn-out clothes, walked from afar, his dark small hands holding a piece of stolen bread.

John stopped for a moment at the entrance to the sacred church and then left tightlyholding the bread,      

He was an orphan(弧儿), whose parents were killed in World War Illeaving him alonein the orphanage for five years, Like many children in the orphanage, he had a lot of free time. Mostly no one took care of them, so they had to learn how to steal those they wanted.             

John believed the existence of God, so every Sunday morning in any case be would go to the cburch to have a look and listen to those people singing inside or reciting the Bible.He felt only at this moment he was the child of God and so close to God. But he couldn'tenter because his clothes were so dirty. John himself knew it.

John was quietly counting. This was his 45th Sunday at the entrance to the church. He stood on tiptoe for a while and walked away.

As time passed, the pastor(牧师) noticed John and learned from others that he was thesmall boy who liked stealing things in the orphanages.

On the 46th Sunday, the sun was shining and John came still holding a piece of bread with his dark small hands. When he just stood there, the pastor came out. He felt like running away, but he was carried by the pastor's friendly smile.

The pastor walked up to his side, clearly seeing John's small hands tremble.

"Are you John?"

John didn't answer, but looked at the pastor and nodded.

"Do you believe in God?" the pastor petted John on his head stained with dust.

"Yes,l do!" This time John told him loudly.

"So you believe in yourself?"

John looked at the pastor, without a word.

The pastor went on saying, "At the first sight of you, I find you're different from other  kids because you have a good heart."

His face tunung red, John said timidly, "In fact, I'm a thief." With that, he loweredhis head.

The pastor didn't speak, but held John's dark small hands, slowly opened them andput them against his wrinkled face.

"Ah:" Just at the same time, John shouted and was about to take out his dark smallhands. Yet the pastor tightly held his small hands and spread them out in the sun.

"Do you see, John?"


"You're cupping the sunshine in your hands."

John blankly looked at his hands: when did they become so beautiful?

"In God's eyes, all cluldren are the same. When they are willing to spread out their hands to greet the sun, the sun will naturally shine on them. And you have two things more than they do. First is courage and the second is kindness." With that, the pastor led him into the church.      It was the first time that John went into this sacred place, and at this moment he  didn't feel inferior, but the unspeakable warmth.

On that morning embracing the sunshine, John found himself again, along with the  confidence, satisfaction, happiness, dreams he had never had.

Twenty years have passed. Now the boy who ever tightly held the bread with his dirt hands has been the most famous chefin Philadelphia and made many popular dishes.

Every Sunday morning, he would personally send the bread he baked to the orphanage. Those children who greeted him with cheers were used to consciously spreading their palms before they got the bread.

Because they all knew when we are willing to spread out our hands to greet thesunshine, the sun will naturally shine on us.

1.The method the writer uses to develop Paragraph lis      

A.presenting contrasts                     B.showing causes

C.offering analyses                        D.providing explanations

2.Why didn't John go inside whenever he went to the church?

A.He was frightened to be recognized by the pastor

B.He was not welcomed by those singing in the church.

C.He was ashamed of his dirty clothes and identity as a thief.

D.He was left alone in the orphanage and nobody cared for him.

3.John felt     when the pastor walked up to him.

A.excited           B.nervous           C.satisfied           D.angry

4.Which of the following questions did John respond to firmly?

A.6'Are you John?"                       B."Do you see, John?"

C."So you believe in yourself?"               D."Do you believe in God?"

5.Which of the following can best reflect the pastor's great influence on John?

A.John became a famous chef.

B.John admitted his bad behavior.

C.John believed the existence of God.

D.John spread warmth to other orphans.

6.According to the passage, the sunshine cupped in hands can bring

A. cheers and confidence    B, dreams and imagination

C. courage and lindness     D. orgiveness and satisfaction



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