满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Christmas roses It was the afternoon of ...

Christmas roses

It was the afternoon of December 24, the day before Christmas, and as the newest doctor in our office, I   36 to wok. The only thing that brightened my day was the beautifully 37 Christmas tree in our waiting room and a gift sent to me by my  38  --- a dozen red roses.

Then a woman came in with an infant (婴儿).39  she explained that her husband was a prisoner and was my next  40  . She told me she wasn’t allowed to visit her husband in prison and that he had never seen his son. She  41  me to let the boy’s father sit in the waiting room with her as long as possible  42  I called him for his appointment. Since my schedule wasn’t full, I  43 .

A short time later, her husband  44  ---with two armed  45 as an escort ( 护卫 ). The woman’s tired face 46 up like our little Christmas tree when her husband took a 47 beside her. I kept peeking out to watch them laugh, cry and 48 with their child.

After almost an hour, I called the  49  back to the operatory. The patient seemed like a gentle and humble(谦逊的)man. I wondered what he possibly could have done to be 50 under such conditions. I tried to make him as comfortable as possible.

At the end I wished him a Merry Christmas --- a difficult thing to say to a man 51 back to prison. He smiled and thanked me. He said he felt 52 by the fact he hadn’t been able to get his wife anything for Christmas. On 53 this , I was inspired with a wonderful idea.

I’ll never forget the look on both their faces as the prisoner gave his wife the beautiful 54 . I’m not sure who 55 the most joy --- the husband in giving, the wife in receiving, or myself in having the opportunity to share in this special moment.

1.                A.needed        B.used           C.had  D.ought


2.                A.dressed        B.decorated       C.cut  D.planted


3.                A.classmate       B.boss           C.parent   D.boyfriend


4.                A.Nervously       B.Eagerly         C.Curiously D.Carefully


5.                A.colleague       B.patient         C.student   D.customer


6.                A.begged         B.ordered        C.asked    D.invited


7.                A.when          B.until           C.after D.before


8.                A.smiled         B.hesitated        C.agreed   D.refused


9.                A.escaped        B.arrived         C.cried D.quarreled


10.               A.soldiers        B.judges          C.lawyers   D.guards


11.               A.went          B.lit             C.took  D.brought


12.               A.seat           B.rest           C.ride  D.look


13.               A.joy            B.water          C.food  D.possessions


14.               A.prisoner        B.nurse          C.doctor    D.woman


15.               A.awarded        B.punished       C.caught    D.held


16.               A.brought        B.gone           C.headed   D.returned


17.               A.saddened       B.excited         C.surprised  D.pleased


18.               A.seeing         B.hearing         C.remembering   D.learning


19.               A.tree           B.clothes         C.roses D.necklace


20.               A.enjoyed        B.suffered        C.benefited  D.experienced



1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.D 11.B 12.A 13.A 14.A 15.D 16.C 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述了作者目睹了一位妻子带着孩子看望服刑丈夫的感人场面。作者把别人送给自己的礼物送给了那位服刑的丈夫,让他在圣诞前夕能够为妻子送一份礼物。同时作者自己也感到了一份幸福。 1.考查动词:A. needed需要B. used用C. had有D. ought应该,考查词组have to不得不,选C。 2.考查动词:A. dressed穿B. decorated 装饰C. cut切割D. planted种植,因为是圣诞前夕,所以应该是妆饰地很漂亮的放在屋里的圣诞树。答案B. 3.考查名词:A. classmate 同学B. boss老板C. parent 父母D. boyfriend男朋友。作者收到男友送的一份圣诞礼物。选D。 4.考查副词:A. Nervously 紧张地B. Eagerly渴望地C. Curiously好奇地D. Carefully仔细地,根据语境,那位女士紧张地向我解释。选A。 5.考查名词:A. colleague同事B. patient 病人C. student学生D. customer顾客,是我下一个病人。选B。 6.考查动词:A. begged乞求B. ordered 命令C. asked问D. invited邀请,她乞求我让她先进来。选A。 7.考查连词:A. when 当…时候B. until直到C. after 在…后面D. before在…前面,在我叫他之前让他一直呆在候诊室外面。选D。 8.考查动词:A. smiled微笑B. hesitated犹豫  C. agreed同意D. refused拒绝,作者同意了。选C。 9.考查动词:A. escaped 逃跑B. arrived 到达C. cried哭D. quarreled争吵,很快,她的丈夫就到了。选B。 10.考查名词:A. soldiers士兵B. judges法官C. lawyers律师D. guards卫兵,根据文章可知,女士的丈夫在服刑,所以有两个卫兵在他左右。选D。 11.考查动词:A. went 去B. lit点燃C. took拿D. brought买,light up指当丈夫出现时, 妻子喜形于色。其他不符合语境。选B。 12.考查名词:A. seat座位B. rest休息C. ride骑车D. look表情,take a seat坐下,选A。 13.考查名词:A. joy 快乐B. water 水C. food 食物D. possessions财产,和前面的laugh, cry并列的是joy,选A。 14.考查名词:A. prisoner囚犯B. nurse护士C. doctor医生D. woman妇女,前文有交代she explained that her husband was a prisoner,选A。 15.考查动词:A. awarded 颁奖B. punished 惩罚C. caught 抓D. held举起,使得,这里用hold表示使得某人处于…状态。选D。 16.考查动词:A. brought买B. gone去C. headed 前往D. returned回来,对要被送回到监狱的人来说是很难的。选C。 17.考查动词:A. saddened悲伤B. excited兴奋C. surprised惊讶D. pleased高兴,不能给妻子一个礼物应该是难过的。选A。 18.考查动词:A. seeing看见B. hearing听见C. remembering记得D. learning学习,作者因听到丈夫的话而受到启发,选B。 19.考查名词:A. tree 树B. clothes 衣服C. roses玫瑰D. necklace项链,文章第一段就交代男朋友送的a dozen red roses.选C。 20.考查动词:A. enjoyed享受B. suffered遭受C. benefited从…中收益D. experienced经验,经历,作者自己也不确定谁经历了最大的快乐---送礼物的丈夫,接受了礼物的妻子,还是有机会来分享这样特殊时刻的自己。选D。 考点:考查故事类完型填空

---Did you go to the show last night?

--- Yeah.Every boy and every girl in the area ____ invited.

A.were             B.was              C.has been          D.have been



Wolves are very ______: they can live in forests, on open plains, or in the snows of the Arctic.

A.adaptable         B.adoptable         C.available          D.accessible



His diet can not be considered as healthy because it contains a lot of fat _______ meat, cakes and cream.

A.in terms of        B.in need of         C.in the form of      D.in favor of



Though ____ money, the parents of the twins managed to send them to university.

A.lacked            B.lacking            C.lacking of          D.lacked in



—Have you got used to the Chinese food, Robert?

—Yes, but I don't like ________ when a Chinese host keeps serving me the food I don't like.

A.this              B.that              C.those             D.it



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