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LONDON (AP) — England joins on Sunday th...

LONDON (AP) — England joins on Sunday the growing list of places that ban smoking in public buildings, taxis and other places including even Buckingham Palace with a tough law.

Pubs, clubs and restaurants will all be smoke-free. Taxi and delivery drivers have been warned that they too could be fined 50 pounds, or about $100, if caught lighting up inside work vehicles.

Experts say the bans have become an irreversible (不可逆转的) tread because of greatly rising health costs and public uneasiness over second-hand smoke. Some of the strictest smoking bans are in the United States, even though there is no federal anti-smoking policy. New York and Florida have strict bans, while California has certain outdoor smoking bans.

Spain, Italy, Iran, Norway, Sweden, Singapore, South Africa, Uruguay and new Zealand have passed legislation(立法) to restrict smoking. France banned smoking in many public places in February and plans to extend the ban to cafes and restaurants next year. Finland is introducing a ban in 2009.

Despite the spread of bans, the World Health Organization predicts a steady rise in tobacco sales. In its Tobacco Atlas, the WHO said that by 2030 there will be “at least another two billion smokers in the world” and an expected decrease in male smokers “will be offset by an increase in female smoking rates, especially in developing countries.”

In advance of the English ban, anti-smoking ads have coated bus stops and the British government has subsidized(资助) programs to help people quit. The rest of Britain—Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland —already have smoking bans in place.

1.The first two paragraphs mainly tell us_______

A.Buckingham Palace bans smoking

B.smoking ban comes into force in England

C.there’s no smoking in Buckingham Palace

D.smoking is against the law in England

2.Which of the following places may still be smoking areas in England?

A.Private houses                         B.Taxis.

C.Restaurants.                           D.London clubs

3.The underlined word “offset” in paragraph 5 probably means “________”.

A.decreased         B.raised            C.encouraged        D.balanced

4.What do we know from the passage?

A.Smoking has strictly been forbidden in cafes in France.

B.There is an extremely strict smoking ban everywhere in America.

C.Smoking situation is still serious across the world.

D.Related ads didn’t appear in England until the English ban was lifted.(解除)


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了在世界各地展开的禁烟活动,但虽然各国都展开了活动,抽烟的人数仍然不少,形式仍然很严峻。 1.B 段落大意题。前两段讲述的是在英国很多的地方都禁止吸烟。说明的禁烟令的实施,故B正确。 2.A 细节题。根据文章第二段Pubs, clubs and restaurants will all be smoke-free. Taxi and delivery drivers have been warned that they too could be fined 50 pounds, or about $100, if caught lighting up inside work vehicles.说明BCD三个地方都不允许抽烟,A项文章没有提及,故A正确。 3.D 推理题。根据本句an expected decrease in male smokers “will be offset by an increase in female smoking rates, especially in developing countries.说明男性抽烟的下降和女性抽烟的上升形成平衡,故D正确。 4.C 段落大意题。根据文章倒数第二段说明虽然在世界上很多的地方都禁止抽烟了,但是整个的形式仍然不乐观,抽烟的人仍然很多,故C正确。 考点:考查新闻报告类短文阅读

Do your children always sit still and watch TV? If so, you should be very alert!

Nowadays, children watch television for long hours. They often spend evenings watching their favorite programs on TV. Sometimes they might stay up late to watch TV. Their addiction to television results in their not having time to play or do exercise. They should go outside with friends or spend time reading books. Moreover, watching television too much is harmful to their eyesight.

Researchers claim that attention deficit disorders in children are a result of watching too much television. They say that watching television leads to a developmental disorder in the part of the brain which is responsible for language skills. Children who watch television more and read less have greater difficulty paying attention and concentrating. Children that spend long hours watching television are more likely to be affected by attention deficit disorders.

Television is one form of media which is used to show all kinds of products. Watching too much television can lead to early exposure to a wide variety of things. Television advertisements may cause children to behave incorrectly or damage themselves. Advertisements about fast food, cold drinks or other such products that are not good for children’s health can have a bad effect on them. Some TV shows and films also affect how children think and behave.

Studies in psychology have shown that certain programs can have a long-lasting effect on children’s minds. Horror scenes and other frightening shows can have a negative effect on the minds of children watching them.

Television is a means of recreation but watching it too often is harmful to children’s physical and mental health. You need to help you children deep a balance of everything in life.

1.The underlined word “deficit ” in the third paragraph most probably means _____.

A.need             B.habit             C.fear              D.lack

2.It’s implied in the last paragraph that you should ______.

A.decide on when children can watch television

B.give children more time to play

C.help you children balance everyday life

D.stop you children from watching TV

3.What is the passage mainly about?

A.The bad effects watching TV has on children.

B.How many hours children should spend watching TV.

C.How advertisements affect children’s behavior.

D.What scenes children should not watch on TV.

4.Which of the following are the effects of watching too much TV according to the passage?

a. causing children to have less time to read good books.

b. making children behave improperly

c. harming children’s eyesight

d. affecting the parent-child relationship

A.a, b, d            B.b, c, d            C.a, b, c            D.a, c, d



It's not just adults who have a thing or two to discuss with other people, babies too have their own social lives and enjoy group interaction, according to a world-first study.

The breakthrough study conducted by psychologist Professor Ben Bradley, at Charles Sturt University, could completely transform the way child-care centers are set up. In their study, the researchers examined groups of nine-month-old babies in new South Wales and Britain.

And they came across astonishing results—it was found that infants had “social brains” and focused not just on their mothers but on social 1ife in groups as well,

“They communicate with more than one baby at once,and show jealousy and generousness,”said Professor Bradley.

He added,“They develop their own meanings through group interaction,they notice if a group member is behaving differently and they take on roles,such as leaders and followers.”

“A baby who has a depressed mother tends to be withdrawn(内向的),but put that same baby in a group of its peers(同龄人)and they behave and interact like any other baby.”

It was the first all-baby group study ever to be conducted.“Most studies of babies concentrate on the infant-mother relationship,assuming that is the single foundation for mental health.but babies are constantly involved with groups of people other than their mothers:fathers,siblings,grandparents and those taking care.Therefore。the ‘mother-baby approach’ needs to be combined with a‘ group approach’.”said Bradley.

Phoebe Christison ,a child-care worker at Camperdown Sunshine Bubs in Sydney’s inner west.said she often noticed what appeared.to be emotional attachments developed between toddlers

She said,“Joel(10 months)and Isabella (11months)always like to hold hands when they sit in their high chairs and eat.And babies definitely show jealousy.They push and touch each other,and copy what the other is doing.”

1.A baby who has a depressed mother ____  .

A.tends to be a follower

B.also enjoys group interaction

C.has poor social ability

D.pays more attention to its mother

2.What can be inferred from the result of this study?

A.Babies are affected by groups more than by their mothers.

B.There’s no need of child-care centers at a11.

C. Adults should include babies when having social activities.

D.The normal infant-mother bond alone isn’t enough for the good mental health for babies.

3.The underlined word “toddlers” in Para.8 can be replaced by_________

A.adults            B.infants            C.peers            D.groups

4.The example given in the last paragraph proves that a baby________ .

A.is born to be friendly to other babies

B.has interest in peers as well as in its mother

C.may have emotional attachments to another baby

D.shows jealousy and generousness as an adult



The turning point of my life was my decision to give up a promising business career and study music. My parents, although sharing my love of music, didn’t __36__ it as a profession. My grandfather, having taught music for years at college and, though much __37__, earned merely enough to support his family. As a result of this _38___in the family, I went to college -----quite __39__, for although I loved my violin and spent most of my spare time practicing, I had many other _40___. Before my graduation from Columbia, I felt _41___my duty to leave college and take a job. Aside from the satisfaction of being able to ___42__the family, money is all I got out of it. My only ambition was to save enough to _43___ the job and go to Europe to study __44___. I used to get up at dawn to practice_45__ I left for “downtown “to work. . I continued to make money, and _46__, bit by bit, accumulated enough to enable me to ___47_.

The situation of my family improved, and my help was _48___necessary, so I resigned from my __49__and, feeling like a man released from jail, sailed for _50___. I stayed four years, worked harder than I had ever dreamed of working before and _51___every minute of it. I was a _52__man and I was doing what I__53__ to do and what I was meant to do. If I had stayed in business, I might be a quite wealthy man today, __54__ I wouldn’t have made a success of living . I would have _55__all those that money can never buy.

Money is a wonderful thing, but it is possible to pay too high price on it.

1.                A.receive         B.accept          C.refuse    D.keep


2.                A.respected       B.hated          C.doubted  D.scolded


3.                A.excuse         B.chance         C.promise  D.example


4.                A.happily         B.sadly           C.hopelessly D.nervously


5.                A.interests        B.pities           C.experiments   D.problems


6.                A.this            B.that            C.it    D.one


7.                A.question        B.help           C.warn D.visit


8.                A.give up         B.give in          C.go on D.throw away


9.                A.computer       B.law            C.history   D.music


10.               A.after           B.in case         C.before    D.the moment


11.               A.firstly          B.finally          C.generally  D.lately


12.               A.go back        B.go home        C.go abroad  D.go down


13.               A.no longer       B.of course       C.in fact D.much too


14.               A.position        B.college         C.home D.friends


15.               A.Asia           B.Europe         C.Africa D.North America


16.               A.wasted         B.lost            C.forgot D.enjoyed


17.               A.native          B.free           C.wise  D.weak


18.               A.repeated       B.offered         C.loved D.signed


19.               A.so             B.and            C.but   D.for


20.               A.missed         B.gained         C.achieved  D.won




____ the instructions on the packet when you take the drug and the drug, I think, will work soon.

A.Follow            B.To follow          C.Following          D.Followed



Please double         that report. In other words, type on every other line.

A.spacing           B.spaced            C.space            D.a space



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