满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A very little boy was spending his Satur...

A very little boy was spending his Saturday morning playing in his sandbox. He had with him a plastic pail (桶) and a shiny, red plastic shovel (铲). In the  1  of creating roads and tunnels in the sand, he   2  a large rock in the middle of the sandbox.

The boy dug around the rock,  3  to move it off the dirt. At first, he wanted to carry it out of the sandbox with his hands; however, it was too heavy. Later, with much   4 , he pushed the rock across the sandbox by   5  his hands. When the boy got the rock to the   6  of the sandbox, he found that he couldn’t roll it up and   7  the little wall.   8 , the little boy pushed, but every time he thought he had made some   9 , the rock tipped (翻滚) and then fell back into the sandbox. The little boy pushed and pushed, but his only   10  was to have the rock roll back.

Finally he  11  tears. All this time the boy’s father watched from his living room window   12  the drama was unfolded. The moment the tears fell, a large   13  appeared across the sandbox. It was the boy’s father. Gently but   14 , he said, “Son, why didn’t you use all the strength that you had?”

Defeated, the boy   15  back, “I did! I did! I used all the strength that I had!”

“No, you didn’t. You didn’t ask me for help.” The father   16  down, picked up the rock and dropped it off the sandbox.

Do you have “rocks” in your life that need to be   17 ? Are you discovering that you don’t have   18  it takes to lift them? There is someone who is willing to give us the  19  we need. Maybe, it’s sometimes a good idea to ask others for   20  when we meet difficulties we can’t overcome.

1.                A.method        B.step           C.practice  D.process


2.                A.created        B.set            C.discovered    D.brought


3.                A.trying          B.managing       C.deciding  D.competing


4.                A.thought        B.struggle         C.movement D.worry


5.                A.touching        B.shaking         C.using D.controlling


6.                A.bottom         B.center          C.edge D.front


7.                A.over           B.down          C.through  D.into


8.                A.Doubted        B.Surprised       C.Pleased   D.Determined


9.                A.attempt        B.progress        C.effort    D.decision


10.               A.hope          B.reward         C.point D.purpose


11.               A.made out       B.broke out       C.burst into  D.rushed into


12.               A.so             B.as             C.until  D.before


13.               A.rock           B.picture         C.figure D.shade


14.               A.surprisingly     B.doubtfully       C.kindly D.firmly


15.               A.shouted        B.smiled         C.called D.asked


16.               A.reached        B.looked         C.fell   D.put


17.               A.pushed         B.dropped        C.carried    D.removed


18.               A.who           B.what           C.which D.where


19.               A.minds          B.spirits          C.force D.strength


20.               A.help           B.tips            C.advice D.ideas



1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.B 11.C 12.B 13.C 14.D 15.A 16.A 17.D 18.B 19.D 20.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文的主要内容是:通过讲述一位父亲和儿子的故事,说明这样一个道理——当我们遇到我们不能够克服的困难时,找别人帮忙。 1. 根据creating roads and tunnels in the sand可知是在用沙子建造路和隧道的过程中,故选D。 2. 根据a large rock in the middle of the sandbox可知是他发现了一块岩石,故选C。 3.根据At first, he wanted to carry it out of the sandbox with his hands可知这里想说,试图把它移开,故选A。 4.根据he pushed the rock across the sandbox by using his hands. 可知他经过了更多的努力,故选B。 5. 根据his hands可知是用手,故选C 6.当小男孩把石头放到沙箱的一边,bottom底部;center中心;edge 边缘,端;front 前面。故选C。 7.表示超过了小墙,over超过;down   在……下方;through穿过;into进入……中。故选 A。 8.根据下文the little boy pushed, but every time he thought he had made some   progress, the rock tipped (翻滚) and then fell back into the sandbox.可知小男孩很有决心,故选D。 9.根据the rock tipped (翻滚) and then fell back into the sandbox. The little boy pushed and pushed,可知他认为有了一些进展.故选B。 10.这里想表达他唯一的回报,hope希望、期望; reward报酬、报答; point   要点、得分;purpose意志、目的。故选B。 11.burst into tears是固定用法,意思为突然大哭起来,故选C。 12.表示“当……时候”, so因此;as当......时;until到......为止;before在......之前。故选B。 13.根据It was the boy’s father.故选 C。 14.根据he said, “Son, why didn’t you use all the strength that you had?” 可知这里想说温和但却坚定,故选D。 15.根据“I did! I did! I used all the strength that I had!”,故选A。 16.根据picked up the rock and dropped it off the sandbox.故选A。 17.根据The father reached down, picked up the rock and dropped it off the sandbox.故选D。 18.这是一个宾语从句,且引导词在宾语从句中作宾语,故选B。 19.根据上文“Son, why didn’t you use all the strength that you had?”,故选D。 20.根据when we meet difficulties we can’t overcome.可知这里想说当我们遇到我们不能够克服的困难时,找别人帮忙,故选A。 考点:这是一篇记叙文

_____ anyone phone during the board meeting, please tell them I am busy.

A.Should           B.Will              C.May              D.Can



Tom Hopper got his work _____ in the filming industry for his film had been crowned best picture at the Oscars.

A.to recognize       B.recognizing        C.recognize         D.recognized



If our product ____ unsatisfactory within 7 days in any way, you can take it back.

A.shows            B.proves            C.makes            D.performs



--Mum, I don’t think I am qualified enough to do this.

--Honey, be confident! You should know it is ____ a man thinks of himself ___ really determines his fate.

A.that; that          B.how; that          C.what; that         D.how; how



As long as you’ve paid ____ advance we won’t charge you ____ delivery.

A.by: for            B.in; with           C.in; for            D.by; with



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